Sunday 12 May 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL,12/5/24, Planetary Abuse, UN Vote, Students, Narrative, Book Banning, Israeli Citizens Homes Razed, Passion of the Young, US Smears Palestinians


  I continue to order a new washing machine, feed the cat, work with others across the globe on how to reduce our dependence on coal, oil and gas, read novels, go to yoga classes, as is conventional. I’ve been working on trying to prevent catastrophic climate change for three decades.

The cognitive dissonance of planetary abuse

In a blow to the U.S., the U.N. General Assembly voted Friday to give Palestine, whose statehood it has already acknowledged, full U.N. membership, forcing the U.S. into another embarrassing veto at the Security Council, says Joe Lauria.

UN Vote Was for Palestinian Membership, Not Statehood


 They understand that if they lose control of the narrative, they won’t be able to deploy their armies anymore.

Caitlin Johnstone: An Empire Fears Students

Controlling the narrative media manipulation or directing the conversation.

Does David Crowe, a journalist at the Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald and the Age want to be regarded as the instigator of violence against students protesting the Gazan genocide? 

Instigators of violence

 Book Banning

A book on same sex parenting is banned. The ban only applies to a few libraries in NSW, in a local council area where the faith-based decision was made, the debate led by a man who admits to not having read the book and claiming a two-year-old saw the book and was asking questions and stating that children should not be sexualised.

Source: Book Banning and The Seven Pillars Mandate – » The Australian Independent Media Network


Israeli forces raze the entire unrecognized village of Wadi al-Khalil in the Naqab, May 8, 2024. (Oren Ziv)

 The demolition of Wadi al-Khalil, an unrecognized village in the Naqab, left over 300 citizens homeless despite their attempts to reach a compromise.

Israel razes entire Bedouin village to expand a highway


Persistence will be truly essential. The gears of pro-Israel forces are fully meshed with the U.S. war machinery. The movement to stop Israel’s murderous oppression of Palestinians is up against the entire military-industrial-congressional complex.

Source: War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young


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