Thursday 5 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 5/10/23; The Audit, Dutton Mr Efficient Immigration Minister; Fear Mongering is all Top Down


 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Patrick Dodson @SenatorDodson Referendums are simply about voting on a principle. The principle is whether we should recognise Aboriginal and Torres Torres Strait Islander people as our First peoples... Saying Yes to this principle is a good and honourable thing to do.'


 An audit of facts

It began at $40 B then dropped to $ 30 B the claim by No Campaigners money wasted on Indigenous Australians. However, $26 B was what Indigenous Australians would have received for simply being ordinary Australian citizens from a pool of $550 B. The No campaign exaggerated that 6% was an outrageous exception.

$4 B was allocated for their special needs which now Dutton and Price claim was wasted and needs to be strictly audited. Yes, it sounds like a demand for a Robodebt audit.  Well, it certainly wasn’t wasted by Indigenous Australians or the ALP was it!!

But now Dutton says an audit is needed because Ken Wyatt who was Indigenous, supported Yes and resigned from politics was incompetent. While Price is maintaining special allocations or an Indigenous Affairs Dept was never needed anyway.  More efficient Government supervision is what is required for a population of which some 80% live below or on the edge of poverty and are worse off than the disabled due to a systemic disregard and lack of opportunity.

The idea of an audit smells exactly like LNP “victim blaming” again. Bill Shorten found organized fraud and misappropriation not among the clients but by the NDIS providers. That it was intentionally disregarded to politically bankrupt the service. Dutton is claiming fraud or incompetence in the Aboriginal Affairs dept. Well, a report just released into Immigration suggested under his watch, organized crime took over and ran amok in the Dept while he sat back and did nothing. The LNP it seems did little or nothing in the way of service in any Ministerial sector of government. Nothing over their nine years but tripled the nation’s dept and are now claiming they alone are, and always were Australia’s better money managers.

Who for a moment believes that Boomgate Racist Dutton has changed his spots?

Wyatt doesn’t say it, but he might as well have: claiming that yet another audit will fix this, from the party that just conducted two dozen of them, is, as the witticism goes, the definition of insanity. But it doesn’t matter to Price and co whether these arguments make sense – only that voters feel a sense of personal aggrievement at the money being spent – wasted – on Indigenous Australians. There is no doubt a small amount of money in this area is being misspent, as it is many areas of government policy, and sometimes for personal or political gain. But as Uluru statement architect Megan Davis wrote on social media this morning, “the ‘audit’ response is status quo”, which is exactly what “No” seeks to maintain.”

Source: “It is… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook


The Voice promises more efficient government, but try telling the No camp that

Why don't conservative No supporters want a less powerful, more efficient government? Because that's not what government is about for them anymore.  The Voice promises more efficient government, but try telling the No camp tha


 May be an illustration of text

 May be an illustration of text that says 'LOVING THIS WEATHER, DON'T KNOW WHAT THES CLIMATE CHANGE WHINGERS ARE GETTING WORKED uP ABoиT YEP I'S PERFECT- AND STILL A COUPLE OF MONTHS UNTIL SUMMER KICKS IN Hudson'May be an illustration of newspaper and textMay be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Patrick Dodson @SenatorDodson Referendums are simply about voting on a principle. The principle is whether we should recognise Aboriginal and Torres Torres Strait Islander people as our First peoples... Saying Yes to this principle is a good and honourable thing to do.'

Breaking news on tv. Man watching live television broadcast program.

It has often been suggested that the LNP have always used an underlying fear and insecurity in the general public as a means of securing voting support on the basis that they offer better protection against external and internal threats. Typically, these threats are left vague, yet it is wholly evident that the main stream media is intent on ramping up China as an external threat and Middle East and youth crime gangs as an internal threat. Is Climate Change presented as a threat to our security? Rarely, and usually in an entirely non-systematic manner.

Source: Fearmongering: the media’s creation of fear in the general public – Pearls and Irritations


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