Friday 6 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 6/10/23; Dutton's White Audit; Apartheid in the Pacific; Tony Abbott the world advisor on how to treat desperation; Breaking News;

 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is calling for an audit into Indigenous government spending.

 Dutton proves to us when it comes to logic and or reason he lives his life and leads with none. He is after all mr Boomgate and acts before he thinks. According to Waleed Aly

 Currently the system has the government allocate money by whatever mechanisms currently exist. It's the system over which Peter Duttons Coalition itself presided most recently for nine years. The exact system that a No vote would preserve. However according to Dutton “The system is broken” which is the argument you make for change or "Yes", not for the status quo. But, for whatever reason you might support it, a No vote simply delivers the status quo.

 Somewhere amidst the array of tangential arguments surrounding the Voice, the idea took root that governments across Australia spend more than $30 billion a year on Indigenous Australians. The figure isn’t so much a lie as it is misleading. It gives the impression of being the amount spent on programs exclusively for Indigenous Australia, but  it's actually not, Only about $4 - $6 billion answers that description. The rest – outlined in a 2016 Productivity Commission report – is simply the Indigenous share of government spending on all Australians on things like health and education.

 The common thread is the trope of special treatment. Perhaps the most persistent criticism of the Voice is that it gives Indigenous Australians  an institutional status no one else can have. In this view, it is not a proposal for reconciliation, but for privileging. That’s what the No campaign means when it calls the Voice “divisive” and racial. For some, that objection is limited only to its presence in the Constitution,

 The system is in desperate need of some proper advice, perhaps from a representative body of some sort. That’s the promise the Voice holds, really. A kind of rolling audit, admittedly without the authority to compel or punish but, importantly, also without the party-political imperatives. that have over ridden past decisions. According to Aly then, it’s a matter of which auditor you prefer. And in recent times that choice has been PwC or any other corrupt big 4 that Dutton has turned to for the last 9-10 years but not on any account an Indigenous Voice or Black and therefore Racial

Dutton wants Indigenous programs audited. The irony? That’s what the Voice doesMay be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Sana Nakata @DrSanaNakata Remember this: "We can't win the election unless we defeat the Voice solidly, ie we defeat it to get to the election starting line." need to Dutton made this referendum a partisan issue for his own electoral gain. This is what it means to be a political football.'

May be pop art of poster, banner and text that says "THE STANDARDS PAST... WE WALK NO NO NO Mh" 

It took a global response to end Apartheid in South Africa. Boycotts against the Springboks were global. Trade blockades let the South Africans know that Racism was intolerable to ordinary Australians. It would appear  Dutton's Australia needs to learn that themselves the hardway and the world should assist by calling a spade a shovel and let us know in clear terms our nations Racism won't be tolerated. It's time the world voted YES, why? Because Indigenous Australians have simply haven't had a Fair Go for 250 years and the Duttons, Prices, and Mundines have.

 While, Price and Mundine may well represent themselves they sure as hell don't represent the majority of Indigenous Australia. As individuals they are statistically irrelevant as is Lidia Thorpe to the Voice to the social fact and unelected to speak for First Nations peoples who can be found at the bottom of every social metric ladder. Present in numbers that are in far greater proportion than their 3.5% of the population. 25% of incarcerated Australians are Indigenous not 3.5% being just one statistic among many. So one is left to wonder why the media give these non representative aberrations more air time than those that do represent some  80% of 750k Indigenous Australians. people?May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Wazza from Melbourne @Melbourne_says Tony Abbott on ABC Breakfast says Indigenous people should be encouraged to 'integrate into the mainstream society of Australia'. Abbott once said that 'Australia was nothing but bush' prior to white settlement. Blokes a deadset racist. #VoteYES23Australia' 

He wanted to bring back Knights and Dames. He wanted to be part of NATO and built monuments in Europe. He Pushed for Western Culture studies the become a full degree course in all our Universities and cut back on the special funding that the poorest people in our nation were allocated. Indigenous Australians Mr Abbott have assimilated. They have taken up the same patterns of behaviors white Australians do when they live below the poverty line. But Abbott calls that a "lifestyle choice " when it comes to Aborigines but not one white typical of white Australians. In their case it's simply dole bludging off the state. In the case of Indigenous Australians it's their  Culture which is at fault and that needs to be changed not The Culture of Poverty Well forced change was tried for generations without success by Assimilationists who still blame Multiculturalism for the social dysfunction witnessed today and pointed to by the likes of Tony Abbott and his once preferred yes man Warren Mundine..

 Churches, Government and other agencies set up businesses that stole their children, enforced laws banning native language, rituals, songs and stories that told of a 60,000 year history of success, with some success one might point out in an exchange for a Culture of Poverty and failure. Everything even sterilisation was proffered as a solution to the whiteman man's Indigenous problem. Our  Constitution was  Racist from the get-go and still is but "No" still denies a correction is needed that those peoples need to have a say or even know what's best.  Successive  Government Legislation hasn't achieved any respectable outcomes. It has been an Assimilationists nightmare a yoyo of political strategies to garner votes, jump to the tunes of lobbyists and/or party donors and waste money. But, not listen to the requests of indigenous Australians themselves still languishing the lowest on every social metric listed as a Universal Human Right. The 1788 Colonial mindset is entrenched in Australia and has divided this nation for centuries and only a Yes vote can unite it and offer a possibility of change. 

Dutton's crying "racial division" is crying wolf. The wolf of "reverse racism" which doesn't exist. Our  current day culture and social structures he claims are colorless designed to provide  opportunity for every one but social statistics, the facts prove other wise for some 750,000 people who happen to be the first here. Tinkering won't change anything. A "Yes" vote won't either on the day but it's accepting a new beginning is needed whereas No is simply more of the same. A social system that accepts multiculturalism and doesn't just talk about it is needed. A Culture and system that doesn't demand Assimilation that silently kowtows to the white Colonial Past is what's required and that's what No and Racist Australia doesn't want altered.

Occupy Democrats
BREAKING: Donald Trump's chances for prison skyrocket as bombshell reporting reveals that he recklessly discussed sensitive intelligence about U.S. nuclear submarines with a foreign billionaire at Mar-a-Lago. And it gets even worse... According to source familiar with the matter, Trump shared the submarine information with an Australian billionaire who then shared it with scores of others including at least a dozen foreign officials, his own employees, and even a handful of curious journalists. This wasn't an intelligence leak, it was a flood. The stunning allegation was reported to Special Counsel Jack Smith who is currently investigating Trump's illegal smuggling and hoarding of classified documents at his Florida compound. Prosecutors and the FBI have repeatedly interviewed the billionaire in question, Mar-a-Lago member Anthony Pratt, and he was the one who spilled the beans on Trump. Pratt claimed that during a conversation with Trump, he mentioned the American submarine fleet. The ex-president then got excited, leaned closer to be stealthy, and told him two crucial pieces of information about U.S. submarines: 1) The exact number of nuclear warheads they carry. 2) Exactly how close they can get to a Russian submarine without detection. This information would be EXTREMELY useful to America's adversaries and is something Trump should never have revealed. Pratt then went on to share the information with at least 45 other people via emails and conversations. Enough is enough. The longer Trump remains a free man, the more secret information he will be able to reveal. It's time to lock him up for good. Please retweet and  if you want Trump behind bars as soon as possible — and consider joining the growing exodus to Tribel, a “woke” new Twitter competitor that is exploding in popularity because it banned Trump for life and because Elon Musk banned Tribel’s Twitter account — but he forgot to ban this link to download the new Tribel app:

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