Thursday 14 September 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 14/9/23, Ignorance is no excuse according to the law. It is for ex-Cop Dutton, Lies are fine, Fixing Capitalism, Tim Gurners Way, A scam is...,




 “You can’t just go messing with a document that’s been in place for over 1,000 years.

“You Can’t Just Go Changing The Constitution” Says Man Who Has Never Read The Constitution

 Peter Dutton posts false claims about words used by Voice advocate Marcia Langton


Dutton goes even lower

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has falsely claimed in a social media post that Indigenous leader and Voice advocate Marcia Langton said No voters are racist and stupid. Chip-off-Dutton’s-old-block Sussan Ley, the deputy Liberal leader, got up yesterday and also incorrectly declared Langton had “accused No voters of opposing the referendum because of, quote, ‘base racism or sheer stupidly’”, Guardian Australia reports. Langton’s recorded quote referred to both Advance and Fair Australia lobby groups, reading thus: 

“Every time the No cases raises one of their arguments, if you start pulling it apart you get down to base racism. I’m sorry to say it but that’s where it lands, or just sheer stupidity.” 

Dutton, Ley and the No group’s devious tactic to change her words to “voters” is unsurprising — all have been accused of spreading misinformation, and we all know how Hillary Clinton’s election misstep in calling Donald Trump supporters “deplorables” turned out.

 Langton is seeking legal advice about the false claims. Crikey’s Cam Wilson screengrabbed headlines from The Australian and Sky News wrongly referring to “voters” too.

And finally, a fake letter has been stuffed in letterboxes in Victoria, The Age ($) reports, claiming to be from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and urging the landed gentry to protect their property from Indigenous traditional owners taking it back. It’s signed Dylan Clarke, a Wotjobaluk man and an assembly representative, who confirmed he did not create the letter and called the scare campaign “terribly sad and extremely frustrating”.


He was a Cop who said Ignorance was no excuse for doing the wrong thing


How times have changed from one job that supported a Middle Class house,  car and a family of four.  To a future in which the extended family is once again becoming the norm. Soon the street will need to band together in one affordable Communal Long House. Mortgage dating sites are appearing and communal housing is being advocated as a solution. 

Yes, Australia we are becoming more First Nation and communal in order to "survive" not the land but the harsher environs of Capitalism, Climate Change, AI, and the environment  destruction accompanied in just 240 years. First Nations people can’t take your land as Fake letter stuffed in Victoria's letterboxes by No campaingners suggests but Mining companies can. So “Unite and vote Yes against the system” that sees Australia as just one great resource sandpit to be dug up and sold and not a land to be shared by the people that live in it. Fights between neighbours won't end but the battle against rampant Capitalism needs to be fought and won. Yes to the Voice, Yes to Unions, Yes to Protest, and Yes to a fair and necessary taxing and yes to punching up

Action is needed to address the current state of declining living standards under the capitalist framework in order to achieve an equitable future, writes Navishkar Ram.

You can almost picture the scene now. A pinstriped executive toasting his board for their billions in profit in their office. A city of tents slowly growing by the day in the distance, within eyesight but so far away from concern that it may as well be a regular feature of the cityscape.

Indeed, tent cities are becoming a common sight in most of our capital cities. At some point, they will become part of the furniture. There must be something said of a system that asks working and middle-income families to continue to shoulder the burden of a clearly unstable economic architecture. The fact that our political class has so blatantly flogged off any reasonable and responsible intervention in the economy speaks volumes.

Source: Fixing Australia’s capitalism problem will take action, not words

Western Australia’s police are targeting those aiming to put an end to environmentally destructive fossil fuel projects, writes Davey Heller.

Source: Crackdown on protesters reminding who law really serves



Tim Gurner is a tale stitched into the fabric of the Australian dream. The lump sum inheritance, or the familial guarantor. The financial backstop that’s always there in every story, though never in the headline. They are the foundational facts that are glazed over in the origin stories of Australia’s over-levered property wunderkinds.

The mindset of a brainless brat claiming “victimhood” and being on “struggle street”. He should reveal his pay and  bottom line over the past decade rather than wail a dirge of mourning to his loss of those previous boom years. He has no regard for the past 10 years of data showing that what he’s claiming is absolute bullshit.

Any financial downturn now in the building industry has been sudden and recent due to the rise in interest rates and the promises made to secure loans when rates were so low over a very long time. If he’s financially squeezed now and over-leveraged and unprepared for it in the current market. It’s due to his own mismanagement and can’t expect his workers to pay for for his fuck up. After all he didn’t share his profits with them. But it sounds as if the prick does and has made headlines globally.

Had he structured his business in greater cooperation sharing with his workers his spoils rather than railing against them he might have avoided the situation he finds himself in now. Seems the family thinks he is an idiot too and should have stayed mum.

“We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. There’s been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around. It’s a dynamic that has to change.”

Source: Tim Gurner says employees have become too arrogant

 A Qantas Boeing B737-838 plane.

It is time for government to get the suits back under control and manage the economy for the benefit of us all.
By Ross Gittins Sep 14, 2023

 Business should serve, not enslave

Make the workers pay

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