Monday, 15 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 15/11/21; Polls; Pork barrelling, The Frydenberg Economic bungee; Israel's foriegn policy influences;




”Magic” Mark Coulton and ”Not a little but a lot” David Littleproud have shown rare abilities in raiding the pork barrel. In the second part of his series, Jommy Tee examines the largesse being showered on two Coalition electorates as a result of substantial political interference.

 Regional grants: the pork is succulent in super-safe seats – Michael West Media


Living standards tumbling in Australia despite booming national wealth

While Josh Frydenberg is telling us how were booming from the bottom where he helped put us. Reality tells a significantly different story

 Households are getting a lower share of the nation’s income than ever before, despite total revenue increasing, reports Alan Austin.

May be an image of 14 people and text that says 'Murdoch and Morrison S Pigsty of neo-Liberal neo- Science Phobes COMOU NWW odbrol Promoting Rebellion and Mistrust in the State of Victoria Spreading their insidious versions of 'truth' with followers and undermining the medical science by attacking Victoria's CM0's, the Premier, and incredibly... blocking medical experts from their Twitter feeds for calling them out on the facts The dire consequencess of this politically orchestrated media campaign S now sadly evident in the great State of Victoria.' 

 Note no mention what is now occurring in Europe with the onset of winter the very thing Dan Andrews wants to prevent. No a single forward thinker here just a mob claiming to be individuals saying "fuck you"

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