Thursday, 17 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,17/11/16; Bolt has often declared ISIS statements as truth over and above others. Now He and Trump are recruiters. ISIS says so!! Rushing to normalize Trump; Reverse Sexism; You don't say?; Abbott unplugged ugly; 2 Wongs do make a right; Photo Shopped; Heterophobia; Albo Back on the Bolt Report;

ISIS Release Horrifying Statement About Donald Trump 

Just how many times have we heard Andrew Bolt be the advocate of the truth of ISIS media. Bolt took their word over and above ASIO, the AFP, The Police the FBI the CIA and so many other Western National Security bodies worldwide when they declared events not to be ISIS associated. Andrew Bolt was the first to accept the word of ISIS  to prove we were in the danger  and terrorists acts were happening here. Tony Abbott declared  they were coming and Bolt was eager to show they had arrived. Extremists and our ultra conservatives maintained even if not ISIS  they were inspired even when it was obvious that there was no connection.
  Andrew Bolt  was seen as a leader along with others as a leader of the pack and was  declared a major terrorist recruiter for the terrorist organization because of the Islamophobia he generated. The fear he and the conservatives wanted for support of domestic policies. So now that  ISIS Release Horrifying Statement About Donald Trump  We can more than assume  Andrew Bolt is a major recruiter here after all he  fully believes their statements. Will he still maintain their truth now. Will he even try to explain what it was he's always meant supporting their propaganda. Trump is far more influential than Bolt so when ISIS maintains

“This guy is a complete maniac. His utter hate towards Muslims will make our job much easier because we can recruit thousands. Our leaders were closely following the US election but it was unexpected that the Americans will dig their own graves and they did so.”
So  Bolt's  support of Trump and his own extreme stance on Muslims in general makes him as much a recruiting tool for extreme Islamists  everywhere or is Bolt a hypocrite and about to deny ISIS he and Trump are all on the same page. Will Bolt remain silent or continue to be the total hypocrite he is and  keep turning to ISIS for his support  claiming our security is insufficient and incompetent. Will he continue to recruit young Muslims by vilifying all Muslims with his "Who let them in cherry picked list" accusing them  of ISIS associated associated terror  and crime here.
" According to Reuters, the commander at least showed a little respect to Obama, calling him “a moderate infidel with at least a little brain in comparison to Trump.”
Of course, if Trump really wants to defeat ISIS, then it looks like he should probably take a look at the current occupier of the White House. He is the leader of ISIS, after all. Right?"




Bishop Billings: Trump is a revolt against smug media

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Talk of jumping on the the Trump wagon and normalizing  Donald Trump!!  Don't kid yourself there will be a new normal and it won't be pretty. Didn't anyone hear what he'd said publicly was "“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic, ?  That's what we heard Trump say a week ago. He promised he'd build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. That's now possibly going to be a fence and even that's not certain as for Mexico paying for it well that was a "useful campaign device" accordint to Trump Tony Abbott had a lot of those notice how this is not called a  lie.  Well while being lied to his followers cheered but not all of them as  Andrew Bolt and Billings suggest just the deplorables the KKK and real extremists.  Many expect the swamp to be drained, jobs and opportunity to be created for them. They expect money is no object and hello Andrew who is totally against stimulus packages is all for Trumps sending American debt to 110% over GDP.    If they believe that this to be "normal" along with everything else Donald Trump did in his campaign then they to fill that basket of deplorables themselves.

 Apparently now they Billings and Bolt are  crying hallelujah to the dating their daughters  and grabbing women's pussies and all the other Trump bullshit that was only a campaign device. Today even Tony Abbott the devout Catholic and moral man has changed his lycra and put on Trumps colours. Filth is filth, lies are lies, unsociability is what it is and calling out publicly for people at rallies to punch each other is the new norm for a safe America. All  declared legitimate  under the entitlement of  free speech. 

Bolt and Billings are either saying Trump didn't say these things or he was lying. The record shows he said all of this and more. Either way it reflects what they believe to be a fair and normal society.  Why the fuck do these two wear suits in public? To convince us they are honest and not the subset of suit wearers that are liars troglodytes,con men and proud of it. Does Billings, a Christian walk with Donald Trump and his appointees who are Anti- Semite, KKK supporters Stephen Bannon and Ultra Hawk war monger Bolton and others. Trumpers are more than just a revolt against "smug media" how effen simplistic is that comment by Billings? Bolt and he are the ones truly calling Trump voters dumb. They have been blindsided by their frustration.

What did this vote against the establishment produce?



2 Electoral College Members Tell Fox News They Won’t Vote for Trump (VIDEO)



Ford verbals Fordham in angry search for sexists

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 Yep the poor rapists are the victims of reverse sexism isn't that the case in the real world when some are arrested and found guilty. There are no sexists other than those that complain of the new norm of the walking wounded of injured men being told what they are and have been doing for years is unfair.




Turnbull: I won't reappoint Gillian Triggs

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  What Bolt calls unfair  is it Turnbull speaking the truth no! Not saying he was sacking her no! He'd easily be called a liar then so why is this so important to Bolt you'd think he'd be pleased? Turnbull is stating the obvious and all  Bolt is out to do is never normalize Turnbull even the obvious needs to  be made sound deceptive and incompetent. 
However normalizing a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic Islamophobic and rip off merchant like Donald Trump is easy as. It's all in your values and it has nothing to do with logic as far as Bolt's concerned. 
The momentum against Section 18C & D is  a must all politically and media driven. It  hasn't the same enthusiasm with the public and  so Bolt isn't calling for a plebiscite on that. He is however calling for the American right of Freedom of Speech and so he needs to make Trump a hero who used that freedom for good and  all that disinformation helped the noble outcome. That ia load of.... isn't it?
Unplugging Abbott is letting the bullshit run freely and hearing "I'm Trump"  and Labor supporters those that I call deplorables will vote for me. There heads are well and truly up their clackers. Yes they are the Reclaim Australia One Nation and the recruiters of terror but Abbott will always be remembered for having thrown Pauline into jail on one hand and sucking up to her on the other not a true believer just another careerist politician.

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Labor divided as Wong lurches Left

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Trump said we are not spending enough

"Mr Trump’s campaign rhetoric ran counter to the views of most Australians and embraced positions that did not align with our interests in the Asia-Pacific."

Logic dictates if that's the fact it's America moving away from Australia and if that's the case a recalibration is necessary and not just blind acceptance

She pushed for a considered recalibration of Australia’s approac­h to the alliance, framing the US election result as a historic “change point” that had the poten­tial to fashion a “very different world and a very different US”..."

What is being said and done here is the desperate need to normalize Trump because if the coalition doesn't it will once again follow America down the rabbit hole as we've done before. The Coalition has to side with Trump whatever.

" Note: Trump is still two months from becoming president and has not made a single foreign police decision." Bolt

Well note back at you Bolt what your saying is Trump can't be believed as far what he has said and promised during is election campaign. Doesn't that make the considered thought Wong was talking about even more important if the Mad Hatter is suddenly in control? "If Wong does not grow up she should be shipped out." Bolt Even Bolt is using  Trump rhetoric

Trump-hating Left is what it condemns

17 Nov Andrew Bolt posted this yesterday without the photo as if it was in fact a made up post. Today he's posted it again but as if it was in fact photo shopped. None of the other signs have anything legible on them while this one is as clear as and another indication that it just might be bullshit it's facing backwards to the person holding it up. Do people usually hold their signs up backwards at a perfect angle in a crowded bustle ready for a camera shot? I don't think so the words have been added. As I said Bolt was called out yesterday for posting this claim "without" evidence. Today he's repeated it and found a photo but without the link only a paywall
Trump-hating Left is what it condemns

Turnbull smeared by gay activists

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  Hetrophobia the victimization of hetrosexuals by the almighty LGBTQ movement that's provided Australia with it's oppressive cultural identity throughout the ages is on the warpath and hetrosexual bashing again. This time of our poor PM.  Poofta bashing is a legitimate defense by Andrew Bolt who demands his rights have been trodden on at time this poofta bashing has been know to have resulted in justifiable homicide for which the innocent have been blamed.
Turnbull smeared by gay activists



Er... Anyone got Trump's number?

  Did Andrew Bolt have his phone number such a close and up close member of Rupert Murdoch's staff. After all Fox was his main media support throughout the campaign. Oh  so all the heads of all countries globally are to be castigated for not ringing candidate Trump before the election it that protocol or just Bolt normalizing Trump again. I'm sure Trump and his family are on a silent number and Bolt wouldn't have got it if he could. If he didn't try he should sack his production team because he sure as hell needs the ratings. At the moment The Bolt Report is a carousel of the same old horses going around and around again ad nuseum and why for money.
Er... Anyone got Trump's number?

Albo puts Shorten on notice

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  It's all about ratings and a lazy susan of ideas for Bolt
How Bolt extrapolates "we need to change leader" from our vote is too low beats me it's being said at Sky too does that mean a change of management or presenters? Unlike Abbott Albo is not undermining Shorten. Is Bolt suggesting he should as it would allow Abbott a try. Unless Abbott's in cabinet he can't can he? I think Bolt is trying to get Albo on his show again.

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