Monday 23 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with Real, 23/10/23, A Sting?, Questions unanswered by Price, Dutton, Littleproud, Muslims, Africans, Asians, City Woke, Mass Turnout for Yes by FNP, Conflict of Interest not declared, Dutton/Pell, Thomas Keneally,

 May be art of 1 person, map and text that says 'FRAGILE FRAGILE'May be pop art of 4 people and text 

According to Peter Dutton the Muslim girl is probably married and should never have been allowed into Australia, the African is an unwanted because if not already most likely become a criminal gang member   scaring good Australian citizens. The Chinese are spies stealing our IP or will possibly be a tobacco and or drug runner. While the  white kid is most likely from a ALP loving socialist woke family because she's allowed to hang out with these unwanted foriegn invaders who probably came illegally by boat.

May be an image of ‎1 person and ‎text that says '‎[First Nations people] turned out, they brought their communities to the polls, some of them for the first time, THEY HAVE VOTED FOR CHANGE.' -Larissa Roberts- aldwin, Widjabul Wia- woman from the Bundjalung Nations and GetUp's CEO. Authorised byL Baldwin-Roberts, GetUp, Sydney 2פD‎'‎‎ 

In the 19 century the British Crown actually re-assessed their attitudes to slavery,and the Indigenous peoples of their colonies. They sent that required changes be formalized in laws to protect FN people.  They were to be recognized treaties were to be signed throughout the Commonwealth. Australian Squatters refused to put any institutional recognition or Human Rights into practice beyond an arbitrary city line and simply left it up to a white man's conscience. The appointed Governors and recognized heads of Churches simply did much the same. As a consequence Australia still remains a country without Human Rights Bill with a racist Constitution and no treaties signed that fails to recognize that their  First Nation People even formally exist. The people on whose land this nation was built and have no place in our history. That makes Australia unique among all of Britain's historic colonies and many colonial nations throughout the world.  We stand with Russia, China and Israel when it comes to Human Rights wher Might is Right.

Jacinta Price, Peter Dutton and Bess Price

There is a strong suggestion and convincing argument by Shane Dowling of an Undeclared Conflict of Interest that seems to overshadows a school where Bess Price Jacinta Price's Mom is an Assistant Principle (unnamed) that is that's  demanding a $12M grant off the ALP government and trying to suggest it's political obstruction.

Watch all three of the below videos as Bess Price, Peter Dutton and David Littleproud all raise the $12 million grant 3 days in a row which shows it is a coordinated plan to get the $12 million and they all link it to the referendum discussion. Are Dutton and Littleproud pushing the $12 million grant as payback for Bess Price and Jacinta Price helping the “No” vote getting up in the referendum? ( Dowling )

 He ( Dutton) says “Jacinta’s (an LNP shadow Minister has) got an excellent idea in relation into putting accommodation into some of the schools in the Northern Territory so kids can get a good night sleep etc”. 

Given the unanswered fraud allegations made about the current funding of the Yipirinya school and printed in The Alice Springs News and found in comments. Is Peter Dutton calling the school and the Price family involvement to be "audited" first? Before or after it receives the $12M Mr Dutton ? Dutton doesn't even mention the Price family relationship in this "excellent idea". Just as he failed to mention the two opers he allowed to stay in Australia were his mates.

  David Littleproud says “the government has wasted $450 million while the Yipirinya school in Alice Springs has been asking for just $12 million to provide accommodation for at risk indigenous children to help close the gap. Will the Prime Minister commitment to this funding?”

What's even darker reading this is that Littleproud and Dutton sound like the good Christians of yesteryear who rubber stamped those government subsidized welfare programs "industries" that removed children "at risk" as defined by them that have come to be known as the Stolen Children today. The concept would look suspicious enough if many schools throughout the NT were being referred to here but there's not. Only one in which the Price family seems to have a very vested interest according to Dowling.

Here is just one of the comments in The Alice Springs News.

Susan Sidler 30 April 2023 at 11:30 am

Yipirinya School should demonstrate accountability for the massive funding it already receives before more is provided.

At the heart of the problem of accountability is that Yipirinya is a family school.

It employs about 20 teachers and a staggering 55 non-teaching staff.

By comparison it employs more non-teaching staff that Yirara College which is a boarding school and in charge of students full time rather than just school hours.

Interesting to know what all these Yipirinya non-teaching staff do on a day to day basis?

Adding to the accountability question is that the school is not registered under ORIC [Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations] but under the old Corporations Act and so much less subject to scrutiny.

Who will be the main beneficiaries of the new initiative aimed at accommodating staff and students?

PS: Last year’s NAPLAN data says attendance is 31% not 50%. (Click here to read the full article and other comments)

Source: Peter Dutton, Jacinta Price and her mother Bess Price exposed conspiring to loot $million from Indigenous funding via a school grantKangaroo Court of Australia


 May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'Eatat Joes Joe2 @eatatjoe2 Dutton's phoney concern for welfare of aboriginal/all children is best exemplified by his decision to attend George Pell's funeral a man who turned a blind eye to their sexual abuse by Priests & enabled its continuation. Dutton is a hypocrite. #auspol' 

Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.

Yes supporters react to the result of the Indigenous voice to parliament vote, Sydney, Australia, 14 October.Badiucao

 While the pain was being felt by 40% plus Australians and 80% of FN Peoples on and after 15/10/23, Peter Dutton and his cronies were partying as if there were no tomorrow but only the past. A 1830s event thrown by squatters. After they'd just mass murdered FNP and misappropriated their lands  beyond the arbitrary City limit line. Back then they were free to declare they shot and killed "nobody" and able to keep these killings from any possible charges brought by the Crown. As "no" witnesses were ever available. The "black fauna" weren't  permitted to give evidence or bear witness in any British Christian Courtroom. Courts where even the Magistrates were squatters and jurors military personal. No white man was ever held to account for killing raping or stealing from a black man woman or child for almost 100 years.

The polls had been favourable until a brutal press campaign kicked in against this kindly, long-overdue change

Source: I mourn the loss of Australia’s Indigenous voice vote – and won’t forgive the media’s mendacity | Thomas Keneally | The Guardian

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