Tuesday 22 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/11/16; Such a twisted brain turns against Andrew Robb; The working class fumble; Noel Pearson and the ABC; A Muslim ,a Jew and a Feminist all agree; Megan Kelly bleeder; The wall; Flipping is a strategy not an argument; Melania Bolt calls her a stereotype; News Poll;

Trump trumps trade talks: TPP to go on day one

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Malcolm Turnbull flew all the way over to Peru for trade talks with APEC leaders than meant nothing without Donald Trump there. Now Trump sets the agenda by announcing the Trans Pacific Partnership will be scrapped on the day he takes over. Oh, and coal will be unleashed.

22 Nov Andrew Bolt seems to be heralding the scrapping of the TPP what  was hailed as Tony Abbott's and the Conservatives great victory. Bolt's praise of Andrew Robb's achievements were never ending. There seems to be a heavy stench of hypocrisy praising a return to a very regulated isolationist market economy. Why the 180 degree turn Malcolm of course.  Media Watch however reminded us just what Bolt had said about Trump  earlier that he was  lower than a snakes belly and had no chance of winning the prize. However Bolt will never remind us of that will he? He is the rat in the above picture.Episode 43, 21 November 2016  2016 - best in show
 Another amusing aside. Remember Bolt bragging about how he'd be prepared to holiday in Fukishima and how nuclear fusion was safe. Well why don't we send him a ticket and insist he put his bragging to the test.

How Hillary appealed to a nation of tribes


From Hillary Clinton's campaign website, this direct evidence of how she bet everything on identity politics, stitching together a coalition of tribes rather than appeal to Americans as one people.

22 Nov The joke is really is Bolt's inability to see the class nature of Trumps win and the irony of them having voted in the Candidate who economically leaned so far to the left that the Republicans rejected. Even Andrew Bolt maintained Donald Trump was not a Conservative and he was even more Left than Malcolm Turnbull in the policies he was proposing. The hypocrisy Trump is now Bolt's man. More twists than a cork screw.  Workers Don’t Need Trump to Give Them a Voice. They Need Unions.

Book offer: both for $49.99 - and my book tips

You can get both of my latest two books sent to you for a special Christmas price of $49.99, including postage and handling. On-line buyers also get my semi-regular Bolt Bulletin. The latest Bulletin has now been mailed out, and is a review of some of the books that have touched me most.

Christmas offer 22 Nov These books were on line previously for $34 from this cheap knife salesman. His Bulletin was regular. He's not only ripped people off that have already bought by not fullfilling his promise but is now touting for more suckers to by a lazy Susan of stale ideas that have been repeated ad infinitum and continue to be repeated in his blogs.



The "race-hate" persecution continues. So do the smears


This farcical case continues. Lawyers for a woman in a $250,000 racial hatred case against university students over Facebook posts are considering an appeal of the Federal Circuit Court’s  dismissal of her 18C action. The poor students. The wicked law.  
Free speech 22 Nov A lazy Susan of stale ideas to be found in Bolt's books well here is just an example of just that. It deserves a change from this overworked example of students used by right wingers for political advantage to find themselves between a rock and a hard place of their own making. Andrew Bolt the Lugenpresse( lying press) assisted in digging their hole.A Muslim, a Jew and a feminist walk into a bar…



Megyn Kelly damages Fox by slurring Hannity

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I suspect Megyn Kelly has let it all go to her head - and also banked too much on Donald Trump losing when she wrote her book. Trashing the brand of her own network by attacking other hosts suggests to me that in her own mind she considers herself bigger than Fox News. Fox can't afford to let that misapprehension linger too long.
22 Nov "Trashing the brand of her own network by attacking other hosts suggests to me that in her own mind she considers herself bigger than Fox News. Fox can't afford to let that misapprehension linger too long."Bolt
Andrew Bolt just admits he's a man of no principle just a side it's why his mentors are O'Reilly and Hannity. Roger Ayles shhhh we don't talk about that. Lying and acting that's "just astute campaign tactics " . Oh that's right she's the woman Trump said was bleeding from every oriface. It's also why Judge Mordecai Bromberg found him guilty of Section 18D no defence. Who better and more of an insider can you get than Kelly on the inner workings of Fox News and it's Culture so favored by Trump.


The Jews' wall is, of course, always worse

Israel builds a wall to protect civilians from Palestinian extremists. The mainstream media and the UN go nuts. Now Lebanon builds a wall to protect civilians from Palestinian extremists. The mainstream media and the UN just shrug. Why the difference?  
22 Nov
 The words "by agreement" with the Palestinians seem to slip by Andrew BoltThe wall and watchtowers come as a part of an agreement between the military and the Palestinian factions in the camp and will take 15 months to complete..
Munir al-Maqdah, the head of the Joint Palestinian Security Forces, told Sky News Arabia that ... “the wall and [watchtowers] are being built for security concerns, which we accepted.”

Crikey writer is what he condemns

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The Left is what it condemns. Latest example: Bernard Keane of Crikey, who makes a false and disparaging assumption based on an offensive stereotyping of a religious minority.  
How the Left hates 22 Nov 
Sounds like Trump to me. Nothing more nothing less. However Bolt wrote a whole column applauding a Trump yesterday for a tweet disparaging the play the cast of the show Hamilton.  All over something that didn't happen. Pence the declared victim in this case denied what was said ever happened.Do you think Bolt  will admit he was wrong let alone Trump whose supporters are now trying to close the play down despite VP elect Pence's denials that he was at all offended let alone harrassed.  It would take  hell to freeze over before you heard a sorry. ?


Mocking immigrants is fun after all. If you're mocking Trump's wife

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 Gigi Hadid is just the latest to show that it's not the principle that counts with the Left but the side. She mocks the accent of Trump's foreign wife at the Australian Music Awards.
Mocking a person is not mocking immigrants. Punching up is significantly different to punching down. Stereotyping and singling out the Lebanese as Peter Dutton did certainly is. 500,000 Lebanese have been targeted as dangerous because of the acts of 22 people that is more than the offence of just "mocking" immigrants. The riots at Cronulla weren't started by the Lebanese nor was the encouragement given by 2GB's Alan Jones to go to war. The tactic wasn't wasted on Scott Morrison either who saw Australian Nationalism as a political opportunity for votes.  
 So Bolt with no real argument as is often the case just flips and tries to politicize this in such a way as to appear to prove he is an immigrant after 59 years and he might as well have just got off the boat as far as capturing what Australia is about.

Turnbull in trouble in Newspoll

The public seems to have made up its mind on the Turnbull Government. Newspoll has it stuck on 47 per cent to Labor's 53.  
22 Nov Bolt provides us with economic advice I suggest he looks in the mirror before giving advice. He applauds the the election of Donald Trump because he a "Big Spender" and will conservatively take the the American debt past 110% of GNP. At the same time he criticized Malcolm Turnbull for not being able to put the breaks on Tony Abbott's spending machine. Bolt demands yes demands  the government to stop spending because rather than stimulating and economy you need to pull back. Well it seems the Australian electorate doesn't agree with Bolt's opinions and still sees MT as the best person to run the economy by a country mile. I may not agree because the last person to save Australia was Wayne Swan and he certainly wasn't like Andrew Bolt. He was single minded about stimulation and  saved us from a recession that Bolt seems to be convinced we need to have.  Multinational Corporations are abandoning Australian labour but thanking us for the subsidies given them along the way along with the tax breaks  and the mess they leave behind.  Trouble unfortunately is what he inherited and it wasn't from Wayne Swann. How we were gobsmacked when Abbott and Hockey rode into town  crying disaster and then crying out "just Joking" and returning to the original chant of "oh shit disaster" again.

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