Thursday 24 August 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 24/8/23, Colonisation continues today, Global Wealth Report, Breaking News, Who's 'Advance' and 'Fair Australia, Existentialist Philosophy,


Any argument that declares it’s unjust to teach children from the age of three  Australia’s Real History is hiding the past from view. That history has been carried forward intergenerationally today for 250 years and still exists in our social psyche.

The Germans are totally aware of that poison and teach their children from the earliest age their Real History and the coming of Hitler. So why are Conservative Australians so fearful of their past?

The Dutch hid their disgrace after WW2 and falsely represented themselves as anti-Nazi heroes until 1984 when it was proved that their actual unrecorded treatment of Dutch Jews was worse than that of the Germans. That less than 20% of Dutch Jews survived the enthusiastic deportation to death camps by their countrymen.

Alsmeer gained the reputation of being the Dutch most anti-Semitic town, where its elected Mayor was hanged for crimes against the Jews and his collaboration with Hitler. Coincidently Andrew Bolt’s family originates from there, his relatives still live there and so did he when he flunked Adelaide Uni. He still loves the place but like a true conservative, he advocates and will vote NO. He also wants the disgraceful aspects of our past ignored like he does Alsmeer’s

Colonisation is not just something that occurred in the past, it continues today. It’s steadfast in its approach, and its consequences affect each and every one of us. I struggle to see how we as a nation can make any real headway towards closing the gap around urgent national issues such as deaths in custody, the over-representation of First Nation peoples in custody, suicide rates, and displaced children, while the system continues to perpetuate the legacies of colonialism.

Source: Continuation of colonisation: Reflecting on January 26 – Missing Perspectives

It’s a pity these Reports are never in Real Time

The steady decay in Australia’s wealth generation capacity continued throughout the Liberal National period, as Alan Austin reports.

THE THREE COUNTRIES which lost the most wealth per person through 2022 were Sweden, New Zealand and Australia. That’s according to the 2023 global wealth report released last week by the research division of the Swiss-based financial giant, Credit Suisse.

Source: Global wealth report confirms Coalition incompetence right to the end







 American Constructed No Campaign for Australia

Advance, and FA, are fronted by Peter Dutton’s hand-picked shadow minister for Indigenous Australians, Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. Also connected to the FA campaign is Tony Abbott, who is an adviser to Advance – the group having unsuccessfully defended him in his then North Shore electorate of Warringah in 2019.

Source: What are ‘Advance’ and ‘Fair Australia’, and why are they spearheading the ‘no’ campaign on the Voice?


 Do Existentialists ease the constraint of psychological angst brought on by their freedom to act by"doing unto other as you would have them do unto you?" Does taking full responsibility for ones actions do away with 'bad faith'?

 After all:

“The first effect of existentialism,” Sartre wrote in his 1946 essay Existentialism is a Humanism, “is that it puts every man in possession of himself as he is, and places the entire responsibility for his existence squarely upon his own shoulders.”

  Is Jacinta Price acting in good faith declaring No unnecessary? Is Lidia Thorpe? Or is Yes the most authentic vote that unifies Australians? Yes is the only authentic answer in my mind.

Source: What makes a good life? Existentialists believed we should embrace freedom and authenticity


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