Friday 21 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog, 21/10/16; Why is leak and the Police commissioner Racist; Yesterday Bolt said Abbott was doing a Trump that's been scrubbed; Election 2016 and now Bolt's doing a Hannity;


When they relax compare Trump and Hilary Videos not to be missed



Tim Wilson: 90 seconds on free speech


Defending the right to be conned and having to suffer the consequences
 What we saw below wasn't  free speech it wasn't even a discussion it was Bill Leak and a Top Cop defending the right  to stereotype and stigmatize a race, a community of Australians  citizens not to be protected and treated as individuals under our Constitution. Distinguishing the cause of their higher rate of dysfunction on their color and/or race and therefore treating them accordingly. When similar dysfunction however is found elsewhere the same distinction isn't applied and those concerned need to be treated differently as individuals.
The consequent labeling of a class of people carries with serious negative connotations for all the individuals within that community and often acts as a trigger  for even a wider range of  negative reactions between the accused and accusers leading to the often heard Bolt reaction "I told you so". This whole process is beyond just a matter of free speech in a civilized society and has been documented by historians, sociologists psychologists alike as how we relate and vilify persons for little more than their race ,gender,sexual preference which over time becomes institutionalized both structurally in the way  and culturally in  our values  beliefs and behaviors preventing  even the free conversations Bolt demands to  begin to occur.
 It's as if we are all sitting on mop buckets and every time we try to stand up we put our foot on the pedal and are held down by the balls, Section 18C is in this case a referee protecting the genuineness of  speech and informing us of our cultural mop bucket.
What Tim Wilson has to say on the issue has no greater weight in the context of the parliamentary chamber. Would he be as honored and free to demand inciting the internment of  Jews, gypsies and the indigenous if he was a politician in a majority government. Should he be allowed to call for  his supporters to burn the place down if they don't win a vote. Apparently Bolt thinks so as long as he's not Muslim.
Bolt is free to express his opinions along with every Australian citizen. However he needs to bear some responsibility when he does it with the resources of News Corp behind him. Bolt believes in the right of the bullshitter. He  hates it when historic truths are revealed such as the futile deaths of young Australian boys recruited  no conned by the lieks of him  to join that boys own adventure and free trip to Europe all expenses paid which in truth was Gallipoli . Bolt tends to call these historic truths Bolshi leftist propaganda but they weren't. These young men most of who never came home didn't  have a clue  what they were doing or what they could expect. However they listened to the free speech allowed our recruiters and media of the day. To say it was a lie amounted to treason. If it was Bolt's son would he have defended his right to be conned?

Bill Leak right, says top cop

Image result for Images of stereotyping

"I will say though, as bad as it sounds, it's not an unusual thing for police to have trouble finding responsible adults for children that we find in trouble or on the streets late at night." In this  Police sentance there is no stereotyping. In this police statement I don't see  color stereotyping or profiling. color isn't the problem. So once again Bolt where is the color? How offended would Bolt have been if Leaks cartoon was white?
However the police commissioner also compounded Leak,s racism as well by saying

"Commissioner O'Callaghan said the cartoon by Leak, published by The Australian newspaper in August and criticised by some Indigenous leaders as an "attack" on Aboriginal people, was an appropriate portrayal of some communities."

However the above occurs in white communities as well it's why Social Welfare complains it's over stretched and under staffed. However when it does the white population of Australia aren't blamed or generalized as all being dysfunctional as are Aboriginal communities. Explanations for bad behavior aren't found in or sought in our race. Bolt demands being treated as an individual but doesn't do or demand the same when it comes to Aboriginals. He fails to ever explain why? It's the reason he is described as an ultra racist because he does it to other Australians as well.


Turnbull vs Abbott: the war is on

 Image result for Images of trump denials

" It was on, with Abbott's enemies saying he had made a similar deal with Leyonhjelm last year - offering to drop an import ban on the Adler shotgun after 12 months in exchange for Leyonhelm's vote - something Abbott hotly denied on the ABC on Wednesday." Peter BH


Abbott denies deal that email describes..... Bolt

Abbott denies deal that email describes

Don't forget yesterday Andrew Bolt said emails from Abbott's office prove Abbott did know about the deal done with Leyohjelm when he was PM. Let's see where he takes it today. He handballs the whole deal to his troll Peter BH so he doesn't look as much two faced as he actually is. The focus of the Abbott Turnbull war has been changed from Abbott appearing to be the liar Turunbull says he is in his denial that deals were done with Leyonhjelm to the Essential Poll which isn't what the media have been declaring to be the battleground. Turnbull in fact didn't say what Peter BH is suggesting at all that was said and done was the media reporting Leyonhjelm and not emphasizing Turnbull's denial. So as far as a war in progress between Abbott and Turnbull there is evidence that Abbott's lying and none that Turnbull is. The rest is superfluous and secondary to the above banner. 

I repeat Bolt has hand-balled this to his troll Peter BH to be his ventriloquist who has redirected Bolt's banner of yesterday posting an email suggesting Abbott was lying. Peter BH has redirected Bolt's thought bubble to the Poll and everything else but the email turning to the News Corp team for help.What is ignored is Abbott's doing a Trump and Bolt's blog is assisting.


Democrats have also queried election results


Bolt's for Trump today but " Journalists Who Covered Florida Recount Say There's No Comparison Between Gore And Trump

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Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott are in a brawl of mutually assured destruction, with the wounded Prime Minister having the most to lose. Turnbull yesterday publicly suggested Abbott was a liar, and then Abbott blasted back.

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