Sunday 23 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL 23/7/23, Say it with a grin, Vanished Ice, CIA oppose release of Records,

 May be an illustration of chess and text

 May be a doodle of text that says 'Your DIY instant consultancy kit Generous donations for political parties $$ Hotline to the government minister $$$ MP Calculator to multiply fees for service Leakable briefcase oਿ Secret government contracts +policies Pair of back- Scratchers CONTH COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE Rubber stamp to field pesky requests for information wrkox'

 “I wouldn’t want my eight year-old reading this”

Book Removed From Shelves for Being Inappropriate for Kids

About 400,000 years ago, large parts of Greenland were ice-free. Scrubby tundra basked in the Sun’s rays on the island’s northwest highlands. Evidence suggests that a forest of spruce trees, buzzing with insects, covered the southern part of Greenland. Global sea level was much higher then, between 20 and 40 feet above today’s levels. Around the world, land that today is home to hundreds of millions of people was under water.

Scientists have known for awhile that the Greenland ice sheet had mostly disappeared at some point in the past million years, but not precisely when.

Source: 416,000 Years Ago, All Greenland’s Ice Melted and Raised Sea Levels 5-20 Feet: A Warning from the Pas


Albanese claims that Labor can be “tough on border protection without being weak on humanity,” but after a year in office Labor is showing it really is weak on humanity.

Source: National protests call for an end to offshore detention – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The latest JFK disclosure is further proof the CIA has lied for decades about its relationship to Lee Harvey Oswald. No wonder it doesn’t want the last of the records to see the light of day.

Source: The CIA Opposes JFK Record Releases Because Each One Is More Damning Than the Last

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