Sunday 26 June 2022

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 26/6/22; Gossip vs Fact what sells? LNP have no agenda so they've turned American; Rationalising and Industry gone rogue;



 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Or it could just be that your party is completely on the nose "Senator Hollie Hughes blames Marxist teachers for the fact that so many young people rejected the Liberal Party at the election." @mattburke The SydnyIns dney Institute Sydney The Sydney Sydney-Institute Sydney Ûy Instir Sydney Institut Sydne The National Imed Meme' 

 Americanization of Australian Politics by Liberals. They have no ability other than to look elsewhere for their agendas rather than themselves.

Well off educated Australians watched the LNP for the past decade have Australia slide as a nation on every social metric both comparitively with other nations and domestically but heard the LNP tell us otherwise. We lived in a world of "alternative facts" while experiencing otherwise. So much so the LNP destroyed their own base.

 They saw the polls and so their answer wass to alter our education system particularly the liberal arts History and Westerm Culture and closely monitor what was being taught rather than reflecting on themselves in order to recover. Change the electorate not themselves was to be their long term strategy. But it was too late. How American how regressive and blinkered have  they become? Well Senator Hollie Huges shows us.

Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall are reportedly going their separate ways.

When the king of “alternative facts ” Isn’t one himself. Let the gossip begin?

Last week, three news stories broke that are set to prove consequential for nonagenarian media billionaire Rupert Murdoch and his News and Fox media empire.

Source: Rupert Murdoch’s wild week: Jerry Hall, Trump and parties


More Muslim countries give women the right to abortion than does America who regards itself as the most progressive nation on the planet. 

by Robert Reich | June 25, 2022 - 6:50am | permalink

Bans on abortion, birth control, and same-sex marriage are at stake in November's elections.

Overturning Roe v. Wade is extreme, but what's just as alarming is the logic Justice Samuel Alito used to justify it, which puts a whole range of other rights on the chopping block, too.

We enjoy many rights that are protected by the Constitution but not explicitly mentioned in it. One of these is the right to privacy. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the 14th Amendment's due process clause protects individuals' privacy against government interference.

In 1965, in Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court used privacy to make it illegal for states to ban birth control. In 1973, in Roe v. Wade, the Court used privacy to decide that women have broad rights to determine whether to end their pregnancies. In 2003, in Lawrence v. Texas, the Court protected LGBTQ Americans from arrest and prosecution for engaging in consensual sex in the privacy of their own bedrooms. In 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Court legalized gay marriage.

» article continues...

Lets face it models for rationalizing energy resources exist and Norway isn't the only one that can be held up as an example of good management. Middle Eastern Nations have been doing it for years, Brunei's wealth is well known. The only issue is the profits go to the rulers to be distributed. However the big oil companies don't walk away because they are forced to share their profits and or pay for the the damage they do.

 Why is it in Australia it's the people who have to pay? If it's not Indigenous Australians it's all Australians that do. The only socialized elements of the energy industry seem to be the environmental damage done and the costs where we all as a nation pay while the fossil fuel industry is subsidised.

Politicians and energy companies say there’s a gas supply crisis, but huge price increases are caused by profiteering private corporations. It’s long past time to renationalize them.

The cost of renationalizing the energy industry is hardly a problem. Purchasing a profitable asset means that it will eventually pay for itself. The only real cost, therefore, would be the interest paid on the debt to purchase it, a fact that even critics of nationalization are willing to acknowledge. And considering fossil fuel subsidies already cost the government an absurd $11.6 billion last year, it’s not as if governments are unwilling to spend big to keep the industry afloat.

Although in the short-term, we are still reliant on the environmentally destructive gas industry, in the long term, it must be eliminated. As Matt Bruenig from the People’s Policy Project has pointed out, it’s exactly industries like these that ought to be publicly owned and managed. The private market has already shown it can’t lead us towards decarbonization — and now, it can’t even guarantee a reliable supply. It’s time to renationalize energy.

 Australia’s Gas Crisis Proves It’s Time to Renationalize Energy

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