Friday 20 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,20/10/23, Marcia Langton, Peter Dutton & Tony Abbott Colonial Settlers, It's Raining Bombs and Bullshit, Israel cracks down on critics, Facebook and Instagram Censor, They Yes Vote , Andrew Misogynist Racist Bolt,




Peter Dutton ran a campaign telling us Indigenous people are Australians no different from you and me and that the ” yes “vote only divides us. He now wants a Royal Commission not on the sexual abuse of children in the Nation per se but one focused specifically on the Indigenous community. He wants a financial audit of the money received by Indigenous communities. He doesn’t want an investigation into the sex trafficking industry yes “industry exclusively White. He’s not interested in child molestation among the Church and youth groups or any government Institutions. Solea a Royal Commission into Aborigines who he and Jacinta Price shouldn’t be regarded as exceptional.

Why was Warren Mundine given $325K for a TV program on Murdoch’s Sky News? I’d go along with that if that’s what Dutton means by an audit into where $4.5B actually went. I suspect Stuart Robert might have an idea. Who actually did profit from the cash card might be a useful start. How much actually reaches the people in remote communities. Why haven’t the Child Justice Royal Commission recommendations been acted on? Are we Institutional racists when it comes to Health, Education, Housing, Jobs, and the Law are FN people really treated equally?

Be careful what you wish for Mr Dutton,

You are a product of settler-colonialism, a nation created first on lies The ones like Terra Nullius then through the removal and attempted elimination of the people who lived in the territory before you as evidenced in the frontier wars. Your ilk killed for this country. Settler-colonisers don’t just remove people off their land. They remove their historical places, monuments, evidence of their history oral and physical, all traces of their existence. “Boom oops sorry we didn’t mean that” said Rio Tinto in 2022. They demand Assimilation. Both you, Jacinta Price and Tony Abbott claim there are “Only Australians”. So if there is no victim, there is no crime. The criminals then are the “undeserving indigenous” and they need policing, a Royal Commission because you want to prove they are less than you. Just as was done when Terra Nullius failed. Indigenous Australians were fauna not human. If the territory culturally cleansed of the indigenous character given to it by those who lived then, it is open to be forced fed  a new one and that’s what settler Colonists want ASSIMILATION

What Tony Abbott News Corp Director wrote in the Australian


It found both those who voted ‘yes’ (92 per cent) and ‘no’ (83 per cent) agreed that truth in political advertising should be legislated before the next election campaign.

Seven in 10 respondents said they were concerned about misinformation on social media in the lead up to the voice referendum. Australia Institute executive director Richard Denniss said it shouldn’t be legal to lie in a political ad.

Source: Opposition push for Indigenous abuse royal commission

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'We never had Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. For the first time in Australia's history, we have someone with lived experience fronting Australia and being able to carry the conversation and quite frankly, we now need to back senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price in. This is actually quite frankly an historic moment for Australia. It was also a historical moment when Wyatt, who was born on a mission, and whose mother was taken as a child under the Stolen Generation policies, was made minister for Indigenous Australians LEADSHIT stey news'

 A politician with a history the equivalent of her leader Peter Dutton who has failed so badly she no longer cares what comes out of her mouth.

 May be an illustration of money and text 

Run Rabbit Run - Israel says it's bombs are targeted not to kill civilians 6-8000 rained down. Hamas missiles on the otherhand do????  No record of a kill that large has been evidenced. Israel has been caught out time and again faking it. They used Australian documents blamed Australia when caught in an assassination plot denying it was Mossad. Did Putin learn BS off Israel or Israel off Putin?


Israel's chief of police Kobi Shabtai is seen flanked by other police officers responding to an alleged terror attack in the Jewish settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim, outside of Jerusalem, August 1, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Journalists will be arrested

Palestinians, as well as some left-wing Jews, are being suspended from studies, fired from jobs, or arrested at night — all because of social media posts.

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi on Monday brought to the Knesset’s security cabinet new legislation that would give him the authority to take broadcasts off air and confiscate broadcasting equipment if a program is seen as damaging national security or public order, or as contributing to “enemy propaganda.” The Likud minister had reportedly already proposed even more draconian legislation — shelved for the relatively more moderate bill tabled Monday — that would have given the police the power to arrest civilians who share information that “undermines the morale of Israel’s soldiers and residents in the face of the enemy.” 

Source: Israel cracks down on internal cri

Gaza Hospital Bombing Photos Censored by Instagram, Facebook


groups monitoring regional social media activity say censorship of Palestinian users is at a level not seen since May 2021, when violence flared between Israel and Gaza following Israeli police incursions into Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.

Two years ago, Meta blamed the abrupt deletion of Instagram posts about Israeli military violence on a technical glitch. On October 15, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone again attributed claims of wartime censorship on a “bug” affecting Instagram. (Meta could not be immediately reached for comment.)

Source: Gaza Hospital Bombing Photos Censored by Instagram, Facebook

 May be an image of map and text

May be an image of 1 person, television and text that says 'RESEARCH SHOWS: and People who watch Sky News use Facebook as their main source of information were more likely to have voted No in referendum. The Guardian' 

  Remember when Andrew Bolt tried to bully Miranda Devine and got more than he bargained for when she showed him up for the misogynist who he really is on 2GB. Not worth keeping the Station gave him the flick. Bolt then tried to show how in demand he really is and began his own podcast. It lasted 5 weeks, embarrassed his son Dominic who we have never heard from since and was shut down. Bolt tried his alpha-male stunt on Chris Kenny recently but got nowhere. He's an isolate in Australia with an antiquated 19th century Colonial Settler's mindset ready to destroy this country's FN people not with a gun but with his weaponized corporate microphone.


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