Thursday 9 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,9/3/17; Crash and burn quickly; Bolt facing competition from the Right; Affirmative Action Reverses the Natural Order;



Tony Thomas on my speech to launch a new book on the cost of global warming scaremongering: "What he can’t figure, he told his lunchtime audience, is why the greater public remains unmoved by the costly peddling of alarmist fantasies, lies, deceits and evasions, not to mention the imposition of unworkable solutions on a non-problem."

  This is an ad for a book by Alan Moran , No! It's an ad for 1) An egocentric Andrew Bolt that places himself before anything anyone has to sell "Tony Thomas on my speech to launch a new book on the cost of global warming scaremongering:" Bolt. Not a mention of Moran's book.
Does anybody notice the collator of the book whose name is on the cover is totally ignored. Now that's selling ones self and not even the subject matter. It's not even a hint as to the book's content about Warming in the Trump era. Warming in the Trump era is reflected in what Trump has done to the EPA in the USA recently. He's had "Scientific Standards" and "Science" removed from the EPA's official mission statement altogether along with any mention of a 97% consensus of peer -reviewed research by Climatologists on the matter. It's been replaced by the "Economically affordable and technologically possible standards" evaluated by the unnamed. Guess Which Word the EPA Just Deleted From Its Science Mission Statement | Mother Jones
Not a mention is made by Bolt or Thomas of the book and it's reference to Trump whose name is also on the cover. Who were Bolt and Thomas launching but themselves. No mention that electricity prices have already doubled since the dropping of the Carbon Tax. Not a mention that AGL Australia's biggest fossil fuel energy producer and exporter says we need a tax scheme to drive investment and create jobs in the sector. Not a mention that the privatization of the energy market has done the reverse of what was promised and driven prices up. What did Bolt offer at the launch? A collection of his little of anecdotes of  micro-events from which to generalize about Global Science which he refutes simply because his tulips in his back yard are fine.
Egocentric yes to the max. Who do you pay attention to 97% of scientists , experts doing global peer-reviewed research or Andrew Bolt laughing at Tim Flannery or telling us polar bears were seen in increased numbers in a small part of Canada this year and extrapolating from those tid bits to the science of the planet. Yes Andrew you and Thomas's inflammatory mockery does work. It reflects on the two of you but is of no global concern to the Science.

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Bolt's belief that Autocracy is better than Democracy is plain and clear. His belief in totalitarian leadership and his heritage of Aalesmeer and it's anti- Semitic past is showing. Paul Kelly and Nikki Savva are right Bolt does reflect the destructive mad and intolerant fringe and it goes without saying that the Australian electorate don't because they still don't like Abbott. One Nation's fall from grace in the polls that Bolt draws attention to is telling. Realty bites but  the spin Bolt and the right wing media put on it is being "no matter" . "I'd quibble with only one thing: with so many strange people attracted to this fledgling party, many thinking they know better than the party's creator and sole draw card, it may be safer to be dictatorial for now."Bolt
This might be easy for Bolt to say but it's sure not the advice you need when your backs to the wall is it?  It's not advice that's going to deliver the desired  outcome. A shrug is not tactical advice and it seems that's all Bolt's got to offer. Who does Bolt advise is Hanson's bet for her burning parachute ? Phony Tony Abbott no  but he would love Tony to do what he already once did stole her support and had Pauline jailed? That's the principles these people uphold the Brutus principle when your not looking.
Bolt's doing what he did for Abbott boosting Hanson for saying "I was stupid" Abbott kept doing it what are the odds that Hanson will too. In the end Bolt just shut up.



Australian Jonathan Swan, now with US-based Axios: "One Nation polled at 8% in [a national] poll conducted recently... In Queensland the party's support is 23%....  White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is following these developments... And his former website Breitbart is eyeing Australia as a potential place to launch a new foreign outpost."  

Imagine new even more alt right competition for News Corp in Australia. Is it any wonder, Andrew Bolt has been feeding off Breitbart ideas for years. Milo been sacked he will have to look for his seeming originality elswhere . It's difficult to find non news organizations more right wing than he is to scrape ideas from. It's called churnalism and Bolt is a practitioner.  Guess he's still got the Catallaxy Files ( IPA) The Menzies Research Center etc. They like Breitbart aren't news media sites either but political think tanks so he won't be sprung. Breitbart’s click-hate echo chamber is a threat to Europe. Here’s why 
 Image result for Images against affirmative action


Des Houghton is right, given one of this university's staff sued innocent students for $250,000 under these laws: "Why has the Queensland University of Technology been so quiet on the national controversy over race hate laws that flared at its Gardens Point campus? I thought universities were the best place to have these kinds of informed debate." 
"Surely the Queensland University of Technology has a special responsibility to protect future students from going through this Kafkaesque nightmare - and from losing their free speech. It should also remove its official racism"Bolt
So here is the truth Bolt really doesn't give a rats about equality fairness or affirmative action any disadvantaged student shouldn't be given any preference or opportunity over and above the natural order of  the social hierarchy that exists in wider society now. Indigenous, Women, Handicapped, given any leg up merely means disadvantage for those already up the social ladder which amounts to reverse discrimination. Imagine having to take your foot off the head of the person below you. Race hate laws are a reflection of this "reverse discrimination" because according to Bolt  it's impinging on natural competition in a free market by tying the rich and wealthy kids arms behind their backs. Life isn't a handicap however forget inheritance etc.
 Courses like History, Sociology, Politics and the Liberal Arts need to be dropped because they are dangerous a natural nest for left wing  thinking. They should be at least restructured to reflect conservative thinking by being more functional and less critical dissuade entry by eliminating free education. Bolt might have passed first year uni if critical thinking were taken out of the equation instead of failing in Adelaide.
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The ABC’s mad stunt on Wednesday — replacing male presenters with women — is the latest example of the mirror morality of the narcissists. Here is the ABC actually being sexist to show it’s not. Similarly, we see the Left being racist to show they’re not. Being intolerant to show they’re not.
  Remember Bolt is a "flipper" Racism = Reverse Racism Sexism = Reverse Sexism. Forget reality just flip any argument that comes your way.  It's the schholyard blitz your a bully = no you are a bully for calling me one. Just how many ways and on how many days can this self named "public intellectual" embarass himself but more so his readers. Here is the ABC actually being sexist to show it’s not. Bolt The answer for as long as he wants because that's what a Narcissistic Personality Disorder entails. However it's even more than that which Bolt doesn't seem aware that sufferers can't see it's not just flipping for arguments sake but it is having an over inflated image of ones self and an ignorance of the topic at hand. Such as paying symbolic respect to the 69 mill women who have no schooling. Acknowledging that half the world are women but represent 90% of the unemployed. Bolt's flipping game might be fun in a moot but has little or no relevance to reality. Reverse racism and sexism don't exist



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Green energy and green bans on gas exploration are driving up power prices and killing business. Ten per cent of power generation has already been shut down and the Australian Energy Council now warns we risk "deindustrialising" Australia.  But wasn't this always the aim of green zealots?
  There is a lie for a start AGL admits it exports Australian gas at a cheaper price than it sells domestically. There is no natural shortage in gas. The gas we sell may have to be bought back now that's more than a strange concept. Explain that Andrew Bolt. AGL also believes we need a Carbon Tax explain that Mr Bolt why? To drive investment into their expanding sector and transition to Green Energy. If you cant believe the biggest player in the Australian energy market who do you believe Andrew Bolt? Isn't it Interesting that Andrew Bolt makes no reference to AGL whatsoever why? Because privatisation of the energy market has driven costs up and not down as promised.

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One says Turnbull can't do it, the other insists he can. One says the Government needs to edge to the Right, the other insists it should not for fear of losing seats held by the Left. Read and decide for yourself.
 Well we now have a picture of Bolt don't we he's the dummy sitting on Newman's lap not just boosting Abbott but demanding him back. It also fits with Bolt's advice to One Nation  today where Bolt declares Democracy to be a waste of time and energy it's time for a dictator and autocrat to take over and that's Abbott. Bolt's totally Gobellian in that regard no two ways about it. However what do the polls say about the return of Abbott? What do they say about his return to the leadership Bolt doesn't care for polls only when they reflect what he wants.
Savva " There are many changes Turnbull has to make to his government’s style, substance and personnel. He has to make them without delay, to get himself and the government into fit enough shape to fight the next election. Becoming Pauline in drag is not one of them." For a start Savva realizes a change is needed as well. While Bolt's yelling fire fire and we've heard it all before when there wasn't even smoke.  Labor lost the election Abbott didn't win it. She is being pragmatic rather than hysteric and at the same time is sounding far more Australian than Bolt. She and Kelly believe in Democracy Conservatives don't the tenor of their hysteria shows they don't and even Bolt demands it be done away with. So what do the polls say Bolt do we want Abbott back because we know exactly what he was like as a leader a liar, a man of broken promises, captain's choices, remote, and Australia's embarrassment. He was a comedic figure in the eyes of the world and continued to be after. Remember the Alfalfa Club and "I'm a much remembered statesman" the fake photo shoot for the Daily Telegraph set up by Rupert Murdoch. I haven't forgotten has Australia?


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What have we imported: "The new principal of a southwest Sydney school was allegedly verbally threatened by two men just days after taking up his appointment, amid expectations that he will overturn the previous headmaster’s refusal to adopt the NSW government’s anti-radicalisation programs."

 Here is the story Bolt's been running without sources the story that's supposed to have been happening for two and a half years during which time there wasn't a peep from anyone. The story that only raised a fuss now. Isn't it strange it continues without sources not even a comment from Bolt's victim the new principal. It's Bolt's "alleged story of the week". How many MSM orgs are running it? If the alleged abuse has happened recently is it because Bolt's beat up has made it happen? Has Bolt sent in two supporters to his dirty work for him to create the "alleged" event. Put this in the context of Bolt's past of being convicted of being loose with facts and lying. Being found guilty of slander. Now ask yourself what's going on here.
 If you read the article in the Daily Telegraph it's significantly different from Bolt's story and it appears everyone has been left in the dark. Given The telegraph is in Sydney and is a part of News Corp which is the only paper writing on the issue how is it that Andrew Bolt seems to tell us he's better informed and he's here in Melbourne. The Telegraph makes no mention of the anti- radicalization programs. The police report actually mentions verbal abuse yes but because students and families weren't notified of the change. All the anger seems to be about top down decisions made and not discussed with the PTA or grass roots at the school. Any disturbance made wasn't initiated from the bottom up as Bolt seems to suggest. Is this a case of fake news one wonders? Once again given it's Andrew Bolt doing the reporting it's highly likely.

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