Here comes Rupert to the rescue who would have for a moment thought all these editors were INDEPENDENT THINKERS It appears anyone EXCEPT Scott Morrison is to blame for the diplomatic shambles. One thing is for certain though they don't like Morrison.

Corman has finally found a job and ditched the Bullshit
OECD chief calls for the phase-out, as the COP26 climate summit shifts focus on how to eliminate coal.‘Remove distortions’:
We were taxed by The Morrison Government in getting Corman his job and even Corman is insisting that Morrison is wrong. Now that was a tax worth paying
Mathias Cormann calls for fossil fuel subsidies to be abolished

The United Kingdom has called an end to the era of coal, saying it had 77 signatories to a pledge to phase out the dirtiest of the fossil fuels that cause global warming, as a study showed carbon dioxide emissions had rebounded to near pre-pandemic levels.
UK tells COP26 ‘end of coal is in sight’

The LNP have truly become the NO POLICY PARTY instep with THE TRUMP PARTY, the GOP, or THE MURDOCH PARTY in the USA. They no longer have any original policies of their own the Morrison LNP flags Republican Party ideas as their own. Idiots like Senator Van set the standard when they publicly declare Independant Statuary bodies as left-wing agents. Tudge turned to Education and wants no demands what is taught needs to be changed. The fought tooth and nail against Marriage Equality despite knowing 75% of the nation supported it. Climate change is the same the nation is being ignored sold out for a bag of beans.
Now Voter ID is being flagged. Soon we will see Compulsory Voting being challenged. Two pillars of Australia's Democracy are being challenged. The Goebellian Murdoch media is being subsidised by the slashing and trashing of our Independant ABC. Partisan appointments on boards, positions that are meant to be non partisan are increasingly common. As is the non tendered outsourcing and the shrinking of the Public Service for favored quid pro quo contracts. The very notion of the Separation of Powers is being eroded.
Democracy is a baby threatened to be thrown out with the bathwater when a single Party can't accept the concepts of service and election loss, and that their sole four yearly focus is on retaining power and their jobs over and above Representation. Elections under authoritarians become theatre. The way of Orban in Hungary, Erdogen in Turkey and since Trump the way and want of the GOP in America. The new LNP practices in Australia are a goose step closer and one taht needs to be STOPPED. Democracy in Australia seems to only have one home in Australia and it's no longer in the LNP
The Coalition/One Nation voter ID proposal is a solution in search of a problem, but in the process it highlights an actual problem bedevilling the conservative end of Australian politics – cultural cringe.
Credit where it’s due: Last week’s “thought bubble straight out of the Donald Trump playbook”, as Anthony Albanese labelled it, served the government’s immediate political purpose of providing a distraction amid all those uncomfortable climate and Nationals’ extortion headlines.
It fed the paranoid end of the government’s base a little more fear about anyone who might not fit the “Quiet Australians” team uniform.
Michael Pascoe: The Liberal Party is our local Trump Party
It’s Global Franchise LNP,IPA and Murdoch and can be found in many
forms in the UK and USA. A marriage to keep the modern-day version of
the new barbarians clean and cheaper energy from the gates. The planet
well that’s a secondary thought that can always be tweaked with the
right paid-for spin as long as independent rational and scientific
information is controlled. That’s the Art of the Deal they sell. Remember the Koch Bros in the USA. Tony Abbott's political patronage of Dr Bjorn Lomborg and the Copenhagen Consensus Center. Abbott cut scientific research tried to create a University Dept fo BL's BS while the IPA, and Murdoch's Andrew Bolt declared Lomborg as the center of global science consensus and rationalism. a visionary on the planet to be housed in the world's biggest Fossil Fuel center of excellence. Yes they wanted to set him up this cultist in an Australian University when the rest of the world was dumping him like a hot coal ember. We were and still are so backward and now stand out even more globally.
The Institute of Public Affairs paid to push targeted Facebook ads based on a “faulty analysis” claiming net zero would cause massive job losses in key Liberal and National seats during last month’s Coalition infighting. Last month, as the Coalition debated a net zero 2050 policy, the IPA paid for a series of Facebook and Instagram ads targeting the electorates of Nationals Barnaby Joyce, David Littleproud, Mark Coulton, Ken O’Dowd and Anne Webster, as well as the Liberal trade minister, Dan Tehan. The ads warned the policy “will destroy” huge numbers of jobs in each electorate. In Flynn, O’Dowd’s electorate, the ads warned “net zero emissions will destroy one in four jobs”. Other electorates would lose one in five, one in six or one in seven jobs, the ads claimed.
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