Wednesday 3 May 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,3/5/17; Bolt Turns to Norway but not their politics; Blaming Turnbull not the Conservatives; Climate wanking; Lets sanction China Julie calls Bolt; Islamo Phobia; Oh the Catholics haven't been picked on since the great conservative era of the 50s;



A study shows Norwegian immigrants become less integrated over the years, thanks in part to a generous welfare system. This is not how it's meant to work at all.
Be warned Bolt's link is Breitbart renowned for Fake News

 " Yet, the analysis reveals substantial heterogeneity within admission class and points to an 
important role of host‐country schooling for successful immigrant labor market integration."
If you want an improved immigration system you need to prepare for it is what Bolt leaves out of his post. If you import unskilled labor you won't miraculously get skilled. Nobody says immigrants shouldn't be vetted furthermore immigrants aren't refugees who are a minor group in need. Bolt however targets refugees not immigrants and when he does he's is ultra racist for a purpose.
 Racism for political purpose goes back as far as the 70s when "Rock Against Racism" fought the UK's National Front. The politics of Racism is reflected in our statistics as it is in Norway. The Norwegian figures tell us there are Andrew Bolt's in Norway just as there are here. Racism has loomed larger because of the right wing and ultra Nationalists and not despite them. 
It appears Bolt now uses those statistics from the furthest place on the globe Norway to predict  what will happen here if. Well it's self fulfilling prophecy if he can make racism grow there will be the "i told you so result" he wants.  Focus is entirely taken off the fact as to why refugees are here in the first place... War.
 He could just as well have warned us that imprisonment rates of indigenous Australians have gone up and are now 65% of the prison population in NSW . I wonder what will happen in the next 65,000 years will it be 100%.  The laws are being tightened as is sentencing which will ensure more Indigenous Australians are put away, According to Bolt they are to blame for things getting worse on most social indicators.
The problem Bolt avoids is acknowledging if the system fails to help people survive they turn and create systems of their own in order to survive. So if Bolt can't make black people turn white his solution is a Final One get rid of them and we know that political thinking is not new..  For almost 2 decades we have seen conservatives turn up the heat on racism for political reasons  it culminated in a call to war by 2GB's Alan Jones  at Cronulla and has been intensified ever since then. So yes it's inevitable that as long as immigration and it's most visible forms are pointed out and used politically race, colour religion and culture you will inevitably get what you ask for a self fulfilling particularly when media organizations like News Corp are participants. You don't need to be a migrant for that to occur just an Indigenous Australian. They become the victims in the conservative fight to maintain power. If Andrew Bolt keeps calling you a fuckwit and you eventually respond  he'll get even louder and say see!!!
As for the Indigenous Australians Bolt once called them "white " that you couldn't tell who is an Aborigine from an Australian like him. Apparently the NSW they can. Back in the 70s Rock Against Racism was a reaction to the Bolt's of the day the National Front back then and One Nation today. Abbott and Howard stole there political position back then and will again today and we will see pushback to their division  of Austalia and we will hear "see I told you so again and again and again from Bolt" who is the voice of Enoch Powell

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Normally you'd first figure out how to lift school standards and then work out the cost. But Malcolm Turnbull has done the opposite: "Turnbull [will] pump an extra $19 billion into schools...  Mr Gonski will conduct a new review for the government ... on how the extra money can best be spent to ensure it boosts student performance."
 Scandanavia just one such place. Using Bolt's approach to the post above overseas comparison. In countries where Education  is free the results are rising. We chose the American model of education user pays and comparatively we are no longer the worlds best but we are the worlds most expensive. Notice Bolt blames this on Turnbull "who hasn't worked out why standards are falling". Abbott wanted to privatize the the tertiary system totally with no cap on fees just like the USA whose education system is in a nose dive. We are now using the 457 visa to import knowledge and I'm sure Bolt thinks that's fine too because it's cheaper except he hates the number of Indians and other colored migrants he sees in our hospitals and IT services.


Richard Lindzen, one of the world's most famous climate scientists, reviews the global warming evidence and concludes: "The accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ for forthcoming catastrophe. Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all."
2) The key take out it took 2 centuries of human activity to where we are today an increase in the CO2 levels never recorded before and less and less of a deniers attitude to Climate Change. However it's now expected that policies put in place today need to show that there has been an immediate reversal or else they are a waste of time. Solar, Wind, Hydro solutions to clean energy are a waste of time? The fact is Clean Energy solutions today are cheaper than traditional solutions and employ more people
3) Why do people like Bolt need to turn to the naysayers like Lindzen and Borg when and if their interests aren't being fulfilled and pay them for their denials? Remeber Borg Abbott was going bump his income by millions to have him here when even the Koch Bros had dumped him. Why can't the admit the race is lost and it seems Australia is the last stand of the luddites.
 The Guardian reported in June 2016 that Lindzen has been a beneficiary of Peabody Energy, a coal company that has funded multiple groups contesting the climate consensus.[71] Lindzen has been called a contrarian, in relation to climate change and other issues.[72][73][74] Lindzen's graduate students describe him as "fiercely intelligent, with a deep contrarian streak."[75]
The characterization of Lindzen as a contrarian has been linked to his view that lung cancer has only been weakly linked to smoking. Writing in Newsweek, Fred Guterl stated "Lindzen clearly relishes the role of naysayer. He'll even expound on how weakly lung cancer is linked to cigarette smoking. He speaks in full, impeccably logical paragraphs, and he punctuates his measured cadences with thoughtful drags on a cigarette"[76] – an observation that was later echoed by Robyn Williams.[77]


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China bullies and Julie Bishop caves: "Participants at an intergovernmental meeting hosted by Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop in Perth have described "disgusting" and "extraordinary" scenes [by] the Chinese government delegation.... A Taiwanese delegation was later ejected from the ... meeting at the behest of the Chinese delegates."
 Gosh why didn't Australia obey International protocols when they illegally bombed Syria and illegally invaded Iraq. Why is Bolt being  so anal for rules when he supports the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. Bolt yells and rants and even gets convicted for breaking rules like the Chinese. Well the Chinese it seems is mirroring behavior Bolt actually approves of. He just hates Julie Bishop and the fact that she ranks so much higher than Tony Abbott should Turnbull fall.

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Former Labor Minister Gary Johns: "The ABC’s great mistake is that it paints a particular future. Take two long-running examples: its promotion of an idealised Islam in pursuit of multiculturalism, and its obsession with renewables as a response to climate change." Read it all.
Gary Johns is talking  yes but feet are for dancing and not thinking as he is doing. The obsession with renewables is not an idealized political ideology it's a economic reality. Investors are queued up taking their money out of the fossil fuel industry the only thing holding them back in Australia is the politics. The money is being spent anyway ask AGL, Origin, Eugenie, as they are waving coal goodbye. Westpac and the private sector aren't Labor voters or obsessed with any pipe dream today's pipe dream is Adani.
Islam 73 nations and cultures practice Islam which has as many sects and branches as as Christianity if not more most of whom 1.3 billion people are not adhering to some idealized form. The only people that are is ISIS and  those that believe ISIS is Islam and that in the main are the extreme right Conservatives like Andrew Bolt who found advantage in episodes like the Cronulla rights to win votes. 2GB was an active participant in in encouraging those riots it wasn't the actions of the Labor Party and it continues today.

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Malcolm Turnbull has promised to spend another $19 billion on schools, yet still ends up with a brawl with his base: "The government announced the funding for 24 independent Catholic and private schools would go backwards." That's disavantaging Christians and the aspirational who pay so much extra already for education.
 So Bolt has to recruit his Troll Peter BH who recruits a writer from the Australian and yes a balanced journalist from guess where the ABC that den of leftist thinking which employs a Labor voter like Donnelly. So it's everybody against Turnbull not Abbott who was going to cut funding to Catholic schools and did. Bolt's banner makes out it's just Catholic schools but it's not it's the Independent schools as well. However Donnelly points out it's the low fee paying schools as well the schools Bolt generally doesn't think twice about. Nobody points out however that it's on the basis of need that the the schools are to be chosen. Further more Turnbull's return to Gonski is a review of needs based funding so the threat and fight Turnbull is picking is not "with the Catholics" as Bolt tries to make out  but over funded private schools.

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My editorial from The Bolt Report: Malcolm Turnbull said we had to cut spending. Then he said there was good debt, and not just bad debt. And today he went on a huge spending spree, complete with bad debt. Do you understand it?
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 Bolt is against infra structure spending, education and national growth need to be cut. He wants to stop cut Immigration and Education for all and there's  no doubt he has expectations about where those cuts should be made and how. The fact the homeless are so obvious on our streets today doesn't phase him at all because they can be moved or processed. 
Remember it was Tony Abbott who raised the debt ceiling not Labor nor Turnbull. Abbott didn't spend it on good debt did he it was all flags uniforms war against the world and even Australians that didn't fit his expectations of of who we are. British Monarchist European Australia and all trumpets were blowing.
How is it Bolt and Abbott's expectations of this country are so divorced from reality? Most mentally ill people wind up in hospital because of their inability  to distinguish the difference. Their understanding isn't derived from the rational analysis of facts and it's why they are so intent on reducing any Institution that practices it. The ABC, Education, and Sciences in general.
 Labour's NBN was good idea based on a need to take Australia's communication system into the future until Abbott fucked it declaring it little more than an entertainment system we could ill afford and that MXT will do the same. Nobody could have been so wrong and we have slid to 60th plus in the world in efficient communication. Abbott however spent money lavishly on defence but we  don't make weapons so we failed to gain any benefit from his Buy it from the Japanese scheme.  Now Bolt says increased investment in Education is a bad debt and not strategic spending. Educating our kids is a bad investment in the future like the subs we can import the required smartness at cheaper rates from overseas when and if necessary. It's actually safer according to  conservatives  to have a dumbed down nation one populated non thinking voters lured into debt.
The problem Bolt's expectations are so removed from the reality in which we live all he's doing is hiding truth for the purpose maintaining the interests of only a small group of Australians. There is no room for debate or any exchange in Bolt's world because  you don't exist only his expectation of you exists and that is always a disappointment. Don't forget he was a minder to a belly dancer and his belly dancer poured shit on that fantasy.
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