Tuesday 31 October 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL,31/10/23, Are we complicit in WarCrimes?, Fake News, Palestinians Unseen, Who killed the 1400?, October 7th, Manufactured Disinformation, Trump,



Hamas, Israel, Gaza

Israel has killed more than 7000 Palestinians since the brutal Hamas attacks of October 7 sparked the war on Gaza. Human rights lawyer Greg Barns SC examines Australia’s complicity in war crimes.

Source: Israel’s bombardment of Palestinians: is Australia complicit in war crimes? – Michael West

Man Examining Fake News On Newspaper Through Magnifying Glass


Today’s Melbourne Herald Sun carries a story that, along with other former Australian Prime Ministers, I will be a signature to a statement drafted by The Zionist Federation of Australia, condemning the attack by Hamas on Israel. This report is without foundation and is untrue. (Keating)

Mark Leibler contacted me earlier last week proposing the prospective joint statement for my agreement and signature.

I told Leibler in a written message that I would not be agreeing to join other former Prime Ministers in authorising the statement.

That remains my position.

Statement by PJ Keating,  29 October 2023.

Mark Leibler contacted Paul Keating earlier last week proposing the prospective joint statement by past PMs. Paul Keating declined.

Editors’ note:

The statement above by former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating relates to news reporting by James Campbell, the Herald Sun‘s National Political Editor, released under the heading “All living Australian PMs to sign letter supporting Israel“, October 29, 2023.

The report claimed that “Australia’s former prime ministers are set to unite and both condemn Hamas for its attack on Israel and assert the right of the Jewish state to defend itself,” and indicates the letter “has been discussed with the Zionist Federation of Australia”.

Former Australian Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Paul Keating, John Howard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison are named by Campbell.

Source: Herald Sun report on support for Zionist Federation letter “untrue” – Pearls and Irritations


 Why doe the Herald Sun Stoop to "co-signing genocide" in Gaza. Sarah might be American but she's not a liar like Liebler and Campbell

 The absence of Palestinians and their advocates from news coverage isn’t just unfair. As a Jewish American, I think it’s harmful. (Sarah Gertler) The families of Israelis killed and taken hostage deserve justice for these crimes. But instead of justice, all I’ve seen from the far-right Israeli government is more death.

This bias isn’t only unfair — it’s harmful.

Polls show the vast majority of Americans across party lines agree that our government should call for a ceasefire in Gaza. In Israel, even the siblings of people killed by Hamas are calling for peace, not war. Instead of uplifting these voices, many media outlets are inciting more violence.

By “silencing any criticisms of Israel,” Qutyan warns that “editors who are meant to uphold journalistic integrity, truth, and the so-called ethics of news media” are instead “co-signing genocide” in Gaza.

In the coming weeks, I will remain glued to the coverage of the violence that my tax dollars are funding. As a Jewish American, I demand life and freedom for Palestinians — and coverage which reflects that.

Don’t Silence Palestinian Voices: Their Absence from News Coverage is Unfair and Harmful

Who Killed the 1400 Israelis? Reports by Israelis are coming out the IDF did.

Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.

Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.”

A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time.

Source: October 7 Testimonies Reveal Israel’s Military ‘Shelling’ Israeli Citizens With Tanks, Missiles – scheerpost.com


It starts to make sense that Netanyahu wants laws passed preventing Journalists and media from publishing non-government-approved reports that may “harm the State”

The case builds that Israel may have invoked its infamous ‘Hannibal directive’, which requires that the army kill Israelis rather than let them be taken hostage

The complex and evolving narrative surrounding the October 7 events has raised doubts about the justifications for Israel’s brutal military response in Gaza. As the situation continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly apparent that the true story of that day may not be as straightforward as initially portrayed.

Source: The Hannibal Directive: What Really Happened On October 7th – scheerpost.com


 This has been John Howard's Tony Abbott's Scott Morrison's  and Peter Dutton's strategy in full view for over a decade. Muslims are the the enemy and only the LNP can keep you safe has been their cordinated political catch cry amplified by News Corp, Sky News and 2GB since we first heard "babies overboard" and Weapons of Mass destruction.

Through media outlets and co-ordinated networks, Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian tropes and conspiracies are circulated. Eventually, they become regarded as social facts, especially in times of war, conflict and heightened political tensions.

How Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian Racism are Manufactured through Disinformation

One can’t say ‘24 America voters won’t have the most obvious alternative since the Civil War – more predictable Bidenism or more unpredictable scorched earth, Trumpian firestorms. What civilized nation wouldn’t gag on such a choice? Whatever. Either keep the doors open and the lights on or burn the house down because an aggrieved, insular minority demands control. Batten down the hatches: this political hurricane roars still, without a visible, rational brake on a careening train wreck again headed at the Capitol. Yet, where’s proof the felony-ridden con man has a viable path to the White House?

Source: The Big Fix Sticks: Nothing Impedes Trumpist Fealty to Its Endlessly Disruptive, Authoritarian Strongman | The Smirking Chimp

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