Friday 15 September 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 15/9/23 Who are the Racist arseholes really? Every Picture Tells a Story, Tim Gurner never heard of Ratner and the Ratner effect

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Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says Marcia Langton would have ‘all the power’ under the Voice. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

The words out of the mouths of these two “No” advocates if you listen are the same sounds, declared as logic, we hear from Donald Trump. Mundine ignores history and any notion that there’s a difference between what’s right and wrong when he declares there is an “equivalence”, “good and bad on both sides” of Yes and No campaigns when there’s not. Trump said that after Charlottesville when his supporter drove his car into a crowd injured people and killed a woman.

The word “listen” has no place when Mundine says “We will fix Aboriginal community problems trust us" simply vote “No” to their Voice. Words heard over and over again for over 10 generations promises more often than not broken or with no successful outcomes. Einstein’s definition of insanity takes pride of place in his proposal. History has shown the outcomes have failed time and time again leaving Indigenous Australians on the bottom of every social metric with the concept of any universal right in Australia ignored. In fact the LNP, IPA and Murdoch media wanted the UNAHRC scrapped.

Peter Dutton is simply fear-mongering by running the simplistic “it’s reverse racism” argument. Racism against the kin of white colonists whose kind-heartedness is being terrorized by Activists, Academics, Unionists and Commies.  That the Woke argument that the colonizers never had the best interests of Australian Aborigines at heart is simply fake. He’s recruited Jacinta Price to say that “Colonisation was the best thing that ever happened to Indigenous Australians.” Again its the very argument Trump runs when African Americans cried Black Lives Matter he cried White Lives Matter and any attempt at examining statistical reality both Trump and Abbott called “lifestyle choices”.

Dutton says arguments about systemic racism in Australia are Fake and driven by ” left-wing activists” who want to tear Australia apart. He  says “listen” and looks to  Price and Mundine” who like Dutton claim to be listeners and speak for unnamed First Nations peoples who we don’t seem to see stand behind them. Meanwhile, the Yes advocates have listened to a Voice that we saw develop over 6 years of discussion by hundreds of Indigenous Australians elected to come together and provide us with their humble request to be heard in Parliament in the form of the Uluru Statement which was by the way instantly rejected by the LNP. Now that’s the sort of “listening” British Colonizers have always done. When Human Rights are in question there is a right and wrong except in Russia China Nth Korea and in an LNP Australia it would seem.


Leading No campaigner Warren Mundine says he would consider vying for a spot on the Voice should the referendum succeed on October 14.

On Thursday, Mr Dutton returned serve, branding Ms Langton’s language as “vitriolic” and “bitter”, and claiming Yes campaign members would be appointed to the Voice advisory body.

“Well, I think they’re just providing, you know, a sort of a look through the window of what the Voice might be as a body – if it’s successful on October 14, it will be divisive,” he told Nine Radio host Ray Hadley.

“You hear it in the language of Marcia Langton, but some of the others as well … members on the (Yes) committee who have got union affiliations or Labor Party backgrounds or sympathisers to the communist cause.

“These people are the ones who would have all of the power under the Voice that the Prime Minister is proposing,” Mr Dutton said.

Mr Mundine said no matter the result on October 14, Australia would be “polarised”, but pleaded for both sides of the campaign to end the “vitriolic arguments and fights”.

“My concern is that we don’t wake up on Sunday (October 15) and the whole place is on fire. We really want people to know, no matter what the decision is, that it’s a democracy,” he said.

“People will make that choice and we must all accept it. And we must then work together to deal with the issues that are happening in Indigenous communities.”

Source: Warren Mundine would ‘consider seeking’ spot on Voice amid Peter Dutton’s Marcia Langton claims | — Australia’s leading news site


Coalition spokeswoman for Indigenous Australians Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price at the National Press Club on Thursday.

When one individual doesn’t make or even begin to represent history and simply denies the racial experience of whole generations of people she’s chosen as the LNP's representative and promoted to a White audience as being the REAL "Culture Warrior" of Australia’s Aboriginal people. Selectively chosen to be the “Avenging Angel” to be “listened” to at the expense of hundreds of thousands of Indigenous persons who elected representatives to came together to discuss debate and work on for years and arrive at a consensus that has come to be known as the Uluru Statement. When Jacinta Price speaks at CPAC or the Press Club we are witnessing her speaking to the white nation of the LNP. What Marcia Langton said is the truth. Their arguments are either logically racist or just plain stupid.

What we are witnessing is the same tactic applied when there’s a 97% consensus among Climate scientists about the reality of man made Climate Change that the 3% of deniers get as much if not more publicity than the research scientists do. Paid puppets like Andrew Bolt are promoted as “experts” in publications  put out by the IPA telling Australia the planet is cooling labelled The Real Facts. The investment by a concentrated mainstream media in presenting the argument for “No” as one advocating "real" basic human rights for everyone as unifying when history and social metrics today clearly say otherwise and allowing “Yes” to be trumpeted as divisive and racist beggars belief. But when analyzed and push comes to shove that’s the publicity being given to the absurdity of real and systemic racist reality.

It’s the same argument imported direct from America today by Trumpists and neo-Nazis and Christian Nationalists who like Jacinta Price say “slavery was good for the African Americans” and their experience today is their Lifestyle Choice

This is what Peter Dutton gets from making Jacinta Nampijinpa Price the Coalition’s Indigenous spokeswoman: a weaponised conservative woman who can say things out loud that white conservatives haven’t dared to say since the early 1960s.

Price’s comment conveniently ignored the fact that colonisation to many Aboriginal people, unlike convicts who might have been flogged but eventually got tickets of leave, meant starvation through the loss of hunting grounds, loss of life through massacre by guns and poison, mass deaths through imported disease, and last-chance survival in mission stations where traditional culture and language were often forbidden and families were broken apart.

The idea that the resulting trauma did not flow through generations to the present day is poppycock.

Source: Culture warrior Jacinta Nampijinpa Price says out loud what white conservatives do not dare

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Trying to save his bacon Tim Gurner has been told this retraction will save him from "Doing a Ratner".

Ratner joined the family business in 1966 and built up an extremely successful chain of jewellers during the 1980s, of which he was CEO. The shops shocked the formerly staid jewellery industry by displaying fluorescent orange posters advertising cut-price bargains and by offering low price ranges. The Ratners Group consisted of Ratners, H. Samuel, Ernest Jones, Leslie Davis, Watches of Switzerland and over 1,000 shops in the United States, including Kay Jewelers.

Although widely regarded as "tacky",[4] the shops and their wares were nevertheless extremely popular with the public, until Ratner made a speech addressing a conference of the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall on 23 April 1991.[5] During the speech, he commented:

We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap."[6]

He compounded this by going on to remark that one of the sets of earrings was "cheaper than a prawn sandwich from Marks and Spencer’s, but I have to say the sandwich will probably last longer than the earrings". Ratner made a guest appearance on UK television's BBC1 talk show Wogan, the following day after his speech, to apologise and explain his joking remark the previous day that some of his company's products were "total crap".

Ratner's comments have become textbook examples of why CEOs should choose their words carefully. In the furore that ensued, customers stayed away from Ratner shops. After the speech, the value of the Ratner group plummeted by around £500 million, which very nearly resulted in the group's collapse.[7] Ratner hired a chairman in an attempt to stabilise the situation, and was dismissed by the new company chairman in November 1992. The group changed its name to Signet Group in September 1993.[8]

Ratner's speech is famous as an example of the value of branding and image over quality. Such gaffes are now sometimes called "doing a Ratner",[9] and Ratner himself has acquired the sobriquet "The Sultan of Bling".[10] Ratner has said that his remarks were not meant to be taken seriously. He blamed what he called aggressiveness and deliberate misinterpretation by several media outlets for the severe consumer reaction.[8]

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