Wednesday 1 November 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 1/11/23 UN Abstention, Peter Dutton's Victory, Dutton Joins the Murder Squad, Netanyahu Distrusted, Killing Kids, The Leak, Warren Mundine,

 May be a doodle of ‎text that says '‎HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN WRONGS مه ਬਹ MEGAN HERBERT‎'‎ 

There is no "equivalence between what Hamas did and what Israel is doing in return


“Australia’s gonna Australia”

Australia Abstains From Taking Moral Stand, In Classic Australian Move


US Says It Needs Time to Mourn Latest Massacre Before It Can Start Discussing How to Do Nothing About Gun Control

Peter Dutton’s post-Voice victory lap

He fell flat on his face even before his lap was completed saying Albo was disloyal to our allies when UK Canada Germany India all abstained. Then America who voted No joined Albo in calling for a “Humanitarian Pause” with Dutton yelling “Keep bombing” He stands alone wedged as even Israelis and Jews are now protesting against Netanyahu’s War. Netanyahu is even trusted by Israelis less than Peter Dutton is trusted by Australians

According to a poll by the Israeli Democracy Institute released last week, trust in the government collapsed to a 20-year low with 20 percent of Israelis saying they trusted Netanyahu’s cabinet – eight percentage points lower compared with June.

So there he was, tragedy and farce all at once, the grasper, the lurcher, as though he can see it all laid out so clearly before him: the crushing election loss, the disappointment, the utter existential futility of it all. Dutton as Trump, minus the charisma. A man without a conscience, with no nagging sense of public duty, no talent for government or leadership, but plenty of scope for stinging humiliation.

Source:Peter Dutton’s post-Voice victory lap

The Israeli spokesperson talking to justifies the killing of civilians and children as “collateral damage”. He describes the slaughter of Palestinians as “distress and and discomfort”. The Israeli actions and language is callous and disgusting. Ceasefire now!

Recipe for terror: Peter Dutton and the right's alliance with fundamentalist murderers

Peter Dutton wedged himself politically when he declared Albanese wasn’t supporting our allies by our recent UN abstention. He could only be referring to Israel and America because the UK, Canada, Germany, and India all abstained. However, the next day after Dutton opened his mouth  on 2GB claiming he was all the way with America who then joined Albanese in their demand for a “Humanitarian Pause" in Gaza and the West Bank. Even Israel is split on what Netanyahu is doing leaving Dutton to explain which allies the mother f@#$@r was referring to? France voted No but can hardly be regarded an ally so who the fuck is Dutton referring to Hungary?

The Dutton/News Corp line on what is allowed to be said about Israel and Palestine here, the right-wing politically correct framing, is that Israel is automatically right, must be reflexively supported, and that Palestinians exist only as a security threat to “the Middle East’s only democracy”, and their suffering is trivial compared to that of Israelis.

Source: Facebook    Recipe for terror: Peter Dutton and the right’s alliance with fundamentalist murderers

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz (not pictured) in the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv , Israel , 28 October 2023. ABIR SULTAN POOL/Pool via REUTERS

“This is a very difficult military campaign so you want a responsible prime minister and there is not a single person [in the government] that trusts Netanyahu – that’s the main issue for this cabinet,” Mekelberg said.

According to a poll by the Israeli Democracy Institute released last week, trust in the government collapsed to a 20-year low with 20 percent of Israelis saying they trusted Netanyahu’s cabinet – eight percentage points lower compared with June.


Source: ‘No one trusts Netanyahu’: Israel’s war cabinet divided amid Gaza conflict | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera

Gaza injured child

One child’s death is one too many, but these are grave violations of epic proportions,” said the humanitarian group Save the Children. “A cease-fire is the only way to ensure their safety.”

Source: Israel Has Killed More Kids in 3 Weeks Than Were Killed in All Global Conflicts Annually Since 2019


A leaked document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence to an Israeli news site on Monday lays out a plan to transfer more than 2 million Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai desert, reports Joe Lauria.

Source: New Document Leak on Plan to Expel Gaza Population


Warren Mundine campaigning prior to the voice referendum.

Warren Mundine is claiming to be Indigenous when he wanted to just  be recognized as just any other Australian. Well that seems to have proven to be a load of bullshit when he claims he was dudded by the whitemen at KPMG. KPMG went ahead and treated just as Mundine wanted" any other Australian". Well, Mundine the No advocate jumped on the Yes Bandwagon saying “I’m a proud Indigenous Australian” who issued the Uluru Statement a simple requested for a Voice which all other colonial countries have provided their FNPs with Australia the lone exception. Well Warren got what he wished  a rejection like any other Australian from a company that supported the Yes vote. One wonders how and with whose support Mundine intends to carry out his threat?

Warren Mundine sent an extraordinary series of angry and expletive-riddled text messages to a KPMG partner after the firm cancelled an invitation for him to address staff following his request for a $10,000 fee.

Mundine used the N-word to describe how he felt the big four firm had treated him over many months, before warning the partner he was “going to treat you cunts like you treated me!”

“I’m a proud Aboriginal man,” he said in the text messages. “I have [had] a gutful of KPMG. I’m going to treat you cunts like you treated me!

“And for me to talk like this tells you how angry I am.”

Source: Warren Mundine launched expletive-riddled spray after KPMG rejected his $10,000 speaker’s fee | Warren Mundine | The Guardian

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