Monday 3 July 2023

Fighting fake news with REAL, 3/7/23, ALP saves Democracy, Government's Response to Economic Crisis,


May be a doodle of text

Empty houses and Airbnb everywhere. Byron Shire has lead the way and NSW capped holiday rentals to 6odays pa. It's time to declutter the mess created by the increase investment in short-term rentals of private space.

 Apparently there's an Economic crisis Australians are spending too much. Unemployment is falling, and housing is on the rise again.

 There was an "Economic Crisis" when Abbott was leader of the opposition chanting "ditch the bitch". The "sky was falling in" but Wayne Swann was voted the "World's Best Treasurer" We came out of the GFC a world leading nation. But our "Chicken Little"  Mainstream Murdoch Media was telling us otherwise. Only Abbott and Hockey could save us. Doesn't one get the sense history was repeating itself? Murdoch, and Costello now run the media and the only other difference Peter Dutton is Opposition leader?

  It’s the worst cost-of-living crisis in generations, and all the Australian Labor Party wants to offer are measures that are so inadequate, they’re tantamount to smoke and mirrors. That’s why Labor is rapidly losing ground to the Left.

Anthony Albanese’s Response to the Economic Crisis Is a Public Relations Strategy 

Jana Stewart and Anthony Albanese.

 LNP still battles our Multicultural Nation

If a quota plan for multicultural MPs gained party support, it would be one of the biggest changes in a generation to how Labor picks its candidates.

Labor mulls generational change with multicultural diversity quota

One needs to ask whether or not this was or is the “Equivalent” of “Sports Rorts”. Sorry Rex I don’t think so do you?

Every properly organized taxpayer-funded rort has a spreadsheet. And this one does too. With new FOI documents to hand, Rex Patrick looks at how ‘Solar Rorts’ came about.

Source: Labor’s Solar Rorts unveiled – replete with colour spreadsheet! – Michael West

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