Wednesday 4 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 4/10/23, Cash "Don't Know", Fox News employs Trump's Lawyer, Workers on Strike,


Disability Royal Commission

The Disabled want a Voice too and like Indigenous Australians are abused and exploited by the system

Michaella Cash ” Don’t Know Vote No”

 Oops They aren't Indigenous they're disabled so YES !!

After more than four years and many traumatic stories, the disability royal commission’s final report was released last week, containing 222 recommendations. Di Winkler reports on the urgency of action.

Source: No time to waste – the Disability Royal Commission calls for action now – Michael West


New Fox News Spin On Trump Fraud: 'Victimless Crime'

Fox News claim Trump's crime is “Victimless" is Bullshit”. Because Trump avoided taxes and took a dollar or two from every person in New York particularly from those who could least afford it. Taxes that could have provided services for the needy. He did the same to the good people of Atlantic City leaving everyone burnt, scarred and he left. Now he’s doing it to the donors to his PAC to pay his legal fees. 

 Fox New's Sean Hannity Trump's de facto street corner lawyer decries the investigations digging into Trump's past and his children. How unfair is that! The Bidens should hire Hannity as their Lawyer as should all guilty Americans jailed for past crimes and and not caught in the act. Weinstein is innocent according to Murdoch's Hannity. As a legal whizz this retard just threw out any reason for a Statute of Limitations because anything done yesterday would no longer count as a crime. 

Would Hannity take a job from Trump without being paid first like Giuliani did? Guess he would as long as the money was upfront because he wouldn't have to ask Trump where he got it from. Hannity just reduced crime in America to " innocent unless caught in the act" and witnessed by reputable parties.

 By undervaluing the properties for tax purposes, Trump cheated New York out of tax revenue needed to pay police, fire fighters, repair streets and other city expenses, which means the rest of the taxpayers picked up that tab.

Source: New Fox News Spin On Trump Fraud: ‘Victimless Crime’ | Crooks and Liars

Former US President Donald Trump attends the trial of himself, his adult sons, the Trump Organization and others in a civil fraud case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James, at a Manhattan courthouse, in New York City, on October 2, 2023. (BRENDAN MCDERMID/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump on Monday lashed out at the judge overseeing his trial in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil fraud lawsuit in Manhattan.

Source: Legal experts: Trump’s unhinged attack on judge in court shows he “realizes he’s going to lose” |


Drivers of Inflation Profit Gouging

Australia’s largest supermarkets are posting billion-dollar profits while their employees are struggling to pay rent. Now, a national strike of supermarket workers is pushing back.

Source: Workers Are Striking at Australia’s Supermarket Duopoly

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