Friday 23 June 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 23/6/23, Morrison Secrets or Lies, Costello's Secret Wealth Fund , Dutton the Open Book, Truth in Humor,


 May be a doodle of drink and text that says 'BAD FAITH GOOD WILL wikox'

Yes & No

May be a doodle of 1 person and text that says 'THE CHAIN OF COMMAND... 平 Cour Pénale Internationale International Criminal Court CRIMES WAR'

May be an image of 2 people and the Oval Office


Former prime minister Scott Morrison says his exit from the $90 billion submarine deal with the French was because he didn’t trust US President Joe Biden, not French President Emmanuel Macron, according to the AFR ($). It’s reportedly a revelation in a soon-to-be-released book, where he says letting Macron in on the plan to ditch the French could’ve seen him complain to Biden, who may in turn have pulled the brakes on the AUKUS deal for a week or two. “Then the opposition would have seen that what we said was going to be announced wasn't,” Morrison reasoned, so he strung Macron on until then-British prime minister Boris Johnson and the pair agreed to an announcement date for the trio’s $368 billion AUKUS deal, the SMH ($) continues. Real cheating boyfriend vibes, I have to say.
Meanwhile, Morrison convinced long-term Liberal MP Warren Entsch to ditch retirement and run in the 2022 election by luring him with a $10 billion cyclone re­insurance pool for northern Australia and a $20 million electricity microgrid in his electorate of Leichhardt (Queensland), The Australian ($) reports. It comes after Morrison confirmed he attended an exclusive private dinner with Entsch, senior Coalition pollies Bridget McKenzie and David Littleproud and a Soviet-born billionaire Alex Sekler. But Sekler’s (or more precisely, one of Sekler’s company’s) $304,000 donation on the eve of the election was not discussed, Morrison says. Mhm.

Source: Crikey… – Labor True Believers, Political Analysis and Satire | Facebook

Revealed: Peter Costello’s Future Fund has $280m punt on the pokies, lotteries and online gambling

Peter Costello’s secret investment fund

Australia’s sovereign wealth fund manages more than $200 billion of taxpayer’s funds but does so with a notorious penchant for secrecy. This third instalment in a series from Rex Patrick and Philip Dorling shines a spotlight on the Future Fund’s surprising gambling stake.

Source: Michael West Media – investigative journalists – always independent

 May be an image of pizza and text that says 'CEOs now make 360 times what the average worker makes 1/360th of a pizza' 


 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton launched an attack on the Voice to parliament today.

White Christian, Misogynist and Racist, Dutton gets his rocks off on Ray Hadley's 2GB.  It's the Station of  the LNP's  first choice as it never tries to make them accountable for what they say. Dutton the once leader of the Monkey Pod Room representing the extreme right of the LNP has never had the confidence in his own policies turned to American MAGA Politics to trample on the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders  to be historically acknowledged as the First Nation's people of this land we call Australia in its Constitution. That recognition has never been given them.

 All other countries have give recognition to their indigenous peoples and have provided them with a voice to parliament. Dutton is the exception and our Mainstream media provide him with the platform to advocate his racism as normal in fact the best of all possible worlds by avoid making any such comparisons with Scandinavians, Canadians New Zealand Americans and others. One needs to ask why he's such an exception? None of his exaggerated fears have occurred as he threatens they will. The reverse has in fact been the case where Indigenous Rights once acknowledged and given have continued to be trampled on. Dutton's Government doesn't want to see mining interests threatened Rio Tinto only needs to say sorry for blowing up sacred sites.

Dutton's Voice to Parliament has been vocal and loud telling us Muslims don't belong, Africans don't belong, Marriage Equality doesn't belong what does belong in Dutton's world is the singularly narrow culture of a minority of  Australians and only that belongs and represents unity in Australia. Unless all individuals accept that they don't belong and never will. 

Speaking on Sydney’s 2GB radio station, Dutton said people were enduring a cost of living crisis and “can’t afford their mortgages, and you’ve got the government running off on this frolic on the Voice and these other agendas that aren’t producing national unity”.

This is what Dutton told the program, edited for length:

The con job that’s going on here is unbelievable.

I can’t believe that a minister like Linda Burney ... can just stand in the chamber and essentially either not have a clue what she’s talking about, or misrepresent what the Voice is about.

They’re setting up a situation here where the Voice will be able to have an influence into every area of public administration. They can advise the Tax Commissioner on tax policy, they can advise the Treasurer on any element of the budget, they can advise the Defence Minister, or the Chief of the Defence Force, about defence acquisitions or where a defence base should be located.

It goes into every area of government responsibility. It’ll grind the whole system of government to a halt and the impact will be felt by everyday Australians, whether they live in an Indigenous community, out in the suburbs, or in a regional town or in a capital city.”

Yesterday, Burney denounced the Coalition’s attacks as a fear campaign aimed at fuelling culture wars and said the Voice would focus on serious issues that would close the gaps in poor life expectancy outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

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