Sunday 16 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 16/7/23, BBC Murdoch and a licence to harm, Racism and Double Talk, Turnbull Speaks, Bastille Day,


 The Sun and the Satan of Salacious Fleet St defining UK News just continues to "Do It"

The story made its debut in that king of rags, The Sun. The howls followed. As an article headline read: “Top BBC star who ‘paid child for sex pictures’ could be charged by cops and face years in prison, expert says.”

Source: The BBC Falls for Murdoch’s Bait – » The Australian Independent Media Network


US Senator Tommy Tuberville speaks on the 1st day of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Washington, DC conference at Gaylord National Harbor Resort & Convention. (Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Racism is trying to disguise itself in Australia…Just watch and listen to what Dutton says. “things are just fine as they are." "The Yes vote is Racist " “We all want to close the gap” “Listen to Mundine and Price indigenous Australians are not as united as we are”

 Australia needs to change and accept it’s not what Peter Dutton says. We are an inclusive multicultural nation of which indigenous Australians have never been fully apart of. Dutton has said he believes we are except for Muslims, Middle Easterners, Africans, Asylum Seekers, Chinese, and Pacific Islanders and he's said it out loudly.

He has simply imported American Racism along with Trumpian MAGA politics to Australia. Simply watch and listen and you will hear  the puppet master Murdoch’s voice here in Australia. They are a very very loud and cashed up minority withholding the nation's potential to progress. 

 Commemorate the storming of the Bastille Day the start of the French Revolution, and celebrate Democracy. France's ideals of “liberty, equality and fraternity." Vote YES to The Voice.

In the 1970s and 1980s, overt white supremacists and their organizations were largely marginalized in American society. As a way of staying relevant and expanding their influence, the leaders of the white right decided to repackage themselves and the movement to become more “respectable,” which meant putting on suits and ties and modifying their message of hate and its presentation. Central to this campaign involved changing themselves from white supremacists, operating under various labels such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis, into “white nationalists,” a term that would eventually evolve to include the “alt-right,” identitarians, so-called race realists, ethnonationalists, Western chauvinists and more. In reality, the supposed differences between “white supremacy” and “white nationalism” are largely pedantic, if not simply double talk, obfuscation and evasion.

So to be clear, white supremacists believe that “white people” are a “superior race” and that black and brown people, Jews, Muslims and other nonwhites are inferior be it because of biology or “culture.” White nationalism is the political project through which the goal of white dominance and total control over society is

Source: Why Republicans are trying to rebrand white nationalism right now |

 May be an image of 3 people and text 

 Individuals can be proudly White Nationalists, Quislings or simply pawns used for a much larger political agenda?

Quisling- citizen or politician of an occupied country who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor. Wikipedia

The former prime minister pointed to climate policy as one area that had been a “catastrophe” for the Liberal Party – singling out Tony Abbott and the “right wing press” for blame.
“When they decided to take energy policy or climate policy and turn it into a culture war issue, that was a catastrophe for us; a catastrophe for our party. And it did a lot of damage to Australia,” he said.
Within the 43-minute podcast, Mr Turnbull – the co-chair of activist group ‘Australians for a Murdoch Royal Media Commission’ – a position he took over from former-Labor PM Kevin Rudd – also used some of his time to complain about News Corp.
The former journalist, barrister and investment banker said that politics operates in an ecosystem made up of the media.
“Now, that doesn’t mean the opinion pages of a few newspapers, that’s the whole thing: Social media, mainstream media, the works,” he said.
“And we’re operating in that environment, which has increasingly become untethered from truth.
“It’s increasingly focused on what I call anger-tainment, and it’s making political parties generally, but the Liberal Party in particular, very hard to manage.”

Source: National Times – ‘Antithesis of what Menzies stood for’: Turnbull… | Facebook

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