Thursday 14 July 2022

Fighting Fake Facts with REAL 14/7/22; Murdoch Media in action; Howling Press; Inflation;



Wall-Street-Journal-Logo-2 | Altiostar

Murdoch media stands out as central to the reporting of the denial that this event even occurred and is given the freedom to do so without verification, testing of the facts or consequences. Might is Right the loudest voice wins doesn’t always but is never smothered or held to account in America. Murdoch's efforts to erase this 10 year old were echoed on Fox News and his other messengers of alternative facts

The Washington Post, the conservative Daily Caller and other media outlets published stories saying that the case was unverified. The Wall Street Journal Editorial page suggested the story was a “fanciful tale.” The National Review’s Michael Brendan Dougherty referred to the case as “a fictive abortion and a fictive rape.” Republican Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost went on Fox News Monday to raise further doubts.

It’s incredibly disturbing that the default position of so many sick and twisted people — including Ohio’s most prominent Republican elected officials — is to very vocally and very publicly question whether the rape and impregnation of a 10-year-old child ever happened.

This case was never implausible. In 2020, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 52 girls aged 14 and younger had abortions in Ohio, according to the state department of health. A review of just the city of Columbus’ police log since March 15 uncovered 59 reports of sexual assaults of girls 15 and younger that, based on the information available, could have resulted in pregnancy.


Source: Ohio Republicans’ attempted erasure of a 10-year-old rape victim is incredibly sick and disturbed – Raw Story – Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

reporting now confirms that the story was true all along. Around noon on Wednesday, Columbus Dispatch reporter Bethany Bruner published an article confirming that Gershon Fuentes, an undocumented man living in the Columbus area, had been charged with the rape of the 10-year-old girl. The crime is a first-degree felony in Ohio. Bruner noted on Twitter that she was the only reporter in the courtroom covering the story.

Source: Conservatives tried — and failed — to cast doubt on tale of Ohio child rape victim |

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Does anyone think the people benefiting will just agree to change this?

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