Friday 14 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 14/7/23, Garage Sale- Cluster bombs , Dutton's whinge, Who and how should Robodebt be paid for?



The Industrial Military Complex is the Economy

May be a doodle of text 

America votes against the use of cluster bombs they destroy your Economy

Dutton is counting on Fadden byelection – but he can't


Peter Dutton is complaining that the LNP can’t rig the byelection in Fadden by hiding the LNP’s  historic record. His complaint he can’t wipe Stuart Robert’s story.

“A byelection, triggered by Stuart Robert’s resignation,

Source: “Peter Dutton's Whinge – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

 May be a graphic of 1 person and text that says 'YOU HAVE OUR BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT IN NOT SUPPORTING YOU centrelink GOvOINO'

Even when we consider Robodebt as dispassionate onlookers – that is, people who did not have a loved one take their own life, or otherwise have their lives irreparably marred by this vicious campaign – it is not possible to see it as anything but a crime against humanity.

Source: Robodebt crimes: Who should pay and how?

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'MFW: @MFWitches "[....] Christine Holgate was apparently a criminal for gifting 4 watches but the entire LNP Cabinet from 2015-2019 wasn't for orchestrating an illegal attack on half a million Australians causing the deaths of 2,000?" The National mer Christine Holgate vilified by Scott Morrison'

 May be an image of 7 people and text that says 'Aaron Dodd, Vote YES: "For over a decade, progressives warned about Morrison We warned of his incompetence, laziness, mendacity, deceit and outright psychopathic malevolence. We were shouted down, abused, told to shut up as Morrison was a man of god. We have been completely vindicated." @AaronDodd mer'

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