Sunday, 30 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/10/16; Does Andrew Bolt pay Capital Gains Tax? To give a Nation Service or th Service a Nation like Abbott did. One takes time the other blinkers;

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 Image result for Images of a home office

 This is a report from Andrew Bolt's "Home Office" which leads me to ask about Tax

Andrew Bolt turns to Russian TV, The Gateway Pundit, and Breitbart the primo broadcasters of American right-wing media and anti- Clinton news to cherry pick single events and generalize about the walking dead Clinton supporters across the US. No doubt Andrew Bolt is formulating yet another "list" of which he has many to prove his ability to socially analyse circumstances  in the media. Bolt avoids those circumstances that might just prove he's wrong. Bolt cherry picks a selected few to socially analyse a whole nation from his home study in Malvern. As for the specific video it shows 1) the free speech Bolt advocates 2) the woman not being hit at all but falling over 3) To the sound of someone saying "don't touch her" 4) She knew she was "on camera" the fall so staged for just this sort of Breitbart media. 5) How much $$ and political gain was to be made here. She certainly didn't look homeless but very clean and unidentifiable ?

This raises a more specific question. Bolt has had a series of such "Home Studies" over the course of his life  for which he no doubt claims   "home office tax deductions".  The question that springs to mind when the Home is sold and a capital gain accrues does Bolt declare that portion and pay the capital gains tax of 30%  on the  "office" or does he simply revert to calling it "his home" and rip the rest of us off in tax avoidance or evasion. Does Bolt claim a tax deduction on all those "antiques" and " art  works " that decorate his office" I think that Bolt ought pay attention to these specific issues that relate to his specific circumstance because I can't with more informed statistics jump to the  generalized conclusion whether Leftists or Conservatives are bigger rip offs. I can guess however it's Conservatives simply because they are more likely to have the greater percentage of home offices.


For Turnbull is an honorable man

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Yep if it's a long blog it's not Andrew Bolt! It's his troll Peter BH Bolt doesn't work that hard.

Yes Peter BH your stating the obvious Despotic leaders run seemingly efficient offices Mussolini, Franco and Pinochet did as did Stalin, Pol Pot. What was sacrificed was Democracy and representative government. The it's a governmental system your not in favor of  is it Democracy that is where it's plain and clear that governments need to show they are working for their electorates all of the time and communicating that with continued clarity. The governments are meant to provide a  a service for the Nation not just service the Nation as Abbott did.

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