Thursday 21 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 21/12/23, The War Criminals, Sh*t is about to strike, When doctors and the families are targeted, 7000 children, Linda Reynolds,


Elbit Systems

What’s the scam with war profiteering, with the Future Fund investing in Israeli defence contractor Elbit Systems? The scam is they are making a killing, literally.

Elbit Systems’ share price has gone up. The Future Fund has made a profit on its investment in Elbit Systems. Elbit supplies the IDF with bombs to kill civilians in Gaza. Death toll is now more than 20,000, almost half of which are children. The beneficiaries of the Future Fund are retired and existing politicians and public servants. Ergo they are benefitting from war crimes.

Source: Future Fund profits from bombing of Gaza thanks to Elbit investment – Michael West

The Sh*t Is About To Hit The Fan On Jeffrey Epstein's Associates










 The Sh*t Is About To Hit The Fan On Jeffrey Epstein's Associates

 Shifa 2019, Dr. Hani to the right

 Yesterday, my good friend and dear colleague, Dr. Hani Al-Haitham, head of Shifa emergency department, was brutally murdered by Israel, along with his beloved wife, Dr. Sameera Ghifari and their five children Shireen, Tia, Sameer, Wafa & Sara. In cold blood, coward Israeli soldiers killed seven more unarmed civilians. Another attack on all of us, on all humankind. You will never be forgotten, we pledge: we will rebuild Shifa, Gaza, Palestine! ( Dr Mads Gilbert)

97 Journalists have been killed targeted by Israel to stop information getting out. Over 150 foreign-aid UN workers have been delivered the same fate

BIG SHOUT OUT to Albo taking the moral high ground and not being bullied by the IMORAL US into partaking in the RED SEA drama. Countries should be supporting the blockade as a way of pressuring the GUTLESS BARBARIC ISRAELIE TERRORISTS to stop their GENOCIDE of the Palestinians. (Miss Polly)

 Palestinians are dying from bombs, phosphorus burns, starvation and disease (from contaminated water, raw sewerage and lack of adequate medical care). How is this GENOCIDE any less barbaric and cruel than HITLER'S GENOCIDE? It's worse because so many countries are 100% complicit. (Ms Polly)


The depths of Linda Reynolds' malice know no bounds. Her exertion to destroy Brittany Higgins' life, to freeze her assets, to play the victim in the #BruceLehrmann saga, is spiralling into a twisted obsession. "A person of great honour," Dutton once called her. #Lehrmann #auspol ( Saha Adati)

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