Friday, 28 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 28/10/16. Bolt shows himself to be what he truly is Not an Australian; Why the hell should Triggs get on with Brandis; Snouts in the trough and their size; Why should Bolt's kids be subsidized as much as I hate to say it they are our future too; Imagine a society of Bolt's demands for acknowledging all past errors?



Who let them in? The Hamzy case


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Aquek Nyok saved the lives of passengers on a burning bus in Moorooka today

Bolt's selective list to fit his bigoted narrative. 

" Our immigration program is putting Australians in danger. Today's examples involve a killer, a gang member jailed for manslaughter and a man with two wives. And once again we must ask: who let them in?"Bolt

What was headline news today and what hasn't Bolt stopped for in the rush to talk about his list?

 A 48 year old white Australian by the name of O'Donahue threw petrol over Manmeet Sharma a 29 year old Hindu Brahmin  bus driver and set him alight. He's dead now one might well ask of that dead man "who let him in" if they hadn't he might still be alive. However Manmeet doesn't fit Andrew Bolt's narrative so he makes no mention of him nor does he mention that a taxi driver who saved the lives of the 11 passengers on board that bus was an African. The Project and Waleed Aly certainly made it a center piece of their show. It shows a clear difference in who does and doesn't deserve respect when it comes to our media.

Bolt however had to rush to make his narrative point 
"Can you trust our politicians with our immigration and refugee programs? Can you trust them to bring in 12,000 Syrians and Iraqis without endangering you?"Bolt  My point is why does Pauline Hanson and Andrew Bolt encourage the O'Donahues of Australia to come out from under their rocks? If the colors of the people in this story had been reversed Andrew Bolt would have been the first up in arms calling it a terrorist event. One covered up by the police for saying "it wasn't an act of terror". Today there's nothing just silence.

Why the hell should Brandis get on with Trigg...

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Bolt is amazing basically this is a post that links to Bolt's post of yesterday condemning Gillian Triggs to his "list" of his previous  posts . Bolt loves lists and is somewhat obsessive about collecting things to put in them. Items selectively chosen that often have no connection other than they in his list. It is a linked post a chain post if you will  linked to his columns, radio TV editorials and books.  A gram of gold they say can be stretched to the moon and it's still a gram of gold.  Bolt stretches a post much the same way and it's still a single thought bubble. It's why his lecturers at Adelaide Uni waved him goodbye so quickly.  Bolt's work ethic is reflected in his lazy Susan of ideas. In this case a single idea that goes around more times than a revolving door and Gillian Triggs is the brunt. Who pray tell in either the Liberal or Labor Party or those among the public service get on with George Brandis? His profession's elected representatives  all highly regarded lawyers one and all are crying out for him to leave why?  He is an embarrassment to the profession. Having given Brandis a break after break after break his incompetence  just keeps floating to the surface time after time after time again. Even the Supreme Court have declared him to be wrong and all Bolt can say is "give him a break". As for Gillian Triggs cream also rises and Australians one and all are grateful for her reminding us that we too can be better than this George Brandis just happens to do it in a different way. The notion of  two people getting on is dependent on being next to each other you couldn't envisage two more polar opposites than Brandis and Triggs. 

Poochgate Minister in more strife

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Who was punished the hardest who got the most

Bolt's a piece of work isn't he. He snaps like a bear trap when a Labor minister is caught with his snout in the trough but was just an over stretched rubber band when Abbott's front bench was caught out ripping the country off. Tony Abbott claimed flights to weddings and birthday parties and less than a peep from Bolt. Yet  he was happy to see Peter Slipper driven to the the point of  suicide over $900 of cab charges. It's just the way Andrew Bolt rolls. It has nothing to do with principle as far as Bolt is concerned it's all to do with the team you back. Do you hear Andrew Bolt up in arms about all politicians  and their bad behavior ?

If you actually consider rip offs in the work place and consider if people, we get real value for money  for  productive labor done Bolt would be the Peter Foster of media . He is exorbitantly over paid  for the least amount of productive work done. What  value is he to our GDP's bottom line compared with the African or other migrants cleaning the medical waste  off our hospital floors? Compared to Waleed Aly he's little more than the Kim Karadashian of Australian media all style no substance. I died laughing at this post. 

The pot calling the kettle black work for the dollar is being evaluated here by Andrew Bolt in our society. the top 10% earn their keep simply on interest and rent on capital gained through inheritance. It's why the term the  "idle rich" rings  true and fits Australian life. The "idle poor" doesn't have the same resonance as Bolt would like it to have does it. It's why he uses other terms because  "idle rich "and "idle poor" just don't sit well together. It's why people like Bolt spit out the term "bludgers" it's even worse because he says people love and wallow in unemployment and the enforced Culture of Poverty that accompanies it.


Handouts should never beat wages

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However here Bolt is comparing naming and shaming Australians for expecting benefits or assistance in raising children as if Australians like himself have no interest or need to invest as much as they do in Australia's future. " Thousands of parents claiming government benefits are financially better off not getting a job, with new figures showing they ­receive at least $45,000 a year ­tax-free, more than the take-home pay of most Australian workers." Bolt  No says Bolt if your unemployed and have kids tough effen luck as if Bolt never recieved any assistance when raising his own direct or indirect.
"The Australian reveals that the top 10 per cent of those on parenting benefits, about 43,200 people, received at least $45,032 in 2014-15." Bolt 

Question Bolt has 3 kids all at private schools. Why should I be subsidizing his kids to the tune of $30,000 ++ Is it simply because his wages are over and above the handout? Bolt regrets that in a non socialist country we are required to invest in children other than our own however he totally overlooks just how much we have invested in his not for education purposes but soley for the networks maintained that make who you know still more important than what you know. Yes Bolt believes in going Dutch hates sharing even when he gets a greater benefit.That is the head space of those who feel they are born to rule even when they are not one of them.


CSIRO and Bureau should apologise for this sc...

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Does Bolt demand that we back track and explain the history of genetics in every report made in 2016? Science is a progressive discipline are all scientists required to explain the past errors made? Those errors are continually evaluated in the peer review process. Obviously something Andrew Bolt doesn't understand doesn't want to or doesn't want us to. Does he demand the same of his doctor when he makes a diagnosis. Please explain the historic errors made in the field of medicine before predicting what's wrong with me?

Talk about lists and repetition Bolt continues collecting his list and conflating the CSIRO and Meteorology with Global Climate  Science  two entirely different endeavors. Not everything  the CSIRO does is the same as the Dept of Meteorology and neither necessarily do what is compatible with what's regarded as Global Climate Science. That explains why Bolt's demand for predictions as accurate as Newton's Laws of motion is  moronic.

Last week he was praising scientific research in the field of medicine distinguishing it from the empirical and anectotal methods of Homeopathy, Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy which he felt were closer to religious faiths. What he was praising was Scientific Method. Bolt reverses that when it comes to  Global Climate Science and declares it a religion despite the e fact that the methodology is the same. Meteorology is pretty good at predicting our short term weather but Bolt seems to suggests it's an example of the failure of the science In other words he hasn't a clue or intentionally confuses the difference. As for the CSIRO he seems to think like subs it's a waste of money we can let others do it and buy it back for half the price. Why should we be leaders in scientific  thinking anyway when others can do it for us and we can be utilitarian in what we choose.  Bolt somehow has thrown the baby out with the bath water and opted for Christian Science as the end of the spectrum that might serve us best as all truth is not always helpful economically.



Rewriting Turnbull's vacuous waffle

More posts Andrew Bolt simply doesn't get it the Liberal Party isn't the Conservative Party he insists it should be. To insist it is is destroying it. yes the moderates accept the fact that Conservatives exist if they didn't those in the Monkey Pod Room would be out on their ear. Yes Turnbull has bent over backwards to accommodate them and show that the Liberal Party was in fact a broad church something the Abbott faction refuses to do. While the Conservatives have shamed Australia they have made room for the likes of Pauline Hanson and have ensured that the problems the country faces will not be solved because bills won't be passed due to their forced intransigence we don't have a government and even if they win power again we still won't have one.

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