Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 3/11/21 Morrison has played, rehearsed and practised the role of the Artful Dodger all his life but has never been "Endearing" or "Charismatic"




My thought for the day Life is about perception. Not what it is but what we perceive it to be. ( John Lord )

Source: Would you please explain, Prime Minister, just what is the Australian way? – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Morrison refuses to play until he knows who the winner is

Image of Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Image via ABC News

When the Artless Dodger proved to be a global idiot a bigger joke and fake than Tony Abbott. Who was once taken on a photo-shoot to a VIP Atlanta lunch by Rupert Murdoch to boost his stocks and getting snapped. They got busted!!

Today Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Dig up, prime minister By Nick Feik Image of Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Image via ABC News Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Image via ABC News Morrison is in a hole, and making things worse In response to the comments that French President Emmanuel Macron aimed at Scott Morrison yesterday (“Do you think he lied to you?” a journalist asked Macron. “I don’t think, I know,” Macron replied), Morrison has proceeded to dig himself in deeper. First the PM’s staff leaked a text message from Macron to the Coalition’s favourite propaganda outlet, The Daily Telegraph, which dutifully ran a story around it. (Funnily enough, the Tele was one of the few mastheads that hadn’t run a major story on the fact that the French president had accused the Australian PM of lying.) The Tele proposed that the text message from Macron (“Should I expect good or bad news for our joint submarines ambitions?”) somehow proved that he had been told that Australia was cancelling its submarine contract – and that the Frenchman “just didn’t want to hear it”. It proved nothing of the sort, and there was no evidence to support this contention other than the single text message and the assertions of “sources familiar with talks between the two men”. (Gee, who could they be?)

Not content with the diplomatically disastrous ploy of leaking private messages and backgrounding against foreign leaders to the press, Morrison then took a public shot at Macron, accusing him of attacking Australia’s integrity. What’s more, Morrison added, “I’m not going to cop sledging of Australia, I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians.”

To be clear: Macron had not sledged Australians generally. He had sledged Morrison personally. (“I have a lot of respect for your country,” Macron said. “I have a lot of respect – and a lot of friendship – for your people.”)

 Dig up, prime minister | The Monthly


 If Macron just shuts up

Australia to build $5 billion clay shooting club in Paris, in effort to mend relationship with France 

Angus Taylor and Scott Morrison

 Australia has made its pitch to the world for technology, not taxes to deal with climate change, putting it at odds with other nations. 

Because his donors are those that disagree with the "“Enough of burning and drilling and mining our way deeper, to digging our own graves.” Morrison has promised to provide a stalling for the CO2 emitting industries.

The $250bn funds your money but "is not a tax". According to Morrison it's an investment. It's punt that if the government simply gives the fossil fuel industry a boost the bulk of that money will be used to find a solution just as industry did with JobKeeper and JobMaker during the pandemic. The Morrison's government role is not to interfere but to give grants to those that support his short term goals while Murdoch's is to cheer him on.

World leaders struggle to agree on pact as PM spruiks green tech fix

 Prime Minister Scott Morrison and French President Emmanuel Macron.

The French President’ statement is bracing, like someone dunking your head underwater. It got me thinking about how Morrison-speak makes everything hazy.

To translate the French President’s comment into Australian: “No mate, I don’t think the bloke lied to me. I bloody know he did.”

The statement is bracing, like someone dunking your head underwater. It got me thinking about how Morrison-speak makes everything so hazy it’s like living in a Godard flick.

Meanwhile behind the scenes   Australia is busily forging new alliances on the slow phase-out of fossil fuels with Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Is the rest of the world seeing through the fog from the fellah downunder?

How Macron’s ‘I don’t think, I know’ breaks through Morrison’s fog of spin


Malcolm Turnbull, who is in Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit, said Scott Morrison had lied to him when they worked together in government.

Morrison’s History is that of a liar a spin doctor and like Trump thinks he has the backing to get away with the bullshit because he has center stage.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has joined French President Emmanuel Macron in calling Scott Morrison a liar over the cancellation of a $90 billion submarine contract, saying the Prime Minister had a reputation for being dishonest. In a fierce criticism of his former colleague, Mr Turnbull said Mr Morrison had lied to him when they worked together in government but had committed a graver mistake by being dishonest on an international level.

 Malcolm Turnbull joins Emmanuel Macron in rebuking Scott Morrison on submarines deal

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