Monday, 31 October 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,31/10/16; Cry for help can take all forms not always mannered; Bolt wants NZers banned; Paywall tell you nothing; Bolt believes tha Nazis of America; The smearing of Gillard continues; Je Suis Donald Trump; Abbott's man Mundine; Bolt uses Mundine as his token Indian; Paywall again; Putting the brakes on is expensive when going forward;

How the Left chokes on hatred and abuse

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Again it must be Sunday. You'll find a long blog and guess what it's not written by Andrew Bolt just used and posted by him it's the work of one of his sycophants who somehow believes Nazism was a left wing revolution fighting for Liberation  of the German people who from the Jews and Bolt seems to agree oops. That the French Revolution that called for the Liberation of speech was something Bolt abhorred. I think Bolt hasn't read his Troll Alexander and that Alexander hasn't read much Bolt either and what he thinks of members of the ABC, Education, the Arts etc etc.  He doesn't begin to ask what it is Bolt wants of our Cultural Institutions, our comics who are regularly smeared.  They all seem to struggle finding a right wing satirists. Everything Bolt says and does is designed to close  down and restrict individuals within very narrow confines and straight jackets not liberate. He justifies it by doing what  Trump and Hanson do. Find others to blame it like Hitler did minorities like the Jews and Gypsies. Hitler wasn't trying to Liberate the working class German but control them. It's why he helped Mussolini and Franco at Guernica. What on earth is Alexander talking about when he says Hitler was  a left wing revolutionary?

" Her abuse in her latest piece is cartoonish, and her intolerance astonishing. But what is most striking is that she comes across in this piece as abusive, pitiless, sanctimonious and supercilious to the point of orgasm, while still congratulating herself as morally superior. 

She has given herself that most dangerous of qualities: a moral license to hate."

As far as Bolt's new found troll Alexander is concerned manners style without substance take priority over the scream to be liberated and free, the scream only heard from of the drill masters of the right that only know how to bark orders.  Yes Dux screams of course she does for others to be let out of the box. It's the scream of women being beaten and raped by men who don't know any better. It's the scream of gays being bashed by homophobes who claim they hold the moral high ground, it's the whimper of children behind barbed wire being told they are a necessary example to people smugglers who we can't be bothered identifying or arresting.  It's the comedic laughter of auditoriums full in Melbourne's Comedy week laughing at the irreverent jokes that Andrew Bolt finds so offensive . But what Alexander really shows is the historic fear of those who believe  they just might have an unjustified right to privilege and that the left are really echoing truth. That progress can't be made by division but solidarity and unity. 

 How is it that the rate of wealth has increased in the past decade so much but the rate of poverty has not declined but increased as well. So much so that the solution to prosperity is a further increase in poverty and the reduction of welfare. Mannered silence is what the right likes to hear.


Pacific Islanders are gang "muscle"

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Andrew Bolt would choke to say he was wrong. His lists however will be expanding but never to say that these kids are in fact being groomed by Australians . Those same Australians he claims are facing danger from "Pacific Islanders" who for months he has been calling Africans. What would he do but remain silent should these kids turn out to be NZers. Basically it shows Bolt isn't addressing any issue just politicizing his anti immigration and bigoted position. 40% of the kids in Malmsbury could be Islanders??? Doesn't anybody know who 40% of youth in our justice system are? That alone is an indictment on Bolt, the justice system and our courts. It does suggest however these kids are most likely Australians and not the immigrants Bolt accuses. It shows that Andrew Bolt hasn't a clue about what's going on and has been selectively cherry picking incidents to push his yes Racial Bigotry.

CFMEU claims ownership of Labor

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This post can't be evaluated because it's a paywall to The Australian

As I have always said Andrew Bolt believes ISIS, Donald Trump, Wikileaks and now  the CFMEU over and above those the claims to support. When Tony Abbott is over heard he has a good chance of regaining the Prime Ministership that's a lie. Bolt is least likely to believe the police, than he is street kids, You need to ask whose side is Bolt on. What information does he actually use to formulate his opinions. It seems it doesn't matter his conclusions are fixed and all he has to do is feed in selected facts the quality of which doesn't matter in order to substantiate the answers and conclusions already drawn. Isn't that propaganda? Haven't we been sold toothpaste in the same way for as long as we can remember? 

This post can't be evaluated because it's a paywall to The Australian


The 100 most damaging Wikileaks emails

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 Has Bolt turned to American Nazis to support his argument The Millenium Report?'The Motherlode of Jewish Lists' –– Everything you ever wanted to ...

Do we believe everything we hear on media ask yourself  why the conservatives were calling for Julian Assange to be assassinated one moment and now hailed as hero? It's not uncommon for people like Bolt to character assassinate a persons  one moment and then promote them as the worlds most honest the next. He  does it with ISIS and here he's doing it with Julian Assange why? Truth has no relevance to a bullshitter nor do lies they carry equal weight. Their  relevance  is in their use  to achieve an end goal. That's all there is as far as Bolt is concerned  the ends justifies any means and that's all that counts. The Millennial Report his source is a sensationalist blog  It's the Trump way.  Here is  a typical post by this group who sound very anti- Semitic to me But not it appears to Andrew Bolt.

The FBI  has not found any impropriety to bring about charges against Clinton and as Bolt writes the head of the FBI is being questioned as to his motivation for stirring up a shit storm 9 days out from the election rather than after.Hillary Clinton email scandal: James Comey’s fitness to lead FBI questioned


Why have we donated to Clinton's Foundation?

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Wow successive governments ahve given to many presidential foundations the Clinton Foundation just one. What is it's crime ? It employed Julia Gillard. Julia Gillard has been appointed Honary professor of Kings College London and also Adelaide University Bolt doesn't have much to say on that. However he himself was shown the door at Adelaide. It's never been a secret that she is a Hilary Clinton supporter. What point is Andrew Bolt trying to make here? Tony Abbott contributed $140 mill dollars to the Clinton Foundation he must be as corrupt as Julia Gillard for doing so.

The case for voting for Trump

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Glen Reynalds Bolt's source sounds like Donald Trump and he 's saying Clinton is more dangerous. Here is a taste of the man you can be the judge. This is the sort of free speech Andrew Bolt advocates we "need" here. Glen Reynalds is Trump you be the judge.
" In the past, Reynolds has called for the assassination of Iranian scientists and clerics,and advocated the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea "if they start anything."
" In 2016, Reynolds posted the words "Run them down" to his Twitter account, in response to a news tweet that said "Protesters on I-277 stopping traffic and surrounding vehicles" after the fatal shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina."

Turnbull freezes out his indigenous advisor

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Warren Mundine was appointed by Tony Abbott he isn't the selected or even elected choice of  Indigenous Australians. Having said that it's quite clear Malcolm Turnbull wants an inquiry that is broader than just on man's opinion. Andrew Bolt seems to have issues with that. After all Warren Mundine is Bolt's expert on his Report. He just might not be as relevant supporting Bolt's views that all Aboriginal problems are part of their Culture rather than anything to do with what white Australia can be seen to be doing out of some misinformed guilt. There is nothing according to Bolt that indicates a racist or apartheid history in this country.
Mundine was appointed Abbott's personal adviser and wasn't appointed as a fixed adviser or only adviser on Aboriginal affairs. Had Abbott managed to appoint Lomborg as his adviser  on Climate there would have been a cry of thunder. It goes to show just what a token Mundine actually was. Mundines personal disappointments get more amplification than that of the people he seems not to represent that says more about Bolt and Mundine than the actual problems staring at Indigenous and Australia as a whole there has been a history of Turkey's laid since Colonisation. The greatest being Andrew Bolt declaring he is more Indigenous than even Warren Mundine.

Warren Mundine: reform the Racial Discriminat...

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Democracy relies on an informed electorate and Andrew Bolt is crying for Australia to be as informed an electorate as America is today. Bolt was convicted on Sections 18C & D. Section C simply asks an adjudicator to act by either mediation or judgement that an offense had occurred. In Bolt's case mediation failed and Bolt tried as is his right to defend himself under Section 18D. He failed and failed decisively because his offense was to have lies and he had no regard for the facts. Bolt wants the RDA changed so that he can continue to lie and say what he wants with no regard for the facts. Should any complaints occur they can be handled civilly  another word privately and at a cost. In other words where money talks and those offended haven't the power to complain un less they are Clive Palmer or the magistrate Popovich who sued Bolt and won a $250,000 settlement.
As for Mundine talking in the abstract he is just another voice one which Bolt seems to thinks deserves special attention why? Is it the color of his skin, that he was an Abbott appointment or because he agrees with Bolt. There are discussions we can't have about many things that restrict free speech Bolt isn't arguing against them all why?

How they tried to fool you about the rain

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  This is little more than an ad calling for subscriptions to  a News Corp  mast head the Herald Sun and it's Andrew Bolt trying to fool you. I can't comment on it's content because you have to pay and I refuse to encourage Bolt or News Corp financially. Aside from that one can guess the fact that Bolt is about to smear Australia's Scientific Reputation is sufficient to realize he's little more than a lead weight trying to bring our economy down as far as Scientific research and quality is concerned. Bolt generally is not known for speaking about Global Science when he focuses on the CSIRO or the Dept of Meteorology with access too 66% of Australia's print media he has enormous weight which he uses with no responsibility advocating the ideas of less than 3% of the Scientific community referencing in the main only the vested interests of those  advocating for the Fossil Fuel Industry.


Destroying Victoria's cheap electricity

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This is the real definition of alarmism and not skepticism. Putting the brakes on is expensive when moving forward;

"Victoria is about to lose a quarter of its electricity supply as the "dirty" Hazelwood coal-fired power station closes. The nation's power supply will become less reliable, Victorian electricity prices will rise and 1000 workers will lose their jobs.
Isn't it time to call out this global warming madness before more people get hurt?"

  There is no science involved here but the fossil fuel lobby in action. The price of renewables is plummeting the two biggest nations on the planet once the largest buyers of coal are turning their energy source around the coal mining industry is looking  for a means to reduce it's expenses in order to still make a profit when they can't and coal mines are being closed the ones still operating are cutting costs how by laying off labor. This is a global activity it hasn't anything to do with "Hazelwood". Australia has to either join the world in changing and it can either be a laggard or a leader. Unfortunately it's very much a laggard. How is it Australia is the only country on the planet subsidizing mining and not even taking royalties from the mega miners? How is it these miners are accessing cheap labour via the 457 visa scheme and how is it  they are developing technologies to reduce their labor force by half. What single advantage are they promising Australia rather than just their own bottom line. Who cleans up the mess when they have gone?

 What we are looking at is a sunset industry while our government has it's foot on the throat of a sunrise one. Bolt is gasping like a fish out of water I'm afraid and he knows it.

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