Monday, 1 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog,1/8/16; Shame Bolt Shame; The lingua Franca of Aussie families; Bolt cry is Aparthied and always has been. It's One Nation; The epic Clayton's Blog; Hypocrisy has no principles; Brasil is Brasil; Ignoring the children to attack the ABC; Israeli's have no guilt in shooting children; Climate Change an embarrassment to Bolt;


Turnbull’s kneejerk royal commission in chaos: commissioner quits


Bolt takes every opportunity to twist and distort the truth. Martin quit because he himself was aware that in the public eye he was compromised  as possibly biased. 2 Commissioners were appointed with bipartisan agreement between the two major parties. That's how democracy works and should. Both parties agreed that the issue at hand which had been buried was no small matter.

"Malcolm Turnbull made a kneejerk decision to call a royal commission after the ABC screened a biased program falsely presenting the restraint of a boy in detention in the Northern Territory as torture." Bolt

Notice how Bolt ignores the fact that 2 years prior reports by ex Governor of  Long Bay and  Villawood Michael Vita and Dr Bath submitted but that the department of Corrections buried all things Bolt has ignored in his tale. Even the fact that the Commissioner for corrections resigned as did the Minister from his port folio who were named as totally incompetent in the reports provided 2 years earlier. All Bolt seems to be running  here is a campaign   to whitewash the shocking truth rather than encouraging any need to invetigate it. Does he mention or dwell on the conditions at DonDale no! He presents them as a one off! Does he mention that the YJO's were unprofessional part timers in the main with no training no! He presents them as victims of 14 year old thugs. Does he even tell us that the children were kept in solitary confinement for up to 17 days illegally and against all protocols no!  Not a single fact is revealed by Bolt. All that Bolt concerns himself with is that the NT Country Liberal Party has been busted for out right racial discrimination against Aboriginal children. 

Bolt's PR campaign embarrasses not only him but the Conservatives running it  as they are prepared to throw children under a bus for some non existent political gain. They shame themselves and the country not Turnbull in their support of the abuse that has been going on for years and their efforts to trivialize it.

 "Turnbull has dealt with just two political issues of note in the month since the election. One was Kevin Rudd’s tilt for the United Nations’ top job and the other was this. Both essentially peripheral issues and both comprehensively bungled by Turnbull, who is bringing the house down. The Liberal house." Bolt. What sort of a sicko is Andrew Bolt.

 NT juvenile justice: “a blight on the entire Australian legal system”

 You can read earlier posts at The Northern Myth on indigenous and juvenile incarceration in the NT here and here.

 You can read all of The Vita Review 2015 here.





Peris sets another bad example


How right is Nova Peris to pay out Andrew Bolt and she uses the lingua franca of the Territory to do it something Andrew Bolt seems to not understand. She uses the language of the hockey dressing rooms the language  you hear in  sporting rooms throughout Australia and even in a car on long journey. It's the relaxed language and banter used among Aussie families that cements relationships and lets you know your an accepted a part of the group, mob, team or family. 

Bolt doesn't use that language ever or even understand ask yourself why? Every culture has and shares words like it. Why is it not Bolt , because he's never really been gregarious or up close and personal with any Australians never really part of a team. He is the perennial outsider always on the job telling us who we ought to be never accepting us for who we are. There are no such things as Safe Schools or places for him." Good fucking onya Nova he is a limp dick who thinks he's better than us who once claimed he was a Territorian but never was "




Next step: Australian apartheid


Bolt does work so hard on trying to establish an Australian Aparthied  he always spends so much energy sorting what he regards the chaff  from the wheat. Dandenong Lakemba always asking "Who Let Them In" He certainly stands with One Nation on separating us from Muslims Asians Africans and Indigenous Australians.

Who is surprised when it comes to the current constitution  Bolt never  calls for  the racist clauses to be removed. No the constitution doesn't need changing. However many Aborigines don't want recognition only  the racist clauses that exist now gone. The first peoples then made up of many nations could  demand their own treaties signed treaties recognized in law and guaranteed by our constitutional rights as Australians. Treaties to eradicate the racism that exists but Bolt denies has existed for 200+ years.

 When we hear Bolt say the world was gifted by white christian culture and that's the only true blue Australian identity he's dividing us. His call for discriminatory immigration policies is bigoted and his anti positive discrimination posturing are a contradiction .  Bolt simply wants to enforce his cultural perspective on us all in order that he doesn't have to consider  changing which is definitely not on. He's in no way ready to sacrifice his privileged position or lose any of his vital bodily fluids or cultural capital. You are Nova Peris your not Australian Bolt is. He even believes he's as indigenous as you Nova. What an effen wanker




The Turnbull-Rudd admiration society is over

Bolt takes the credit his Troll Peter BH does the work. Bolt in fact does as little as possible just maybe moderates some negative comments out. The farce is trying to prove Rudd is more believable than Turnbull but also Joyce and even the whole cabinet. Peter BH worked harder here than even Bolt to construct a fantasy denied by everyone with reason except probably Andrew Bolt and of course Kevin Rudd. Rudd I doubt even reads Bolt so doesn't know what a hero he is in his eyes at the moment.  The length  of the blog is also important  it's what's called a space filler in blogging terms it's a Clayton's blog.






Teach children about proof and justice instead


" She should teach them that should not join lynch mobs rushing to judgement, but await the outcome of investigations before approving of any action taken against anyone." Philip Shehan This is not the message Bolt's been sending is it he's not waiting for justice to take due course he's accusing the police and the justice system of being on a vigilante campaign just to gain attention  for himself and Pell is just an opportunity for his self interest.




Rio games: fire, explosion and theft

Bolt is presenting this report as if it's a surprise in Rio a city controlled by many factions and interests. Guess Bolt wants to say "Who Let Them In" to Brazil  what color were they?





Repent at leisure


Bolt talks of the 4 corners footage as if it were recent but finally for want of attacking Malcolm Turnbull he's revealed it's over 6 years old. He still keeps silent on the Vita and Bath Reports but has every reason to reveal why Brian Ross Martin should recuse himself from the Royal Commission. He doesn't go as far as saying Indegenous Commissioners need to be appointed rather that a Commission is in fact unnecessary. However when the Vita an Bath reports are added to the mix it goes to show just how broader the references ought to be. Turnbull has simply not gone far enough in examining how badly Bolt's feral few children have been treated by the juvenile justice system. But then that's not Bolt's interest.


Article 37 of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990 states:
(a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhumane and/or degrading treatment or punishment.
(c) Every child deprived of liberty shall be treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person, and in a manner which takes into account the needs of persons of his or her age.”




Column - The ABC’s week of shame


" In a knee-jerk response to the first report, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a royal commission into the Northern Territory’s juvenile justice system."Bolt

Why Bolt is a liar is he fails to mention NT juvenile justice: “a blight on the entire Australian legal system a report filed two and a half years ago of which these two videos were a part not events that occurred on just one occasion. Why doesn't Bolt refer to these reports. Like Stolen Children the do not fit his denial of systemic racism in action

You can read earlier posts at The Northern Myth on indigenous and juvenile incarceration in the NT here and here.

 "debacle that has been exposed in the past two years within the NT juvenile justice system shows quite clearly that by deliberate design and policy Aboriginal children in are treated in a barbarous, inhumane and illegal way." Crikey Jan 2016

" With juveniles the NT detention rate is 6 times the national average, and 97% of them are Aboriginal. The numbers are calamitous enough but what has become in 2015 one of Australia’s biggest human rights stains is the deliberate treatment of those NT Aboriginal children in detention."

What Bolt conceals is the videos shown are just part of the Vita Review commissioned by the NT government and concealed. Michael Vita was the superintendent of  Long Bay and Villawood following on from these incidents Dr Howard Bath continued with further investigations both their reports were scathing on just how juveniles were detained illegally and how YJO's responded to incidents.

This wasn't the ABC but the Vita & Bath's report.  Dr Bath found that the inappropriate reactions were largely explicable by the lack of staff qualification and training. This long standing policy reveals that both the Minister and his CEO are unfit to hold their positions. They resigned in 2015 These reports are worth reading given Bolt's efforts to simply deflect the issue to the biased concerns of the ABC and leftist reporting. It clearly shows Bolt distorting and deflecting the issue for his own self interested purpose of degrading the ABC no care for the issue of Aborigine kids onhis part at all.

This follows that both George Pell and the Aboriginal youth in detention are little more than tools to Bolt' self aggrandizement for the purpose of attacking the ABC. In both cases Bolt gives no consideration to due process the charges laid as long as he can misuse them to disparage the ABC a competitor to Murdoch's want to move to digital media.




Training baby jihadists

Does Bolt even attempt to ever cover up his friends? The poor Israeli army are forced to shoot Palestinian children and pregnant women  because they gather in groups to protest and grimace at them and have done for many years they are given little option but to shoot them take their land and give it to Israeli settlers to occupy. The Israeli IDF martyr themselves by shooting Palestinians.  Bolt references to stories like this come from John Hindraker the founder of PowerLine the most right wing blog in America. It's eqivalent in Australia being the IPA's blog the Catallaxy files in Australia.

Power Line's authors typically support the most conservative agenda, especially the Iraq war and the War on Terrorism.Power Line often vigorously criticizes Democrats and liberals for dishonesty, lack of morals, bad judgment and disloyalty to the United States. They occasionally attack Republicans for similar shortcomings as Bolt does Turnbull, such as Senator John McCain for his position advocating the US should not "torture" suspected terrorists or "enemy combatants. Like Trump they insist they must.Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000 - If Americans Knew

Tim Flannery flops again

Bolt just slips into his usual groove of choosing local meteorological predictions of evidence that global science doesn't know what it's talking about. He's the guy that continues to argue the he knows someone that has smoked for 50 years and hasn't contracted cancer. So what justification has medical research to associate tobacco with cancer John Smith isn't dead. Bolt logic the world is awash with wheat and rain why? Because warm weather creates moisture which creates rain. Yet last June was the hottest month ever recorded and it's those figures have been increasing for the past 14 consecutive months. Remember when all of last year Bolt was trying to convince us the planet had been cooling for the past 20 years.

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