Saturday, 13 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 13/11/21; The first rule in the Game lof Lies is there are no lies; What is CHUKUS? 30 Secret Meetings;

 PM says he doesn’t believe he’s told a lie in public life

 Morrison has changed the meaning of  Prime Ministership. To him in the Game of politics there are no lies not even calling him a liar. But that doesn't really matter so go ahead because there are no rules in Morrisonland that's why there's no fucking Independant Federal ICAC. 

In the 24/7 News cycle and the Game of politics anything goes. Because of the speed at which news travels, here today gone tomorrow the only excercise is to stay ahead of it. Advertisers PR people and politicians play it and it's fast as, and never ending. Winning and losing aren't even the primary goal because there isn't an end. Ergo; in Morrison's view there are no rules or lies only staying ahead of the game and surfing, controlling the media wave. That's why the fucking ABC has to go and why the Independant News "trolls" on the Social Media need to be controlled. Otherwise rorts, backstabbing, speaking in tongues supporting your crash through rollerball team of thugs, no matter what, and even rigging the system can't become acceptable. Because to Morrison like Trump politics is just a never ending Game in which they found themselves accidental leaders but not a Prime Minister or in Trump's case a President.

 Scott Morrison says he doesn’t believe he’s told a lie in public life after French President Emmanuel Macron accused him of lying.

PM says he doesn’t believe he’s told a lie in public life


Scott Morrison COP26

No Shame Oop! that's No Pride in Morrison Land

As the COP26 climate summit comes to a close, the Australian government has little to show for its attendance other than a seemingly battered and bruised global reputation. Australia sat out of agreements to cut methane emissions, coal use and deforestation, despite many of the world’s largest nations signing on to such commitments. 

 How the Australian govt was embarrassed on the COP26 world stage

So much for AUKUS,  CHUKUS seems a more apt term for this immediate agreement where China the UK, and the US are in step, Why? It’s patently clear. But not so for the A in AUKUS. However, given China hasn’t invaded anyone recently and the LNP has why are they acting as if China has? How embarrassing for Morrison whose been left out of the loop not advised of 30 secret meetings his besty has had. He will feel the sting of his do-nothing climate policy in the near future well before he gets any submarines. Because America China, and the UK will invest in climate cooperation which translates into much wider cooperation and they will leave the climate laggard, Morrison’s Australia, out in the wilderness.

The US-China competition is much more like European rivalries in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, as between France and Britain or Britain and Germany, where capitalist countries competed for entry into foreign markets on the most favorable terms and for diplomatic and military spheres of influence. Despite President Xi’s sabre rattling, China isn’t at the point where it has taken over other countries (as the US did most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan).

 After 30 Secret Meetings, US and China announce Joint initiative to Combat Global Heating in Diplomatic Thaw

Foreign Minister Marise Payne, who  met her New Zealand counterpart Nanaia Mahuta on Thursday.

Believe it or not from the mouth of this “do-nothing” “we have a plan”government comes the chest beating challenge to the US and China “action is louder than words” na nana nana na!! The arrogance that shames all Australians is something exceptional. This Australian Government has shown it’s stripes and shamed us they have joined the Russians and Saudis as a counter pledge in this existential game of climate chess. While proudly crying “we don’t need to have the planet’s best interests at heart” “That’s the Australian ( MAGA ) Way”

Foreign Minister Marise Payne says she welcomes a climate agreement between the United States and China but it needs to be translated into action, conceding there are still many differences between the world’s two largest emitters.

 Marise Payne says US and China now need to put climate pact into action


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