Thursday 22 June 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 22/6/23, Truth in Humor, Australian Racism, LNP's "F" for Basic Job Knowledge, Aims of Education, Atheopobia, The Shovel,

 May be an illustration of text

 May be an image of text that says 'I WANT A RESPECTFUL DEBATE ON THE THING WE SAID NO TO BEFORE EVEN HEARING THE DEBATE NATIONALS for Resund antrd~'May be an illustration of text 

However they are far from equivalent. Can you pick the Racist Australian?

Antidote for the poison of Australian racism

Racism still courses through our national bloodstream, but we can begin to wipe out hatred by reflecting on innovations of the past to move forward.


We're not all equal in politics. Littleproud should know this

When Australia’s Politicians don’t have a clue they shouldn’t be in the job

If Littleproud wants an equal voice in the Parliament for all Australians, Tasmania should lose two members of the House of Representatives and lose 11 senators. South Australia should lose 10 senators. To be consistent Littleproud should be either advocating that or acknowledging that in the Australian constitutional compact there is a deliberate recognition that smaller entities require greater representation.

But the founding fathers specifically excluded one of those smaller entities – the First Nations or Indigenous people. The constitution stated they were not to be counted in the censuses which determined representation in the Parliament.

That was partly rectified by the 1967 referendum. But there was still no recognition and no mechanism to prevent Indigenous people being ignored or mistreated, even if they got to vote in their state of residence. And the poor treatment continues to this day.

The logic of the constitution calls for that recognition as does a sense of fairness and a practical need to do something about entrenched Indigenous inequality that might work when all else has failed: listening. People in the small states should especially support that. Or agree to back their extra senators.

Source: “Nationals… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook


If I were advising Dutton, I’d suggest that he start learning how to compromise with Labor like a minor party would because the way things are going, his Liberals may end up being one before too long.

Source: The Confusion About The Aims Of Education… And Politics! – » The Australian Independent Media Network


 the atheist voice does need to be heard – a reminder that reason, science and critical thought are essential factors in dealing the with real world; that it’s too easy to be drawn into the glitz and hype of Pentecostalism. And why kids continue to be subjected to parental indoctrination, to believe in supernatural deities.

How bad is this? Australia ranks 3rd behind the state-owned print media of China and Egypt, as the most highly concentrated media in private hands. Corporate monopolies dominate the economy, and global gambling syndicates monopolise Australian sport. Both fit comfortably with the nation’s monopolised media.

Source: Atheophobia – the Myopia of Monopolised Media – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Ronni Salt: "Generally in life I've found if you have to tell everybody you ae- you ain't. If you have to hire a marketing agency to script, find talent, film, produce and distribute a fifteen minute fluff piece telling Australia what a staggeringly nice guy you are you ain't." @RonniSalt TnionalTineoneo'

Responding to weak polling numbers, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has shed his tough exterior to reveal a softer, creamier side, in an intimate 7-minute promo video released this week.

Source: Peter Dutton Releases 7-Minute Promo Video Showing His Softer Side — The Shovel

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