Saturday 4 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 4/11/23, The Shovel, Unsaid about Hamas, Without Hamas Gaza?, Catastrophe Far-Right Terror, White Man and Dark Money, Abbott Climate Denier, Scams and Lobbying,


Thousands of Children Still Alive in Gaza, Netanyahu Warns


Things mainstream media does not say about Hamas

“These scholars offer different perspectives than traditional media, providing insights into the arguments that reconfigure the narrative that seeks to dismiss Hamas as a freedom-fighting movement. Why was Nelson Mandela seen as a ‘terrorist’ by the US until 2008?”

“We know very well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” Nelson Mandela.

The military occupation of Gaza aims to transfer sovereignty over the gas fields to Israel, a crime that violates international law and involves massacres, to displace Palestinians until the objectives are achieved.

While mineral wealth and strategic natural resources flow in the depths of the ocean and beneath the land of Occupied Palestine, the Zionists and their allies spend for a $100,000 missile, launched by a $20 million plane, traveling at a cost of 6 thousand dollars per hour to kill people who live on less than 1 dollar a day in the Gaza Strip, whose financial equation has been sustained for 75 years by the blood of thousands of innocents in mercilessly Occupied Palestine!
BG Group drilled two wells in 2000: Gaza Marine 1 and Gaza Marine 2. British Gas’ gas reserves are estimated to be approximately 430 million cubic meters, which is equivalent to around 4 billion dollars. These are the figures announced by the British Gas Company, although it is possible that the size of gas reserves in Palestine is even greater. The issue of sovereignty over the gas fields in Gaza is extremely important and, from a legal point of view, these reserves belong to Palestine.

Source: Things the Zionist media doesn’t say about Hamas

First, settler colonial movements are distinguished from standard colonialism — like British rule in India — by the fact that the settler population wishes not just to steal the native population’s resources but to replace the native population itself.

There are lots of examples of this: European settlers dispossessed native peoples in what we today call the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example.

The final model for a settler colonial population is to drive the native population over the border, in an act of ethnic cleansing. This was Israel’s preferred option in 1948 and again in 1967, when it decided to expand its borders by occupying the remaining Palestinian lands in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

When Israel seized Gaza during the 1967 war, it had to fall back on the second settler colonising option: apartheid. So it turned the enclave into an open-air prison, or – if we’re going to be more honest – a long-term concentration camp.

Israel’s – harsher version of the townships that held the native black populations in apartheid South Africa.

In the current attack on Gaza, it is implementing a mixed model: genocide for those who remain in Gaza, ethnic cleansing for those who can get out (assuming Egypt finally relents and opens its borders).

None of that has anything to do with Hamas. The most one can say is that Hamas’ resistance has forced Israel’s hand. It has had to abandon its siege-apartheid model — the long-term imprisonment of a population with no resources, no freedom of movement, no clean water, no jobs.

Instead, it has returned to the tried-and-tested formulas of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Source: Without Hamas, Gaza Would Still Not Be Free


Long-term trends are alarming. In May, 280 senior economists warned that the government’s budget allocations to the ultra-religious Haredi groups in exchange for their coalition support “will transform Israel in the long run from an advanced and prosperous country to a backward country.”

The economic backlash associated with the proposed judicial overhaul has already been manifested in massive capital flight and a sharp decline in foreign investment, resulting in currency depreciation, a sluggish stock market, a slowdown in tax revenues and rising public debt.

If the Hamas war threatens to exacerbate Israel’s social and economic tensions, it risks turning Gaza into a desert and the West Bank into a Jewish suburbia.

Source: Gaza-Israel Catastrophe — Far-Right Terror

 Advance network was run from a fake “national headquarters” in Canberra’s CBD.

The “virtual office” cost Advance $85 a month.

The entities include Advance Aust Ltd and its campaign brand Fair Australia (which both claim the Voice goes too far); “Not Enough” (a site suggesting the Voice doesn’t go far enough”); Australians for Unity (the “charity” arm of the network) and “Referendum for News” (which falsely holds itself out as an impartial news source).

The latest donors to Advance, for the year to June, won’t be known until next year, given peak federal political disclosure laws.

In the 2022 financial year, its AEC filing states, Advance received total donations of $2.24m.

The sources of donations of $14,500 or less were not required to be disclosed.

The disclosed 21 donations, from the ten entities, totalled $723,422.

There are no laws against lying in federal political advertising or in referendums.

Advance has a history of lying to the public.

Before last year’s federal election, it ran billboards falsely claiming independents, including now Senator David Pocock were actually secretly Greens candidates. It also ran advertisements of the Chinese President “voting” for the ALP.

Entities were well hidden from the press



Former prime minister Tony Abbott says the Albanese government’s goal to achieve 82 per cent renewables by 2030 was ‘irrational’. The latest appointee to the board of NewsCorp made his comments while dressed only in an under-sized pair of bright red Speedos, and lightly drumming his soot-blackened fingers on a dangerously distended tummy, after eating an entire 20kg bag of export quality coking coal.

Source: Tony Abbott wins extreme coal-eating contest, labels Climate Science a cult.

A 22-year-old former public servant who became one of the nation’s most “successful” lobbyists is dumped by almost all his clients. October 31, 2023

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