Saturday 15 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,15/7/23, Truth in Pictures, NOAA & NASA Report, Prevent another Robodebt,


Feeding time


When a picture tells the story in Fadden. Two devout Christians one Catholic and the other a Pentecostalist both with histories who prefer you not to talk about their mate Stuey.

Stuart “Robodebt” Robert daren’t show his face because of the public derision that would ensue, so Barnaby stepped up to the mark, glad-handing in support of Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate’s favourite, Gold Coast Councillor and LNP candidate for Fadden, Cameron Caldwell.

Source: Barnaby bites back after sandwich-board encounter in Fadden

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'CLIMATE, so HOT RIGHT NOW... や OPE 13.7.23 CLIMATE G7 CLUB NO NEW COAL WE DON'T LET IN JUST ANY RIFF- RAFF!'

Madrid heatwave

NASA called the soaring heat “part of a pattern of increasing global temperatures, as a result of human activities, mainly carbon dioxide emissions.” Brett Wilkins Jul 13, 2023 4

Source: It’s Official, Say NOAA and NASA: This June Was the Hottest Ever Recorded on Earth


When “Governing” dominates a historic mindset passed down generationally we will remain a Colony whose interests lie in serving private interests rather than the people of this nation.

 It’s time to say YES to remind us on whose land this nation was born and YES to a Republic for who future governments should serve, all the people. The French said it with a Revolution we can do it with a ballot box.

In RoboDebt’s wake, our very system of government needs to be bulldozed and rebuilt. Rex Patrick argues it is time for a republican model, for separation of powers.

Source: How to make sure RoboDebt could never happen again: ditch Westminster, embrace the republic – Michael West

 May be an illustration of text

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