Tuesday 8 December 2015

Andrew Bolt's Blog,8/12/15; Fish wife Bolt is DOWN on PM T or should I say he has PMT; Bolt trying to steal Costello's thunder; Bolt using scrotum face McCrann to bring Turnbull DOWN; Bolt heads the Church of Perpetual Complaint; Iron ore is DOWN; Turnbull poll is DOWN 53:47;





Busy and grateful

Proving the ABC is far more Australian than Bolt




Hockey on revenge

Another distortion just to bring Turnbull down. How exhausting is this fish wife Bolt. Talk about a dog with a bone.


Turnbull spends another billion on nothing

Terry Scrotum face McCrann News Corp's economic adviser in a business running at a loss has never inspired confidence. Sure enough McCrann offers the same package of words as all News Corp's  opinionators. One needs to ask who came up with the original words? Particularly interesting is what's revealed in this statement by McCrann "Government spending this year will run at 25.9 per cent of GDP for the second successive year — all-but as high as the 26 per cent peak of the Rudd-Gillard years when all that money was splurged to save us from the GFC." He admits that Swann's 26% actually achieved something when he "splurged to save us". Abbott and Hockey splurged and said they fixed the economy when in fact they did nothing of the sort. Further that nothing of the sort will continue into the future.




Costello: no early election

"Peter Costello says there shouldn’t be an early election - which I’ve actually suggested:"

" Whatever whatever whatever" Andrew Bolt can't help but steal other peoples ideas to promote himself.  Costello contradicted every thing Bolt had to say on the Nth Sydney election on Sunday forcing him to back peddle with his "whatever whatever whatever" highly intelligent response and  diversion. Now he feels he feels he get his own back with Costello not around. That's the trait of a downer wanting to look good.




Trying to get Turnbull to just answer a question

There once were the Sisters of Perpetual Surveillance those that Bolt a Blair enjoy calling frightbats. However nothing beats Bolt to darken your day. He's Warren Mitchell straight out of Till Death Do Us Part or dad from Steptoe and Son. but without any  humor. He just sucks the life out o a day. What did Bolt's coworkers say he was a loner never a mixer. He can never find the bright side of life.

"But the real problem is that Turnbull just isn’t comfortable with being challenged:" 

Did any one see Bolt's performance on the Report? When he can't get agreement from his panel he squeals "whatever, whatever, whatever" and runs. He has the gall to say Turnbull is uncomfortable. Abbott was downright embarrassing.




Iron ore prices down to painful lows

The agile country under Howard who spent his way to power. The the world most admired  country under Wayne Swan who saved us from the GFC only to become the fragile country under Tony Abbott who said everything was fixed. 


Newspoll: cooling on Turnbull, but who’d vote for Shorten?

Bolt is Australia's most boorish Dutchman the minister and only member of the church of perpetual complaint for whom nothing is ever good enough. Heaven help his kids they obviously need saving. Bolt is unashamedly a moaning minnie.

"Mr Turnbull has enjoyed as voters’ preferred prime minister, with his standing down four points to 60 per cent, but it remains higher than any other leader in six years. There was no advantage for Mr Shorten, who fell one point to 14 per cent, equalling the record low for a Labor leader in Newspoll history."

 " Based on preference flows from the last election, the ­Coalition’s two-party-preferred lead is unchanged at 53 per cent to Labor’s 47 per cent."

He calls that bad 


Bolt looks for down lifting news wherever he can find it. He lives life looking for the worst in everyone and continues to do so .

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