Saturday 30 December 2023

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 30/12/23, Every Picture tells a Story, Turkeye's Erdogan Calls Out Israel, The Rich and Bankruptcy, Words Matter, CPAC Intelligence, Former Negotiator, Israeli Numbers, The Age,

 May be an illustration of textMay be an image of text

There is “no difference” between what Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu is doing in the months-long attacks on Gaza and what Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did decades ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said today.

At a science awards ceremony in the capital Ankara, Erdogan said: “How do you [Netanyahu] differ from Hitler? These [actions] will make us look for Hitler as well. Is there anything Netanyahu does that is less than Hitler? No.”

Just like 80 years ago in Nazi Germany, Erdogan said that today, scholars worldwide who have the courage to decry the oppression and persecution in Gaza are facing pressure and threats, referring to academics in the US and elsewhere being fired or censured for standing up for Palestinians.


Source: No Difference between Netanyahu and Hitler says Erdogan, leader of NATO Member Turkey

The real question is whose interests those lawmakers are pursuing. Are they working for the vast majority of Americans, or are they beholden to those at the top? The recent history of bankruptcy — right up to Rudy Giuliani’s use of it last week — provides a clear answer.

Source: Why Can Only the Rich and Powerful Go Bankrupt? | The Smirking Chimp

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WORDS matter
It's 'habitat destruction' NOT 'habitat loss'
It can't be 'found' again, like if you lose something
It's not some morally neutral minor accident - "oops, sorry, I lost your habitat"
It's 'habitat destruction' NOT 'land clearing'
The outcomes we see are virtually always the result of someone doing something, or someone not doing something, and how we frame it matters, as this helps attribute both accountability and a moral responsibility.
Credit Doug Gimesy PhotographyMay be an image of 16 people and text
From Twitter
The finest minds in Australia are assembling to give us a good talking too .
Just look at the array of talent
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Mary Kostakidis @MaryKostakidis "I personally believe that Israelis can never have security unti the Palestinians have security. That equation- the equation that you can impose a regime of structural violence on another people, you can deny another people their basic rights and you will live with your own security, that equation never works. Former Israeli negotiator's perspective on the war in #Gaza I Centre Stage via @YouTube 23:26 27 Dec 23 11.8K Views' 
 A child injured in the Israeli attack on Nuseirat refugee camp
  How is it Israel's numbers forced on all Western Media differ so significantly from the Gazan's? 1200 deaths repeated by Western media isn't the 1139 mentioned here. It's 61 deaths less. Given the Israelis have been caught out lying time and time again and we have seen them shoot their own people their figures can only be taken with a grain of salt.
May be a graphic of text that says 'Petr Murphy: @PeterWMurphy1 "Dea @CroweDM, You describe Scott Morrison as a "former hero"?! Hero?! Rewriting history with nonsense propaganda like this damages your credibility. Facts matter in journalism." Exclusive Politics Federal Political leadership Wong tops list of popular politicians and a former hero now comes last David Crowe December 8,2023 4.06am' 

 Peter Costello's top Journalist David Crowe Claims Morrison was our or his most popular hero?

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