Tuesday 19 September 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL 19/9/23, Is there an Indigenous Australia? Price says No, Who has access and a Voice? Murdoch deflects with a Dead Cat and Tim Blair,


 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'yes the idea came from Indigenous people'

Price's denialism takes the Coalition to a new Indigenous Affairs policy: erasure of First Peoples

 According vote No voter Jacinta Price  Indigenous people longer really exist. They have been assimilated  The impact of colonization is largely over except for some remote community stragglers. Price’s job as Minister for Indigenous Affairs is therefore really redundant, unnecessary. According to her logic when you drill down into it Peter Dutton had a knee jerk, bogan and racist reponse for thinking she was Indigenous. However she's not giving up the job of speaking for these no longer existent people. Marcia Langton was so right wasn't she? If you simply listen to the No argument and look at "reality" Yes is the only logical approach on October 14th.

In a week when Professor Marcia Langton has been demonised for making the straightforward point that the basic arguments of the No campaign always resolve into racism, Price’s remarks demonstrate that the No campaign in the end rejects as either non-existent or irrelevant the impact of the invasion and colonisation of Australia on First Peoples. Her particular version is one of extreme assimilation: Indigenous peoples now have running water and food, colonisation had a positive impact, and the Indigenous Affairs portfolio that she herself holds should be dissolved.

Source: “Jacinta Price's Denialism – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'EVERY TIME THEY CALL IT LABOR'S VOICE... They erase the Indigenous Australians who asked for it... They erase the Indigenous experts who worked on it... They erase the Indigenous people that contributed to it... They erase the 'Indigenous' completely from the dialogue... ...They're erasing us even as they campaign our Voice shouldn't exist.'May be an illustration of 1 person and text that says 'NO WALKING H No JUST NO WONDER NHERE JACINTAIS TREHT SoON THECE INDEPE STU YEAN BUT CHANGE THE DATE YES WARREN MUNDINES YEAH BUT NAH STAND FOR CAMPAIGN'May be an illustration of ‎text that says '‎WALK FOR YES YES YES TROLL FOR No YES YES YES YES ו@&# @#%!! YES DULL YES VOTE YES AYESK ttudsan‎'‎

 May be pop art of text

Political business party

 Now here is a voice or voices to Parliament and their donation Money we are told is their from the Heart Statement

The business forums of both major parties sell political access to corporate Australia, and they make a pretty penny doing so. Many of Australia’s largest companies are members and their events can raise hundreds of thousands in one night. Zacharias Szumer investigates.

Source: Who’s at the party? The thriving business of corporate access to politicians – Michael West


 Once UK Voice now Denied.

Craig Murray is the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, a whistleblower, journalist and one of the leading voices for the freedom of Julian Assange. In this wide-randing interview with The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, Murray takes aim at the US and UK’s claims to uphold democracy while jailing dissidents – including Murray himself – for protesting and exposing their crimes.

Source: Ex-UK Amb. Craig Murray: “The US Has Completely Ceased to be a Democracy” – scheerpost.com

May be an image of 5 people and text 

Tim Blair when it comes to Journalism is a racist. Remember when he reported on the Muslim Festival of Eid. He did it from an empty Pub bar looking out the window too frightened he might be recognized.Andrew Bolt's Blair's doppleganger or is that vicky verka? Is Blair Bolt's? Bolt used to turn to Blair for his punch down humor as Bolt simply isn't funny and knows it. He uses Blair to lighten up his tedious blogs with Blair's nonsense knowing Blair really never has anything serious to say. Bolt used Miranda Devine that way until she told him who was top boss at 2GB. and Bolt was shown the door. But then Murdoch media has never really had many journalists and B&B certainly aren't.

Here's an example of why Blair is a racist. This article has little or nothing to say about what was being said by the fully assimilated Jacinta Price. According to Blair she's definitely not white but an Aboriginal a Black woman  despite Jacinta Price saying she isn't because the impact of colonization is over and the benefits have ended Indigeneity in Australia. But not for Tim Blair Jacinta Price is Black, Brave, But Never White and he was writing to let us know.

 This is Blair's effort is to misdirect and distract from what Price really said his dead cat. His deflection from Price's stupidity.So he turns to Murdoch's oppostion Peter Costello's CH9 and the Age in Melbourne. Blair can't say they are both influencers for the No campaign so he makes out  Fairfax are the conspiratorial opposition for Yes side?  Does he really expect us to believe that because they front paged  the images of a gaggle of White celebrities instead of focusing on the assimilated Jacinta they were trying to mock the entire event? One suspects Blair was reporting from behind that pub bar again because he certainly wasn't focusing on the reality of the event. It's as if he wasn't even there and was MIA. 

Nevertheless Blair like Bolt in Melbourne got the headline in Murdoch's Sydney TDT for the need to misdirect attention away from Price's stupidity by turning on The Age and slagging the opposition off. Yes they are competing for the attention of same monied advertisers in the same small market by flashing their ratings. The ratings are their product and not acquired by news or information but sensationalizing opinion on sale to the market where the money lies. Journalists aren't required by Murdoch or Costello. Only the rating numbers are because they attract the cash flow of the Harvey Norman's Industry Lobbyists  and party supporters like the IPA etc. The ALP and the left who have spent 10% of what the No campaign has left it to Australians to make their choice while the media boosts No for the money.

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