Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Andrew Bolt's Bolt,10/2/16; Abbott's a closet socialist Bolt; Beyonce is Malcolm Why Bolt is a bloated expense; Question of trust by the non gregarious Bolt; Scott maybe right but Bolt won't talk to him; Please Mr Bolt Fitzroy does exist; What's an Australian passport worth? Scientific Method is crap says Bolt; Bolt's a swinger again; Sides not principles says andrew Bolt




Andrew Robb quits. UPDATE: Tim Wilson steps forward

Bolt the signing of the TPP does not mean it's been ratified by any of the signitory countries . Neither the Australian Parliament nor the US congress have passed the bills and there is a lot of resistance. So take your party hat off.

All these resigning Ministers are inherited from Abbott Turnbull has only been in active power for 3 months given the time to be sworn in and the Xmas break. He was voted leader why to take the party to the election. Tell me given the polls if there was another vote now would Abbott be returned. In the words of John Elliot an ex Liberal President "Pigs Arse". 

Is it any surprise that Andrew Bolt found guilty of racial vilification isn't a fan of Tim Wilson an advocate of getting rid of Bolt's law. If it wasn't for his support for dumping Section 18C Wilson would be a target for Bolt because he's not an Abbott man.

"Even when we’ve differed - on legalising same-sex marriage, for instance - Wilson has been able to argue with the greatest civility, without giving or taking offence. He prefers ideas to combat, policy to posturing, deeds to words."

Wilson is quite the opposite of Bolt who disparages opponents and generally plays the man rather than ideas. Read him in print he may not be foul mouthed but he's certainly ill mannered and boorish. It's hard to forget his loutish Simon Lagree attacks on Adam Goodes or his verbal ling of Julia Gillard. There's not a shadow of a doubt he will do the same to Tim Wilson. "I like him a lot." is his Section 18C suck up.

"now that he is leaving the Human Rights Commission the coast is clear to call for its complete abolition." When was Tim Wilson head of the HRC?




White racism is no longer an excuse for black poverty

Bolt actually believes 200 years racism confronted by indigenous Australians can be and has been turned off like a tap. The internalized psychology of people living in a white world is no less ingrained than the psychology of women living in a male world. Or the taken for granted beliefs of the privileged who believe they were born to rule. " to absolve Aboriginal culture and blame white racism - are killing any real hope of improvement. It’s an excuse for failure and a diversion." Yes Bolt is washing his hands of history and the social construction of the reality in which we live and blaming Aboriginal culture for all of it's problems. He simply takes it out of white society as if nothing had ever occurred. That's denial that is blaming the victims and that is ignorant racism. When was the racist switch turned off Andrew Bolt never if you represent the dominant cultural view that attempts to flip the coin declaring reverse racism without an attendant power shift. Bolt makes no mention of Stan Grant's speech that was closer to the truth than anything Bolt has ever said. I wonder why?

But the Bolt is a flipper because just last week he was blaming  the Aboriginal industry for the failures occurring  quoting and supporting his favorite black blogger Dallas and sounding like a lefty. Now he showing his true colors again that of the ultra- racist

"The only people benefiting from these schemes are public servants who hand out the money and people in the Aboriginal industry, also mostly public servants, who are the recipients of the benefits, or their non-Aboriginal partners."Dallas.





Outsiders Trump and Bernie triumph. Bush and Clinton crushed

Apart from the fact that Iowa and New Hampshire are not America Bernie has been given momentum. Wait till the Billionaire's start throwing their money in the ring. You ain't seen nothing yet. Citizens United v. FEC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Year in which the U.S. Supreme Court in the Citizens United ..

 Political donations corrupt democracy in ways you might not ..


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VIDEO: John McCain Admits Bernie Sanders Is Right About Income Inequality – Truthdig

I guess Abbott does too.





Beyonce dances to the music of racial division

Yes Bolt is not only bloated but old as well. He's pulled this straight from Fox News responses to Beyonce who paid tribute to black lives matter. The movement has been a pet hate of the News Corp Network since it came to the fore on college campuses last year. Never describe social reality always deny the possible divisiveness that exists and if it arises call it the reverse. Beyonce is the racists America is an egalitarian Democracy. It's acknowledgement of the country conservative and functional terms.  At worst it needs a few adjustments. How is it the land of the free has the most incarcerated population in the world and prisons are a corporate business whose bottom line is profit. The demand for clients overides reduction and those clients happen to be black Americans and the poor. Wall st created the greatest raid in banking history to create the GFC and only 1 person was charged for white yes white collar crime. Why is it called white Andrew Bolt?

 One of Bolt's favorites is The GFC was brought about by over regulation of the banks and people like Madoff.  Madoff would totally agree with Bolt he's been over regulated to the tune of 139 years. Had he ripped off the poor the blacks and Hispanics he wouldn't have been punished. His problem is he ripped of that 1% and became the biggest class traitor in history.That's why he became chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange. 

Back to Beyonce and yes "We are being divided by race," To acknowledge social reality is racist no Bolt it's descriptive of social reality and the hierarchy of power and that alone is an existential threat to describe social inequality a threat to the wealthy. Given MSM media aligns itself with the 1% they put their energy into poring water on potential bush fires.  Bolt has stolen the script from the Fox News Network and it's old.

"But in the US as well as here it is becoming dangerously fashionable to draw a line between the “races” – “whites” and “blacks” and declare there’s a war on, or at least unfinished business." Bolt , Describing reality in sociological terms is a crime. Sociologists are the warming alarmists and need to be controlled. White Beyoncé haters don’t get it: “Formation” isn’t “race-baiting” — but it is unapologetically about race -

  White Beyoncé haters don't get it: "Formation" isn't "race-baiting" — but it is unapologetically about race



The bloated ABC is corrupting debate on “refugees”

Let's hope Bolt's claim that he's rethinking his schedule and cutting back is in fact brought about by News Corp rethinking the spending cuts it needs to make in Australia because it's losing money. Given Ch 10 prefers motorsport to the Bolt Report even though they get it for nothing that would be what's called a good start to get rid of a program that's never original and merely recycles  repeated opinion used earlier in the week it other formats. Now that's a bloated week of Bolt.  Bolt uses his blog to write his articles in the Herald Sun  structure the Bolt Report and also repeat them on radio is it any wonder his ratings are so poor the repetition is gross . Anyway Peter BH writes 25-30% of his blog  and Bolt claims he's over worked. Rumour has it he will be put in a compactor and shifted to Sky News the News Corp Channel  on Murdoch's Foxtel. Will his ego be able to deal with the loss of celebrity?

So let's look at what he has to say here "our politicians, police and press tend to lie about, it’s refugees." Bolt has simply moved his right wing minority  complaint about the EU to Australia and has directed it at the government. I agree the secrecy and lack of transparency does make Abbott's and Turnbull's policies open to lies and omissions. However without transparency how can one know whether or not Immigration officials are lying? Lying lends it self to self fulfilling actions that buck even world evidence trends like delaying an increasing number of people leaving Australia to  have alarmist Bolt conclude the influence of ISIS is growing when in fact it's shrinking by as much as 30%.

 Bureaucrats have tendency  to support their interests too. However why is it that only asylum seekers are murdered, only asylum seekers are injured and when contractors speak up they are sacked and threatened with jail? Later and much later tend to be exonerated  no matter their roles whether they are guards, medical professionals or the Salvation Army workers. 

Bolt doesn't mention how lack of transparency obliterates truth it's not in his interest because it doesn't allow him to do what he's paid to do disparage the ABC at all costs

" Moreover, the ABC’s flagrant bias is also a danger to democracy, which relies on informed and free debate.  The ABC is actually the country’s biggest media outlet, and its massive state power is being used to push exaggerations, half-truths and falsehoods in support of a Leftist ideology hostile to border controls."

Value for money the ABC in the 1980s had a budget of $800,000 today 36 years later that budget is according to Bolt $1 Bill I believe it's closer to $900,000 that's value for money. Politicians wages Bolt's income how much has it increased over the same period and then judge value for money. Any wonder 85% see the ABC as our most trusted source of information. Manus Island asylum seekers given anti-malarial drug known to cause mental health problems; Immigration Department moving to offer alternatives - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

This doesn't bother Bolt in the least




Can Morrison trust Turnbull?

Since his return from holidays this has been all that Bolt's been carping about Turnbull.  Section 18 C the Bolt law of course also has been a favorite. Turnbull and Morrison have been together for 5 months 2 of which were holidays and waiting to be sworn in. They put out a white paper "Open for Discussion" and like an unruly brat in a supermarket wanting his sweets now Bolt is having his monotonous and daily carp.  Presented this time by his alter ego troll Peter BH. 

"As PM, Abbott brought out the best in Morrison - and had his back. Turnbull appears comfortable with making Morrison look his worst. If Turnbull is undermining Morrison to make himself look less clueless, is ‘dominance’ the right word?"

Has anybody heard Morrison being anything other than Morrison silent as he was when Immigration Minister saying "it's an on water matter" The noise was coming from MSM back then too.

VIDEO: John McCain Admits Bernie Sanders Is Right About Income Inequality – Truthdig

I guess Abbott does too.

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Scott is right. What’s the point of paying SBS $270 million?

Bolt's irrationality stands out. On any other day he would always disagree and bag ABC CEO Scott out no matter what he said even though he was appointed by the LIBS. Here he finds that he and Scott are in agreement at least about the question being asked of SBS. But Bolt true to form provides an uncompromising irrational response a  simplistic one at that. Who  for a single moment would even bother to sit at a table with a person with an attitude like his . Bolt's uncompromisingly a single minded non listener that needs to be  right and have the last word all the time. It's why even his blogs are moderated in a way that polishes the turd

  True enough. What exactly is the point of the SBS and why must taxpayers fork out more than $270 million a year for yet another Leftist media outlet?





Creating a white vs black contest is not “reconciliation”

There's a major difference between prescription and description that Bolt ignores because true equality is a threat to him. He only feels equal in Malvern Toorak and Kew. Oh but then he had an indigenous friend once whatever happened to him? Reconciliation starts with describing where we are and the Aborigines certainly know where they are and where they came from. When did they become equal Mr Bolt?




Surely Julie Bishop won’t now help Assange

 Yes Assange is an Australian Citizen and as such the Australian government has a formal obligation not to treat it's citizens arbitrarily. Especially at the whims of idiots like Bolt. Mind you if Bolt requested help my first instinct would be to remove his Australian citizenship and leave him Dutch as he rarely complains about them and it often comes across as his first prference.


"Turnbull and Bishop have hijacked the Liberal party. " Bolt

Hijacking : An act of illegally seizing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while in transit; a hijack. What was illegal about the spill? What was seized when 100 party members threw themselves at Malcolm. It sounds as if Bolt is the voice of the member for Waringah who has learnt and is now doing the Rudd. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they weren't talking.


Turnbull also had lunch with Clive Palmer and remember how vociferous the non gregarious Bolt was then. He was beside himself. Fancy journalists and politicians talking to anybody but their team. Abbott tried to do just that control all communications through Peta Credlin and look what that did the first spill.


Add warming scare and stir

Yep a single change is a trend for  for Bolt who has in the past declared himself the equal of Global Climate Scientists. He's a master of statistical method as we can see here and as far as he is concerned the denial of scientific method can be legitimately applied to climate without it's denial to other branches of science. It's like denying maths methods in accounting  but accepting it in all other fields. Bright as a button is our Bolt



White racism is no longer an excuse for black poverty

Sounds like Bolt is declaring banking an equal opportunity service. That health, housing and employment are also equal opportunity services. That none of these institutions are are any way discriminatory. "These twin approaches to Aboriginal disadvantage - to absolve Aboriginal culture and blame white racism - are killing any real hope of improvement. It’s an excuse for failure and a diversion." 

  Bolt's back and showing his true stripes again reminding us the Culture of Poverty is black. The man is a weather cock because just days before  he was supporting the left wing notion that the Aboriginal industry is broken that it services only those running it who by and large aren't black. Dallas Scott returns to Lake Tyers which is significantly the opposite of 

 " If you set foot out here you’ll see the beneficiaries are not the Aboriginal people who will be blamed and suffer the consequences when the losses are finally tallied, but instead, the real winners are the army of salaried contractors and government employees who drive in and out of here on weekdays and rely on this place not improving as their means of financial stability for themselves long term."

Bolt's back to blaming Aborigines

" These twin approaches to Aboriginal disadvantage - to absolve Aboriginal culture and blame white racism - are killing any real hope of improvement. It’s an excuse for failure and a diversion."

Why? Because it's on the ABC everything becomes a dead moggy an opportunity to att ack the ABC at any cost it's News Corp policy.

" The real key to improving Aboriginal living standards is not to make whites nicer. It’s to make more Aborigines take more responsibility for their own lives. "Bolt How Bolt is it possible when they don't run the services so if they don't run the services those services are broken and by an large racist and if you agreed with Dallas why not the ABC  Closing the Gap ‘doomed to fail’ without more Indigenous input, activist Patrick Dodson says




Turnbull toys with going Green on tax

Playing sides and ignoring policies and issues doesn't seem be government to me. Bolt seems more concerned about the game of politics. He seems to believe Monopoly is life and needs to win at all costs. "Should we worry when the Turnbull Government, flailing around for a tax policy, switches to one endorsed by the Greens?" If he's Ken whose his Barbie ? However it would seem a move on negative gearing would be of greater appeal than a hike in GST.

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