Saturday 22 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 22/7/23, Listening heals, BP the model of corporate crime, Fox News the Co-conspirator,

 May be a doodle of rat, slow loris and text

May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'AUSTRALIANGEOGRAPHIC.COM.AU An invitation to isten from the heart Thomas Mayo, ambassador for the Uluru Statement from th...'

Australia isn’t British. It’s a 240-year-old Colonial nation built on other people’s land. For clarity alone in 2023, that should be recognized in our Constitution and founding statement of who we are. If we respect those First Peoples, on whose land we now sit let’s acknowledge that. 

90 % of Australians agreed in 1967 and still do today. Those who say " No " accept the notion that “might is right” rather than any belief in “Universal Human Rights” for which WW2 was fought. These same No-Sayers accept that Australia has currently No Bill of Human Rights, the very concept our Diggers really fought and died for. "King and country" make us look very misguided indeed today when even King Charles  is only too happy to see us become a Republic.

The nations we currently stand shoulder-to-shoulder with are Russia, China, and Nth Korea, and peculiarly the UK who are supporting Ukranian rights against the Russian invasion. To the rest of the world, we are seen as simply dominated by a minority of backward racists who fear their privileges will be lost.

“Put simply, the Constitution is the rule book of the nation. It is the highest of written laws that determine how all other laws are made, and by whom – the state or federal parliaments. As the foundational document for the Australian Federation or, as some describe it, the birth certificate of our modern nation, above all other laws and decrees, the Constitution defines our modern nation. Yet it does not recognise Indigenous people. Who would say that First Nations people – a people and a culture that has lived and flourished on and with this country for tens of thousands of years – should not be included in Australia’s Constitution? Australia’s forefathers may have denied this, and did so violently. But today, Australia can be different. For our ‘young’ nation to mature, constitutional recognition is vital. It is a matter for all of us – a chance to redefine our Australian identity and to right a wrong from the past. When Australia embraces the longest continuing culture on the planet as what constitutes us – the building blocks of our national DNA – we will share a unique identity in the world – an identity we can all be proud of.

Source: “Put… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

May be a doodle of map and text

The UK and the US  made money from war did Australia? They'll make money from Aukus will we? The STING is in.

From Iran to Azerbaijan, Iraq to Nigeria, Russia to Venezuela, British foreign policy is largely captured by the global climate polluter, writes Mark Curtis.  By Mark Curtis Declassified UK

Declassified recently revealed that BP has pumped Iraqi oil worth £15 billion since the U.K. and U.S. militaries invaded the country in 2003.

Governments in London and Washington long denied the Iraq war was about oil. Yet BP returned to the country in 2009 after a 35-year absence and was awarded a significant interest in Iraq’s largest oil field near British-occupied Basra in the south of the country.


Source: BP’s Wars, Coups & Dictators

Fox Trump Capitol

Murdoch wants to own America before he dies. Unfortunately, he gave birth to a myriad of copycats who have watered down his ratings and made him a bit more susceptible to bargaining and the influence of others.

That night, Fox host Laura Ingraham denounced the target letter as a “political prosecution” in which the “Biden DOJ [is] making a total mockery of our legal system” in order to stop Trump’s 2024 campaign. Newly anointed 8 p.m. host Jesse Watters urged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to take action to stop Smith, perhaps by eliminating the funding for his office. And Sean Hannity hosted Trump himself, giving the former president an unimpeded platform to rant against the potential charges.

Source: Whatever Trump’s Jan. 6 indictment brings, Fox News is effectively his unindicted co-conspirator | Media Matters for America

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