Thursday, 4 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 4/11/21, The LNP Way is the Australian Way according to Morrison;



"The plan will rely on innovation" 

 Isn't global warming the result of 150 years of "technical innovation" at all cost for profit without unintended effects which the fossil fuel industry knew about since the 1960s. Isn't Morrison now saying it's not up to the government to regulate on how the nation's goals and the industries goals need be fixed? Simply put "trust them" we the governments need do nothing? The subsidies we provide them to stall any rapid change won't be called a tax but " non recourse loans".  "That's the Australian Way"

"Laws need to be passed cancelling trolls. Any criticism of him on any social or other form of media will no longer be tolerated"

Morrison sets target for net zero allies by end of climate summit

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Slomo does his speech at the COP26 meeting Camnt in Glasgow to an empty room. Nobody stayed around to listen to the coal loving bullshit spewing from his mouth. UINCLIMATE CONFERENCE f KLO We give thanks to SBS for actually showing what the other channels wouldn't show us, our embarrassment of a PM... Vote this failure out at election time!! stralia'

 A compositive image of Scott Morrison and Xi Jinping

China emits far more than Australia x27 times more. but, per person, Australia is much worse with x1,300 less people.

If there was a global food shortage Morrison logic would simply dictate we can continue eating x27 times more as what we eat is a drop in the ocean compared to China who needs to eat less. "It's the Australian Way"

The developing countries are among the largest emitters but if smaller, highly-industrialised countries like Australia do not reduce their emissions, despite all their historical advantages, what compulsion is there upon other nations to act?

Countries with largest cumulative emissions 1850 – 2021

An important detail Morrison omits when he says Australia barely contributes to global warming


 If Morrison's climate logic was applied to grants what would the regions get?

The Morrison government’s country contingent knows how to count. If there’s a dollar to dole out to the regions, they will ensure that 80 cents of it goes to the people they won over or want to win over. While the panel may have acted within the letter of the funding guidelines, they have racked up a massive ethical deficit. Special correspondent Jommy Tee reports.

 The Morrison government’s country contingent knows how to count. If there’s a dollar to dole out to the regions, they... 


Regional Grants: a bumper crop of rorts


Defiant Smith casts doubt over Guy’s public statements
 Tim  Smith Politician has no sympathy for others yet cries out he the exception! He claims he's really human and is  being treated like the Elephant Man. "I'm an idiot" I'll never drink in public again" "I only had a couple of drinks" "Never mind they were out of vases". " Promises to Uber for life and we can pay" 
The Liberal MP has declared he will take some time out but will not admit that his political career is over after a booze-fuelled crash on Saturday.

Defiant Smith casts doubt over Guy’s public statements

May be a cartoon of fire, outdoors and textMay be an image of 1 person and text that says '"I've got broad shoulders, can deal with that. But those slurs, I'm not going to cop sledging of Australia, I'm not going to cop that on behalf of Australians. Fact check Wrong, President Macron didn't sledge Australia, in fact he has great respect for Australia. He sledged you for being a Fucking Liar. Liar Leo'

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