Friday 3 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 3/11/23, Joe Biden's Proxy Wars, Israel's Hiroshima, Israel Endangering Jews, Disese rips Gaza, Settlers in West Bank, Abbott Back to being a Denier,


Killing and wounding 400 noncombatants and destroying 20 residential buildings to get at one target, even if the target is a wanted terrorist, is strictly forbidden under the post-World War II laws of war and International Humanitarian law. These laws are codified in the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute that underpins the International Criminal Court.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration is letting the fascist government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu get away with mass murder. As a result, no one in the global South will ever listen to Biden or Secretary of State Antony Blinken say the words “rules-based international order” again without falling down laughing. The US attempt to cut Russia off from the world economy will now completely fail.

Source: Israel in Search of its Hiroshima: Massive Bomb Wipes out 20 Apt. Buildings, Kills, Wounds 400 Civilians

Israel calls itself a “Jewish state,” but there is nothing “Jewish” about mistreating people because they are of a different religion or ethnic group. Indeed, Zionism has, it seems, turned its back on the universal Jewish moral tradition which Jewish critics of Zionism such as Albert Einstein, Judah Magnes, Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt warned that it would.

What effect on the status of diaspora Jews if the state is defeated?

What effect on Jews elsewhere from manifestly wrong or immoral actions of that state?

The call from Israel when Jews abroad are in danger is, Come home to Israel, where you belong and will be safe from violence inflicted because you are Jewish.

It is now less credible to think of Israel as a safe place for Jews as Jews, in an ironic twist. And the more extreme measures Israel wreaks on Gaza for Israel’s safety, the more imperiled by association Jews outside Israel will be.

Source: Endangered and Dangerous Israel, Endangering Jews –


Israel's Public Diplomacy Minister: "Erase all of Gaza from the face of the earth. That the Gazan monsters will fly to the southern fence & try to enter Egyptian territory or they will die & their death will be evil. Gaza should be erased!"

Still questioning a genocidal intent?

 A young boy wearing a mask steps over charred remains of a tree and a house

 Since evacuating to the south, my kids have been suffering from stomach flu including symptoms like abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea which I always assumed it’s the normal result of sleeping on the floor or change of weather, just to learn that it is caused by contaminated water we drink daily and queue for hours to supply. And with the lack of medical services and the no-internet problem, I just found out this might lead to liver fibrosis and kidney failure. We’ve been drinking this water for 15 days and fighting to supply it. Are you fucking kidding me?!!

Hunger, thirst and disease rip through Gaza

Under cover of Gaza's destruction, Israeli settlers and police are destroying West Bank Palestinian society

One hundred Conistons-on-the-Jordan: hi-tech murder and land theft is destroying an agricultural indigenous people.

With the destruction of Gaza now being conducted with techniques — lethal thirst as a weapon — that put it in the category of the worst imperialist crimes against humanity, fundamentalist settlers on the West Bank are using Gaza’s bombardment as cover for a series of fresh land-grabs and the violent expulsion of Palestinian farmers. This follows a sustained period of murders of Palestinians by settlers over the past 12 months, conducted with near impunity, and which appear to have formed part of the provocation for Hamas’ terrorist break-out attack on October 7.


 West Bank

Since 7 October, when Hamas delivered Israel’s military and strategic establishment a bloody nose, prompting Israel to launch a campaign of mass murder in Gaza, Israeli settlers have been organizing attacks against Palestinian herding communities to drive them off their land.

Israeli settlers threaten Palestinians at gunpoint, vandalize their property, hamper their access to water, ruin their trees, damage their vehicles, steal their belongings and intimidate and physically attack them.

Settlers even hung dolls splattered with red, resembling blood, near a Palestinian children’s school west of Jericho in the occupied West Bank’s Jordan Valley, to intimidate and threaten them.

This forces Palestinian communities, which are comprised largely of families and children, to leave their areas in fear of deadly attacks.

Settlers gunning for second Nakba in the West Bank

 May be an image of 11 people and text 

Pro-Palestinian Jews occupying defense minister ALP Richard Marles office right now. Solidarity is strength!

Former prime minister Tony Abbott speaks during the book launch of 'Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!' By 'Officer A', an anonymous member of the NSW Police Tactical Operations Unit, on the 8th anniversary of the Lindt Cafe Siege at Wentworth Gallery in Sydney, Thursday, December 15, 2022. (AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts) NO ARCHIVING

 Abbott’s remarks come a week after scientists warned Earth’s “vital signs” are worse than at any time in human history, with 20 of the 35 planetary vital signs at record extremes, including July being probably the hottest the planet has been in 100,000 years.

According to Nasa, “the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97% – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change”. Research from Cornell University in 2021 found the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate had passed 99.9%.

Former Australian PM Tony Abbott says climate warnings are ‘ahistorical and implausible’

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