Monday 28 August 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 28/8/23, The Profiteering Motif, Scott Morrison not jailed, AUKUS has become the Laggards of Climate Change, Subsidies for Fossil Fuels $73TR, Our Nope Nope Nope Character,


In Australia, where the spirit of roguish exploitation remains strong, companies such as the national carrier Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank are rolling in cash. Supermarket outlets such as Coles have also announced huge returns. To them can be added such energy companies as AGL. While households are counting the dollars and cents for the weekly shopping and the fortnightly rental, corporate entities of a certain heft are thriving.

Source: The Profiteering Motive – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Scott Morrison leaked US and Australian government documents in October/November 2021 to embarrass US President Joe Biden but Scott Morrison has never been questioned or charged regarding the leaks unlike others who have done the same or similar.

Julian Assange and Daniel Duggan are both in jail and in the process of being extradited to the US and whistleblowers Richard Boyle and David McBride are facing charges for leaking Australian government information.

Source: Scott Morrison published Australian and US Government secrets regarding AUKUS. So why has Morrison not been charged?Kangaroo Court of Australia

Demonstrator in the city protesting against climate change and pollution - Global warming and environment concept.

ALP Government -SHAME They won’t release the National Security Intelligence Report on Climate Change. This is a leak we should have.

“What China does or does not do will not drown small island states, nor desertify the dry subtropics, nor drive a global decline in crop yields, kill the Barrier Reef, salinate Kakadu or force the displacement of tens of millions of people. But a hotter climate will, probably in significant measure even before a full fleet of nuclear submarines has been commissioned in the 2040s”, said ASLCG in a recent report.

“Australia is missing in action”, but we are not the only ones.

Source: Joint retreat: AUKUS nations back peddling on climate – Pearls and Irritations


What Murdoch doesn’t Report,

The International Monetary Fund reports that the nations of the globe indirectly subsidized fossil fuels, the sources of dangerous greenhouse gases causing global heating, to the tune of $7 trillion in 2022. In other words, we’re acting like we are brain dead. So report Simon Black, Ian Parry, Nate Vernon at the IMF.

Source: Global Subsidies for Fossil Fuels Skyrocket to $7 trillion per Year, as 2023 Promises to be Hottest on Record

 Noel Pearson, like Martin Luther King, has a rare speechifying power.

The Australia of 2023 is very different from the America of 1963, but the historic opportunity to remedy a racial wrong is unmistakably equivalent.

Source: Indigenous Voice: Sixty years after Martin Luther King’s ‘dream’, what will the Voice vote say about the content of our character?


Rumour has it that Biden wants to revoke their American Citizenship and send them home. Trump certainly does because they're pro DeSantis. We certainly don't want them back. How smart was China?


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