Saturday 21 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL 21/10/23, Hello Centerlink, The world's most immoral Army, Lies Central Advance, "I'm Not a Racist",


A woman who rang Centrelink to enquire about a youth allowance 38 years ago has finally had her phone call answered

Centrelink Caller Enquiring About Youth Allowance Qualifies for Aged Pension While on Hold

 May be a doodle of text that says 'Wondering ทoพ to muster sufficient hate to deny the humanity of the enemy You need... it's easy! Just look at that old lady, that frightened child that grieving family... WAR GOSGLESTM Put ση your WARGOGGLES™M and look again! They've not humans! They're savage monsters! They deserve what's coming to them. BOOM! wilcox'May be an image of boat and text

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Our eyes are naturally drawn to bombings and air strikes and statistics on the dead. This principle is exemplified by the furor over the bombing of al-Ahli Hospital, the responsibility for which it is difficult to fix amid the fog of war. It should be remembered, however, that Israel has threatened many other hospitals, demanding that they be evacuated, however unrealistic that demand might be. But the threat of total war on Gaza civilians comes from a different policy, which is endangering their lives on a much grander scale if in less garish ways.

Source: “I expect you to Die” – Israel’s biggest Crime isn’t threatening Hospitals, it is Starving 2.2 Million Civilians of Potable Water


Two-thirds of the directors of the fake “grassroots” campaign network have filed fake residential addresses with regulators; none of its at least six arms has a telephone number; and the entire operation is “based” at a fake national headquarters.

Source: Central ‘No’ campaign lobby hiding behind wall of lies

John Lord is only too gracious to begin with his ironic congrats. I wouldn’t give the mothers the acknowledgment. But, yes “We are all racists”, particularly the 50% born and raised here. Intergenerational socialization has ensured that. As has the intergenerational trauma foisted on the FNP of this country. To a degree, we have all inherited a degree of the social defining psychology of the Squattocracy which we can read about in David Marr’s Killing for Country

I must begin by congratulating Murdoch’s news media and the Australian Conservative political parties for their successful long-term character assassination of those who are different. Meaning First Nations people.

Source: We’ve all heard it: “I’m not a racist, but … ” – » The Australian Independent Media Network

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