Monday 24 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 24/7/23, Murdoch Costello and Stokes set the mood, Dutton divides, No is baseball caps and a Trumpist Australia,


May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'DON HISTORY HIST IS CALLING FintNarie VOTE YES This man and his immoral party will be supporting the No vote Because this man has ordered it, and Sky news has already started it's No campaign. The LNP is nothing more than a political arm of Rupert Murdoch. Leo' 

His Americana logic is clear listen to Laura Ingraham

The Best of Fox News Logic:  The CIA’s Protecting the vote is a “trick” to stop Trump. Yes voting is just a "trick" in American Democracy and shouldn't be protected in the Murdochian view of the world

“But if all else fails, if the endless indictments of Trump don’t do the job, Democrats could have another trick up their sleeve. And, naturally, the CIA is involved. Remember, they’re only here to protect the vote, of course,” Ingraham said.

Source: The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

Peter Dutton wants a No vote in the 2023 referendum. In 1967, 90 per cent of Australians said yes to Indigenous rights.

Yes, Peter Costello’s The AGE  puts Massola’s by-line  on the front page Yes Vote Unlikely to win  as “News” rather than Opinion setting the mood for the No Campaign

So, yes; some individual First Nations people are against the Voice, and for widely differing reasons, but the vast majority – currently 82 per cent – are for it. Eighty-two per cent. That’s a lot of voices. I hope the rest of us can hear them.

Source: Voice to parliament: Peter Dutton’s divisive language must not derail Australia’s 1967 moment


Donald Trump and the Liberal Party

If we don’t wake up to a “Yes” vote the morning after the referendum, we might well see a resurgence of red baseball caps, and a victory for the Trumpists in Australia.”

Source: (1) Julia… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

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