Tuesday 4 July 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 4/7/23, The ABC cops shit , Abbott and Downer are shit, and Shit has happened for 240 years,

When the ABC dares “Bothside” what is occurring in our media it’s called “biased”

ABC’s Media Watch has stirred controversy by bothsiding the fight for trans rights, claiming the importance of reporting differing points of view. Dr Victoria Fielding reports.

Source: Media Watch faces backlash for supporting transphobia


Abbott and Downer Shame us

Since 2022, Rwanda has been very much on the mind of British policy makers, a dark option of retreat from the irritating intrusions of international refugee law. The English Channel has become something of a polemical resource, with those seeking to cross it demonised as undermining Britannia’s sacred sovereignty.

Giddy with the dusty advice of Australian advisors – the crude offerings of wisdom from former foreign minister Alexander Downer, and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott stand out – respective Tory governments have been pondering how to stem the arrival of irregular migrants and asylum seekers.

The use of third states as a means of deferring obligations of protection towards refugees has become an attractive, brutal way of snuffing out the right to asylum. The UN Refugee Convention of 1951 is treated as a dead letter, and options such as the “Australian model” in repelling unwanted arrivals thrill populist politicians.

Source: Cruel Arrangements: The UK-Rwanda Refugee Deal Falters – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Labor to lay out key elements of its Indigenous Voice by Christmas | The  Australian

An Indigenous Fact speaks to Power : “I wasn’t born in Australia. Australia was born on our land!”

Whenever Jacinta Price says she is speaking for all Aboriginal people in voting ‘no’ to Voice, she is spreading disinformation. Whenever a journalist doesn’t give the audience this context, they too are spreading disinformation. Over 80% of Aboriginal people are voting yes. Fact.

The colonial state treated indigenous populations as either less than human or as incapable of owning property privately.

The idea that indigenous peoples do not cultivate their land — going back to that Lockean fantasy that America existed as this uncultivated wild — is a racial trope




Source: Property, Race, Colonialism, and Capitalism

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