Wednesday 20 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 20/12/23, Truth in Pictures, The Zionist Project,Basic Income, Alan Jones Plans to Fuck up again,


 May be an illustration of text that says "2024... … WE'RE GUNNA NEED A BIGGER TINNIE HOPE 20.12.23 WHEN HEATED DEMOCRACY"


 No Peace in Sight

No photo description available.

May be an image of crocodile, seaplane and text that says 'CROCS ON A PLANE... HEY, LUCY! GUESS WHO. "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!! Hore TOPE 19.12.23 NOT SURE I HAVE THE BANDWIDTH FOR YOUR QANTAS EXECUTIVE METAPHORS RIGHT NOW, DARRIN... aadoo 8'

Flags-of Palestine and Israel painted on the concrete wall with soldier shadow. Gaza and Israel conflict.

Netanyahu believed that this would save him instead he’s sunk Israel in the process.

Hamas is the excuse for the Israeli attack on Gaza. It is not the reason.

The real Israeli objective in Gaza is to drive out the population and destroy infrastructure as part of a long term plan to expel Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere.

This settler colonisation has been ongoing since 1948, starting with the Nakba. In Australia we are very familiar with settler colonisation – driving out the original inhabitants.

In 1948 Palestinians owned 94% of all land; now Israelis own 82%. These figures tell the real story.

Source: Hamas, Gaza and the continuing Zionist project – Pearls and Irritations



Recent research shows that we have reached a stage of shocking inequality. Australia’s wealthiest 20% are now worth 90 times the country’s poorest 20%. Australians of all ages are feeling the pain. In October 2022, a Parliamentary Inquiry found the “face” of homelessness is ‘an older person aged over 55 — particularly women’.

Source: Universal basic income for a more prosperous Australia


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