Tuesday 25 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 25/7/23, Corruption by another name LNP, Turn on the lights and they run for cover, Snakes, Jews against Israel, Save the ABC,

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Ian Stewart says he was pressured to pay bribes and tried to report it to the government.

It’s significant that Ministers seem to remain unnamed Morrison and Dutton obviously spring to mind. The buck seems to have stopped with Dept head M. Pezzullo a significantly vocal spokesperson when Peter Dutton was the Minister.

Dutton’s track record of incompetence in all the ministries he held stands alone as a record achievement. So much so one might wonder if he was actually the most competent of LNP politicians achieving exactly what was asked of him by his LNP leaders at the time, Particularly Tony Abbott and the party’s backroom. So much so is why he’s been rewarded as leader of the opposition today.

Australia’s Home Affairs Department oversaw the payment of millions of taxpayer dollars to powerful Pacific Island politicians through a chain of suspect contracts as it sought to maintain controversial offshore asylum seeker processing centres.

Home Affairs secretary Pezzullo told a parliamentary committee in April 2019: “We’re not aware of … any demonstrable instances of likely, possible or reasonably suspected corruption.”

Source: Paladin, Canstruct, Broadspectrum implicated in suspect payments to Pacific politicians


Synergy 360 part-owner David Milo, former MP Stuart Robert and Synergy 360 co-owner, John Margerison.

“That Mr Margerison’s lawyer now claims he has left and severed all ties with Australia is a somewhat surprising turn of events indeed. Mr Margerison’s whereabouts remains a matter of great mystery.”

Source: Stuart Robert backer John Margerison has left the country and ‘severed all ties with Australia’

Newly Discovered Venomous Australian Snake Already Looking To Move Into Politics


The LNP more than any government before abused its authority over the ABC and SBS like no other government before.  It began with a frontal assault by Tony Abbott in favor of Rupert Murdoch the most dominant player, party, and personal benefactor in the private media market. It simpy became policy to Get the ABC.

A government review will attempt to resolve two long-running problems for Australia’s national broadcasters: How funding can be protected from government interference and how to avoid political “captain’s picks” stacking the boards.

Source: Review into SBS and ABC independence launched

Demonstrators march in support of Palestine in New York City on 20 July 2023.

Is this Anti Semitism? Israel would like us to believe it is.

American Jews are growing sceptical of Israeli policies towards Palestinians and want limits on aid to prevent settlement growth

Source: ‘We are winning’: Are US Jews who oppose Israeli settlements finally getting somewhere? | New York | The Guardian


Assange Kevin Gosztola Press Freedom

CIA-Linked Security Company Targeted Former Ecuador President Who Granted Assange Asylum

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