Thursday 20 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog ,20/10/16; Sociology is dangerous; Adult's in childrens clothes; Wind power and the blackout Bolt had; Steven Tindale an old story re lived; What does Andrew Bolt do for our GNP?; Bolt and Bill in a very Leaky Boat; Bolt reveals himself, No Malcolm is a world apart from Abbott even Bolt calls him a liar;

Vic schools claim boys conditioned to be hete...

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Heterophobia is being taught in schools along with homophobia.  Sorry Bolt the Sociology of Sexuality is being taught in schools and is inclusive not exclusive as you make it out to be or just the sociology of heterosexuality. There is the constant bias suggesting only a one sided story is being told.  This is what you can expect to see in the lead up to the plebescite. It's why in the 40s and 50s the Catholic Church among other organizations declared Sociology to be a dangerous subject of study for Christians and banned the books. Some people believed it could make people psychiatrically unhinged and depressed to find out that social aspects of their lives was learnt and not fixed. They felt knowledge of that sort could lead to suicide mental breakdown atheism and even revolution rather than liberation from guilt and the improvement of democracy and our relationships. Bolt is reviving that old fear cherry here by saying it's better that the majority maintain it's misbeliefs and the minority can suffer or be resocialized. Sorry Bolt knowledge is liberating you should try it some time. Giving is a rewarding experience.

"Children" play West for mugs

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  When people lie out of desperation Bolt decides it' s evidence that they aren't real refugees. But the Home Office ruled out calls for dental checks to verify their age because the tests are deemed 'inaccurate, inappropriate and unethical'.  Australia didn't and jailed children in adult jails  even though they told Immigration Immigration  they were under age  they just weren't believed. When we make a mistake it takes court action to prove we were wrong because foreigners can't be trusted. Only the West can be trusted. It's why we haven't taken in the 12,000 Syrians while Canada has taken in 30,000. Dutton's explanation we are better guardians of safety.  We are the best the world are mugs.

 How is it Andrew Bolt believes ISIS when their media makes a pronouncement?.


Proof: wind power caused the SA blackout

What Bolt conveniently leaves out of his description of the AEMO report why?

"So more power was drawn across the Heywood Interconnector from Victoria. It overloaded and tripped.
The resultant loss of energy sent the network frequency within South Australia rapidly plummeting.
At that point automatic protection mechanisms disconnected the lines to the state's operating thermal generators, sending the entire state black.
 It's also important to note that the intermittency of wind farms (that is, the variation of output with wind strength) was "not a material factor" in the blackout event.

The AEMO report makes clear there have been complete and sudden losses of the interconnector on four previous occasions.
Three of those happened when the now-closed Port Augusta coal power station tripped."
Forner Greenpeace boss backs fracking

20 Oct Tindale jumped ship 5 years ago  for the almighty dollar and these people are still refering to him as an unbiased expert. "Tindale is noted for his recent U-turn on nuclear power. Along with three other persons who have been involved with the environmental movement, Chris Smith, Mark Lynas and Chris Goodall, he is now lobbying in favour of nuclear power. He considers that the need to overcome the dangers of rising carbon emissions and subsequent global warming requires a rethinking of anti-nuclear positions amongst the environmental movement.[4] In addition to current nuclear technology, Tindale supports the research and development of the thorium fuel cycle in molten salt reactors to reduce nuclear waste output and increase safety.[5][6]
On leaving Greenpeace Tindale also endorsed Genetically Modified (GM) foods.[7] Greenpeace remain opposed to GM.
His past roles have included Senior Research Fellow on environment and energy at the Institute for Public Policy Research.


Why hasn't Gillian Triggs quit already?

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Building a mountain out of a mole hill .George Brandis the Australian Attorney General should be so remiss as Triggs who should we believe?  Brandis has proven to be a serial liar." Gillian Triggs gave misleading evidence about what she claimed was an "inducement" to quit – a job the Government claims she had herself suggested (and she denies)."Bolt  Trigg can't be dismissed  by the Australian government as she is independent of it. Just as Bolt can't be dismissed  from News Corp. However compared with Andrew Bolt Gillian Triggs is of far far greater social value than Andrew Bolt is. He luckily isn't simply invited to a Senate committee he on occasions is invited to court with Australia's most expensive barristers there to protect him. One really wonders what value Andrew Bolt is to News Corp given he's a total tax deduction subsidized by us to the tune of 30%. News Corp doesn't provide more than 10 % news so news isn't there product. Bolt certainly doesn't provide any news so he certainly isn't of any public use. Newly arrived immigrants and refugees accepted into the country  on the lowest of wages are of more use to us and more productive than Andrew Bolt.  His son James is of no productive use either. It seems of the Bolt's his brother makes up for Andrew's inability to do anything but feed his ego. No Gillian Triggs compared to Andrew Bolt is a National Treasure.

Below Bolt shows us how Abbott lies he once lead this country how is it Andrew Bolt isn't calling for Tony Abbott's resignation? He has a history of multiple lying and making an absolute fool of himself. However he's only ever whipped with a feather by Bolt if at all.

Why doesn't Turnbull say "je suis Bill Leak"?

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Bolt is such a hypocrite crying foul on Section 18C, "Je Suis Charlie "was about unity. The magazine Charlie Hebdo was about unity Bill Leaks Cartoon in Australia was about division and stigmatization on the basis of color. It wasn't just mocking Aboriginality it was condemning it and a race on the basis of their color.   The picture added nothing to what Bolt calls polite academic debate and the sharing of ideas. So to ask MT to say Je Suis Bill Leak is the equivalent of Bolt declaring he join  Team Australia and that Indigenous Australians need to consider getting  on board too.

 Bolt is his very own contradiction part of a minority of totally unrepresentative Australians who are welcome to leave but prefer to whinge and call that their right. So yes to "Je Suis Charlie" but a definite no to "Je Suis Bill Leak"

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Guns and bozos: all bang, no bullet

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  A one sided description is all Bolt has Leyonhjelm's story is all Bolt offers. It's much the same when he turns to ISIS  for their version of their success rather than ASIO the AFP the FBI or the CIA. If they don't fit his narrative he denys  these organizations could possibly be providing any truth because when it's convenient for Bolt they become left wing.  Bolt neither cares for lies or truth as he treats both the same just a convenience to fit his narratives which simply makes him a Bullshitter.  Just as he was when he told us he was once a minder for a belly dancer. It turned out it was his fiancee who was supporting him. Leyonhjelm version isn't evidence for what occured but what Andrew Bolt wants  us to believe occurred only because it mocks Malcolm.


Abbott denies deal that email describes

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Abbott caught like Trump so obvious the even BSer like Bolt has to tell him he hasn't a leg to stand on.  There is no reason to make out MT is made of the same stuff.

Abbott denies deal that email describes

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