Thursday, 13 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 13/10/16; Look what they've done to my song ma; GOP, The Grand Obstructionist Party still lead by Abbott's Tea Party; Bolt is Australia's statue of bigotry;


Who let them in? Is our refugee program a men...

Image result for Images of them and me bigotry

Now that's just prejudice in action mocked by Lou Reed. Imagine when it becomes historically institutionalized as it has been with indigenous Australians, the mentally ill, and the unemployed and the idiot Bolt says he's  indigenous too. It has been 220 years and harder for them not for Bolt. 

What we have is an ultra bigot like Bolt in a suit  crying and appealing politely nevertheless for the wholesale institutional rejection of his classification of individuals into groups his "them" immigrants, refugees, Muslims, Africans etc etc. Bolt wants the creation of a human sieve institutionalized.  No I have got that wrong sieves filter individuals. He wants classes of people separated out just as Hitler did the Jews and Romani. If blacks lived in Germany they too would have been included. Andrew Bolt his suit and manners aside  don't hide the ultra bigot who classifies people into groups and not as individuals as he himself expects to be. So round up all the Sudanese Somalis Egyptians South Africans if they are black and send them back. Why because we are swamped an live in fear just as Trump Farage Abbott and Bolt say. Bolt works for Murdoch who owns the Sun in the UK . So should I be surprised he owns Fox News in the USA. Why is the message the same? The Sun and Daily Mail accused of ‘fuelling prejudice’ in report on rising racist violence and hate speech in UK | The Independent


How hypocritical is Bolt? He expects to be  treated as an individual in a multicultural society protected by our constitution. Crime is multicultural . However Andrew Bolt creates a list of individual criminal events  and specifically attributes them to Immigrants, Refugees, Muslims ,Africans and the Indigenous. He classifies them as belonging to categories of classes of people. We could do the same with people of Dutch heritage there are after all 300,000 Australians of Bolt's heritage 1rst,2nd and 3rd generation and if we had the power to amplify their individual transgressions we too could attribute them to a singular  group, or class of people. In other words we could do the same and call them a danger to Australian society.  However Bolt takes it a step further in expanding bigotry and prejudice by suggesting every single event he reports is not just the actions of 1-5 people who repeat crime he makes it out to be the characteristic of the whole population he's taken on himself to single out. He tars the whole group. However he's a prejudiced bigot and a coward because his classifications are never specific. Fearful of Section 18C he generalizes and says Africans, Immigrants instead. Pauline Hanson tarnishes Muslims, Asians in much the same way. 

The fact is these groups like immigrants of the past aren't the most dangerous persons int our community at all. They are the biggest risk takers yes. For the past 100 years they couldn't get Public Service jobs they needed English and pass exams to do that. They are the people that changed the nature of this country by starting small businesses the backbone of Australia they employed people yes generally of their own background and they became the staging post that makes Australia ,Canada, the USA and NZ truly Multicultural Nations admired by others. Throughout our history there have been Bolt's that have been fearful of this progress. People against religions Jews and Catholics were called a threat. The indigenous simply ignored. They weren't a part of our census until 1962. They weren't regarded as individuals they were little more than flower pots to be handled by our bureaucracies , the Aboriginal Dept, the police, the welfare dept and and NGOs like the various church orgs. They Weren't Let In they can't be kicked out" 

 Asylum Seekers are much the same and Bolt asks "Who Let Them In"  why, because of his list of indiscretions All of these people are outside  Andrew Bolt's demand "treat me as an individual" We could gather a list as readily as he does for the Dutch Australians and ask the same bigoted question


Turnbull trapped in Land of No

Image result for Images of look what they did to my song

"MALCOLM Turnbull is now in that nasty place that we conservatives live in too often — the Land of No.
The Land of No.
How gloomy. Negative." Bolt

The Land of No is what made Tony Abbott made  famous. The least bills passed 100 less than Julia over the same period  and the least bills passed with the exception of John Gorton who was in office for only 6 months Abbott pioneered the land of No. He is Mr nope nope nope.
All Bolt's done is mocked MT since the election and flipped the argument that MT is now Mr nope. Well Bolt is the last man standing on this one.
MT is fighting 2 fronts Mr No leader of Australia's Tea Party and the tail of the Liberal's.  Just as the Tea Party controlled the  American Republicans with their no no nos. They destroyed their party and let Trump in. Abbott did the same for Mrs No and let Pauline in. We saw him grovelling to her on the couch for having had her jailed. He'd do it all again if he could but the horse had bolted when he lead his team of obstructionists against the country and now it's against the Liberal Party leaving Malcolm Turnbull singing to himself.

Look what they done to my song, Ma
Look what they done to my song, Ma [Incomprehensible]
The only thing I could do half right
And now it's turning out all wrong, Mama
Look what they done to my song
Look what they done to my brain, Ma
Look what they done to my brain
Oh mama
It's a shame, you won't believe this, but it's true
They picked it like a chicken bone
And I'm-ah, just about to go insane, Mama
Look what they done to my brain


The problem isn't buffoon Trump

 Image result for Images of obstructionism

" The question is why a braggart, buffoon, liar, narcissist and sexist with almost no political principles came so close to becoming president of the world’s greatest power." 

Is Bolt serious the extreme conservatives the Mr Nopes of the Republican Party the obstructionists throughout Obama's term thought they were the greatest they destroyed their own party and let Trump in. Just as Tony Abbott is doing and had let Hanson in it's a no brainer

 Australia’s Coalition — worst economic managers in the Western world


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